Ai video dubbing is the best way to create high quality, professional voice acting for your games. Our neural networks can split and isolate voices, allowing you to replace them in the original track with ease.
As a game developer, you know that high quality voice acting can make or break your game. But hiring professional voice actors can be expensive, and sometimes you just need a quick fix. That’s where our AI voice acting comes in!
Our neural networks can split and isolate voices, allowing you to replace them in the original track with ease. You can even create new voices by mixing and matching different voices together! This gives you the power to create any tone of voice you want, for any character in your game.
With our AI video dubbing, you can create high quality, professional voice acting for your games quickly and easily. So why wait? Get started today!
Dubbing with AI Voice
Hei.IO, an Vietnam startup headquartered in Finland, was cofounded in 2019 by Thai Tran Founder & CEO Espoo, Finland., Trang Truong CTO – Da Nang, Vietnam. Our mission is to empower millions of content creators and in-house teams to edit videos faster and better.
The company provides AI-powered dubbing services for film, TV, gaming, and advertising, powered by neural networks that split and isolate voices and replace them in the original tracks.
Also, murky are the ramifications of voices generated from working actors’ performances. In a lawsuit last spring, Bev Standing, a voice actor, alleged that TikTok used — but didn’t compensate her for — an AI text-to-speech feature. The Wall Street Journal reports that more than one company has attempted to replicate Morgan Freeman’s voice in private demos. And studios are increasingly adding provisions in contracts that seek to use synthetic voices in place of performers “when necessary,” for example to tweak lines of dialogue during post-production – (Source:venturebeat)
With Hei IO
Automatic subtitles & best AI video-dubbing with one click, You and your team are just a click away from AI video dubbing in over 70 languages and 250 voices. Plus captions, translated subtitles, background music and more.
No more wasting time manually transcribing
Don’t like manually transcribing? You’re not alone. Our auto captioning saves you time and headaches by automatically generating captions and subtitles. Plus, it handles synchronization. No more manual timing either!