EnderChests are a stationary type of Ender Storage Mod. You can use dye on the wool pads on top of the chest to alter its color code. As an alternative, you can craft an EnderChest with three dyes to change the color code as well.

The whole Ender Storage system makes use of the magic of colors to link storage with its little piece of The end. Any EnderStorage with the same color code share inventory (even across dimensions). Currently there are two types of storage systems, EnderChest and EnderPouch.

EnderChests work as any other chest for the purposes of blocks that manipulate chests contents. This makes EnderChests an ideal way to transport items over vast distances in an instant. EnderPouches are a mobile type of EnderStorage. You can use an EnderPouch on any EnderChest to change the pouch color code to match that of the chest
Crafting Recipes:
Ender Chest
Ender Tank
Ender Pouch
How to install?
- Download and install the correct Minecraft Forge
- Download and install CodeChickenCore and CodeChickenLib.
- Download the Ender Storage Mod.
- Run Minecraft once to ensure that Minecraft Forge is installed correctly. A Mods button should now be available in the main menu.
- Download a copy of the Ender Storage Mod jar (zip) and save it to the directory %appdata%/Roaming/.minecraft/mods. The mods directory is created by Minecraft Forge in the previous step.
- Run Minecraft and enjoy!
Download links:
Name | Ender Storage Mod – EnderChests, Teleport items (1.19.2 -> 1.18.2 -> 1.7.10) |
Update on | February 25, 2023 |
Developer | unknown |
Get it on PC | Forge version
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