Minecraft plain version can be the less complicated method as compared to the perception of some people. Thus, if you are one of thousands of people with that kind of thinking, then you have to take a shot with the ComputerCraft Mod in order for you to put additional amazing Minecraft features.
ComputerCraft Mod Explained
ComputerCraft Mod Minecraft pertains to the mod that lets you to make programming, computers, and robots. With the mod you are able to put several exciting and interesting features all the time. This is also fun, reliable, exciting, and appropriate for a wide variety of users. If you are planning to have one, check this mod out and then, the next thing for you to perform is download it and then install it.
ComputerCraft refers to Minecraft mod that puts in-game Computers. Every Computer contains a file system, operating system, a set of built-in programs, which involved text editor, a real-time LUA interpreter, and many more. This is programmed in order to perform everything that you desire using the simple LUA language program. The Computers can cooperate on the Redstone bundled cables and wiring from RedPower2 mod, this means it can be utilized in order to completely control and automate and your worlds. Through the peripheral tool, the ability of the computers can be stretched further, through the Disk Drives having the capacity to move files between the computers, Wireless Modems , and play music
Together with the capacity to set computers and participate in programming, ComputerCraft Mod 1.11.2/1.10.2 can also let you place electronic music to the game, which is something that can add attraction.
The boundaries that you can have with the mod are absolutely your skills in coding, this is because with the assistance of mod you are allowed to create Redstone circuits and similarly you also have the chance of program customization that produced the Mod.
ComputerCraft Mod possess multitude of arranged things. The computer itself is not just appearing to be a computer, but can also work as one. It derives from the file system, the operating system, and the games.
- With this, you can attempt adding some peripherals in the game. It can be anything that will bring appreciation and enjoyment all the time.
- Crafting all your preferred items the game, coming from the floppy disk to the computer, wireless modems, and disk drive.
The creation of mod is centred towards multiple users, those who like to increase and experiment the level of realism. With this, they have their own ideas incorporated in game worlds of Minecraft.
In conclusion, It is the best and one of most thrilling mods that one can ever use for the beautification of the Minecraft world and let it to be prominent. This is the kind of mod that can be easily installed and can offer different things upon the beginning of playing that will even let you feel complete and satisfied with the ComputerCraft Mod 1.11.2/1.10.2/1.8/1.7.10
First, build a Computer (or its Advanced counterpart):
Then right click on its screen to interact. You’re now in the command prompt. Type “help” for an introduction, then type “programs” to see the list of programs you can run. Try running some of them. Type “help” followed by the name of a program to find out what it does. Don’t miss “worm” and “adventure”! When you’re ready to start creating your own programs, type “help programming” for advice on learning the Lua programming language, then use “edit” to create programs or “lua” to just start entering code. All the programs and APIs on the system have their own help pages.
Want more? Build a Disk Drive and Floppy Disks like so:
Place the disk drive next to the computer, put a disk into the drive, and access your computer again. Type “list”, and you’ll see that each Floppy Disk has it’s own folder. Now you can use the “copy” or “move” commands to move your programs onto disks, and carry the disks around to transfer files between machines! For some light entertainment, try putting a record into a disk drive and running the “dj” application.
Computer Disk Drives too static for you? Maybe you’re ready to craft some Turtles:
Access your Turtle like a computer, and you’ll see the similarities. Turtles run programs just like Computers, but have access to new programs and a new API to make them move around and interact with the world. Add some coal to the turtle and fuel up your turtle with “refuel”, then try experimenting with the “go”, “excavate” or “craft” programs. To write your own turtle programs, use “lua” or “edit” just as with the computer, and call functions from the “turtle” API. There’s a lot these little guys can do!
For truly advanced worlds, try building Wireless Modems and Wireless Turtles:
Attach your modem to your computer (sneak-click to place it on the side), or craft it together with a Turtle, and you now have devices that can use the “rednet” API to wirelessly send each other messages. This is one of the more advanced areas of the Mod, and requires programming, but anybody who’s used the internet knows the potential of wireless communication.
New in ComputerCraft 1.31 is the Monitor peripheral, build it like so:
Build lots of monitor blocks, and place them together, and you will see they expand to one contiguous display. If your computer is touching the display, it can be programmed to draw text to this screen, which will be visible to anyone who walks past. Try the monitor out by running the “monitor” program, like “monitor left hello”. Try to find the secret program added in 1.31 designed especially for monitors!
New in ComputerCraft 1.42 is the Printer:
Place a printer down next to your computer, supply it with paper and ink, or dye of any colour, and print messages for your friends! Either interact with the printer yourself using lua, or print documents using the “edit” program! Try feeding a printed page back into the input and changing the ink to print in different colours!
How to install?
- Download and install the recommended Minecraft Forge for your Minecraft version.
- Download the latest mod version for your Minecraft version.
- Put the .jar file into the mods folder of your Minecraft installation.
- Run Minecraft and enjoy!
Download Links:
For minecraft 1.12.2, 1.12.1, 1.12
Link Download : https://dl1.wminecraft.net/index.php?act=dl&id=1599532941
For minecraft 1.9.4
For minecraft 1.8.9
For minecraft 1.8
For minecraft 1.7.10
For minecraft 1.6.4
For minecraft 1.6.2
For minecraft 1.5.2
Credits: dan200 – – Original Thread on Minecraft F0rum – Website: computercraft.inf0
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