The custom paint jobs mods from different developers for the stunning cars in the well know game GTA 5 from Rockstar Games have been more than just eye-catching, they have mesmerized gamers around the globe. Who knew that the simplest of the thoughts could populate a world like GTA 5.
I was recently going through the works of some of the mod developers of the GTA 5 and was astonished to see the paint job applied on an Aventador from the movie TRON: Legacy. Let it be the trucks. Helicopters, aircraft, bikes or even choppers, there isn’t a single vehicle which does not have its own custom paint job. And actually, this is the beauty of the mods in GTA 5. No matter how complex your ideas of a paint and it even doesn’t matter that on which car you want to apply it on, all of it can be done with simple game mods in GTA 5. Some of the more enthusiastic things revolving around this kind of mind are that a person can apply even those paint jobs which cost thousands of dollars. Although it isn’t as fun as it sounds to have a virtual car than a real one, but for most people, it does just fine considering the cost of actually owning and taking care of one.
Not only this but you can simply increase the shininess or the matte effects on any car. One very important and soothing thought is that of having the cars being painted the same as that the transformers. Don’t think of making it since it is already hard. There are tones and tones of paint jobs and I would love to tell you about more of them. For instance, a simple blue comes in a wide variety of colors like racing blue, diamond blue, ultra-blue, surf blue, sky blue and the list goes on and on but the actual reason for me going on like this is making you decide whether you want to have these paint jobs applied to the Porsha you have in the game or not. Apart from the colors, a more important thing that you might not have thought about yet is that new mods in GTA 5 that support having 2 different shades in the sunlight and in the dark. Secondary colors and Primary colors combined together give a unique look which just makes you fall in love with the car although it won’t hurt to get a girlfriend.
Detailing and designs can be as good as the paint job and probably better. I know most people like a decent paint job while others prefer a more virtuous one so it totally depends on you what you want. I could go on and on telling you about the countless color effects in the game but one thing is for sure that everybody likes his ride’s color in a different shade so you won’t be able to decide until you apply them for yourself and find out what they look like.
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