GTA is a game like no other. If you are the kind of person who likes adventures, real life places integrated in the game for an authentic experience is your ultimate quench to the desire. There are pretty awesome game mods that all have unique interface and something excited. The most important that takes your breath away is the Natural Vision Remastered which is an overhaul mode. One of the things that goes unnoticed in this game is the covert stealth mode. You know the moments in the game when you are trying to hide and sneak on the opponent. Sometimes with a weapon or car tool. It’s funny but still can’t deny how realistic it feels. Other modes include playing in the day or night time.
Project London is a work-in-progress venture that’s seen its creator crafting landmarks incrementally, before building the project out into a pseudo interpretation of The Big Smoke. Doing so involves a fair bit of Google Street-mapping, researching real life videos and photos, and a touch of artistic license. MI6 Headquarters are also seen which gets as epic as it gets. You can see the MI6 agents walking around and you always have to be careful before they start taking you on suspicious account.
The Raven Rock mod is set on an Island with all kinds of wild things. Don’t plan your vacation yet, though, because it’s already been occupied by the military. Due to the paramilitary presence there’s a runway for jets, two helipads, a submarine bay, and lots and lots of soldiers. Requires the map editor script. Playing amongst the army presence gives you a feel of how it feels like to indulge yourself in a top-secret mission from the prying eyes of proponents.
Half the point of GTA V being set in Los Santos was so that we could drive around the opulence of Bel Air and the Hollywood Hills. I don’t know if Rock star ever meant for part of the city to be transformed into a post-apocalyptic scene, like something out of The Last Of Us. Los Santos is the prime place for a rock star game as GTA itself is. With the elements like wild runs, pub and rough girls. The macho people and hooligans. It gives you the feelings of operating in a gangster type environment fighting multiple people simultaneously.
With having spent over 1,200 hours (50 full days) of work on the project and having pored over 40 hours of video footage research, hundreds of photographs, and having wandered down the real-life streets of Los Angeles and neighboring settlement Salton Sea via Google Street Maps more times than he can recall. Even Goggle played a huge role in making a goggle map within the game. It’s like you are using a map within a map.
Last but not the least, this game is must if you want to enjoy all the absolutely energetic places of the real world. Good luck and thank you for reading !
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