Bring Middle-Earth into Your Minecraft Game Using the The Lord of The Rings Mod
It is common for people/players to wish to become the hero and be the chosen one with the power and ability to save the world. What The Lord of The Rings Mod can do is opposite to that. It is a dark-side-type of mod that helps players to dominate the world with agony and fear. So, if you have the same goal and looking for a mod that can you help fulfill it, you now know what mod to obtain.
What is The Lord of The Rings Mod?
It was in the last year when it became known that a huge expansion was being planned for the Minecraft game. This expansion will be made possible with the use of the mod. Through the mod, it will now be possible to add and bring Middle-Earth in the game. As expected, it includes the most famous work made by J.R.R. Tolkien, the Lord of the Rings series. Other related tales including the Silmarillion and The Hobbit is also expected to be added into the game eventually.
Using the The mod, players will be able to add a Middle-Earth dimension in the Minecraft system. Once installed, players will have access to a range of new terrain features and biome. Hence, this addition will let you enjoy a more fascinating gameplay, making your gaming experience more worthwhile. Other new items players will have access later on are new blocks, ores, foods and tools. Plus, the mod also provides the chance to interact with races and people that players know from the movies itself.
The Good or Evil Side – You Choose
This is one great feature The Lord of The Rings Mod Minecraft has. It has an interesting alignment system which allows you to choose the side you prefer to play, the evil or bad side. Most of all, this alignment system feature lets you modify the overall gameplay depending on what you want. Through that, you will have all the fun as you play the game and as you explore the game worlds.
More Quests and Challenges Means More Fun
Yes, that’s true. The Lord of The Rings Mod minecraft comes with a whole lot of quests and challenges for you to try, explore and enjoy. What’s more? The quests and challenges you may encounter all depends on the alignment and race you choose. So expect to encounter different quests and challenges to quench your adventurous side as you try out each race and alignment.
Play as You See Fit
Once the The Lord of The Rings Mod 1.7.10 is finally complete, expect to find an entirely new and made-more adventurous Minecraft game. But, the large and new adventure offered by the mod is not the only thing that can make your Minecraft experience worthwhile. It also offers a lot of customization options designed to let you play the game as you see fit. For the features, one of those that you should watch out for is the recipe mode-support, which you can surely access through the new crafting table mods.
Mod Videos:
How to install?
- Download and install the correct Minecraft Forge.
- Download the Lord of the Rings Mod.
- Run Minecraft once to ensure that Minecraft Forge is installed correctly. A Mods button should now be available in the main menu.
- Download a copy of the Lord of the Rings Mod jar (zip) and save it to the directory %appdata%/Roaming/.minecraft/mods. The mods directory is created by Minecraft Forge in the previous step.
- Run Minecraft and enjoy!
Download Links:
For minecraft 1.6.4
For minecraft 1.7.2
For minecraft 1.7.10
For minecraft 1.10.2/1.8
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Credit Mevans – – Original Thread on Minecraft F0rum
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