Playing a game as a single player can become boring because you lack the excitement and fullness of other interaction. When playing Minecraft, you can enhance your gaming experience by using Millenaire Mod. You will get additional villagers and travel back into time. You will interact with the North Indian, Norman and Mayans villagers who will teach you a different kind of culture that will give you a fulfilling experience. You will have a chance to interact with the village population, composed of men, women and children.
Millenaire Mod Minecraft Features
The mod allows you to grow the village when you interact with them. Villagers carry out their roles according to their gender in the traditional setting. These villagers will engage you; you will trade with different villagers. Norman villagers will have wheat; Indian villages will have rice, designing tools and even amulets. The mod allows the village population increases when couples have children, who later grow to become new adults.
The villagers will reward you after trading with them. Once you earn the favor of the villagers, they will offer you food, decorating items and statutes. If you continue building the relationship, they can build you a house, and they adopt you in their culture. The mod comes in various languages, and you can easily install it and enjoy the enhanced gaming experience.
The Millenaire Mod 1.7.10 Minecraft Resources
You will enjoy the mod because it will give you different villagers to make your game more interesting. You will interact with the hard-working farmers, who grow wheat to feed their families. The lumbermen chop trees and take these supplies back to their homes. You will have a chance to admire the work done by the wives. They shoulder the biggest responsibility of taking care of the households.
In addition, you will interact with the children, who will then grow to become new adults and make the village grow larger when there are food and housing provisions. The guards will keep the village safe, and the priests will offer spiritual guidance to the village. The Norman smiths will make the items using steel. Every villager in this mod plays a significant role in enhancing the village growth and wellness. The children, men and women ensure the village runs successfully. You can trade with these villagers at the Town Hall, bakery and the tavern.
How to Expand Your Village
You need a thriving village when you play Minecraft. Initially, the Millenaire Mod Minecraft has six villagers but this number grows significantly when the villagers build more houses and have more children. This growth stems from increased provision of building materials, and they can only get this through trade. You have to trade actively in order to get all the resources. When you want to have this gaming experience, you can download the mod separately.
Millénaire Library
Millénaire Video:
Advanced Indian village
Mayan agricultural village
Type of villagers
There are currently seven types of villagers:
- Farmers, who grow crops in the fields around their house, and bring the resulting wheat back to their house chest.
- Lumbermen, who chop trees, plant new trees with saplings they get from destroying leaves, and gather cider apples from leaves as well. They put the wood and apples they gather in their house chests.
- Wives, who have the most complex work: taking resources from their husbands’ work to the various public buildings, making bread from wheat, making cider from cider apples, trading with the player and building new constructions.
- Children, born at night, and which grow up to become adults when bread is available and new houses are built.
- Guards that patrol the village
- Priests that visit the church (and the tavern…)
- Smiths, which makes Norman tools in the forge
Expansion of the village
The main “aim” of the villagers is to improve their village. There are six initial villagers, but their number will grow as they have children and build new houses. They can also build new types of buildings and improve existing ones. For this they need building materials: wood, cobblestone, glass and stone. The first they can get themselves, the rest only through trade with the player. A complete village currently includes a bakery, a tavern, a church, fountains, a presbytery, a guard tower and an (ugly) castle, plus custom buildings if advanced.
Advanced village, with almost all the default buildings as of 0.4.5
Inside a Hindu temple
Trade with the player
There are three locations at which the player can trade with the villagers: their Town Hall, the bakery and the tavern (when built):
- Town Hall (present at start): you can sell wood, stone, cobblestone, iron and glass (plus extra blocks at time). Payment made in deniers, a special item. You can also buy wood there, and the “village wand”.
- Bakery (when built, requires only wood, so normally they can do it without help): buy bread.
- Tavern (when built, requires glass, so only after you’ve sold enough to the villagers): buy cider and in upgrade taverns calva. Cider and calva can be used multiple times and give back health.
To trade, go to one of the locations in question and stand near the chests. If no woman is around one will arrive shortly. Right-click on her to bring up the trade screen.
Hold the left shift key while clicking on a trade good in the trade screen to trade 8 by 8 or the left control key to trade 64 by 64.
Finding a village
Since 0.1.4, the easiest way to find a village is to press the V key. If a village is nearby, it will display its name, the distance to it and the general direction. Most new worlds should have villages near the spawn point. If you can’t find one at all, check in the world with the seed b. If there are none there, there is an issue with the mod install.
Creating a new village: the Village Wand
With enough deniers, you can buy a “village wand” from the Town Hall of a village. When used on a obsidian block, it will attempt to generate a new village around the block. Warning: using a village wand is dangerous, as the village can end up being built on top of you, killing you if the ground level goes up. Don’t use it you can’t afford a respawn…
Want to know more first? Check the overview
Millénaire Installer 1.3 download
This installer is not required, but is very much recommended as it makes installing Millénaire faster and simpler, with less risk of errors. It is available for Mac, Windows and Linux and is compatible with other mods and installers.
Mac OS X version: Download from Server 1
Windows version: Download from Server 1
Linux version: Download from Server 1
Also note that neither ModLoader nor Millénaire itself are included in the download. You need to download them seperately.
- Compatibility with Minecraft 1.7.10. Backup your worlds, just in case.
Download Links:
Older versions:
For 1.5
Client: Download from Server 1
Server: Download from Server 1
For 1.4.7
Client: Download from Server 1
Server: Download from Server 1
For 1.4.6
Client: Download from Server 1
Server: Download from Server 1
For 1.4.5
Client: Download from Server 1
Server (Mojang, not Bukkit): Download from Server 1
For 1.5.2/1.5.1
Client: Download from Server 1
Server: Download from Server 1
For 1.6.2
Client: Download from Server 1
Server: Download from Server 1
For 1.6.4
Client: Download from Server 1
Server: Download from Server 1
For 1.7.2
Client: Download from Server 1
Server: Download from Server 1
For 1.7.10
Client: Download from Server 1
Server: Download from Server 1
For 1.10.2
For Minecraft 1.12.2
Client (Universal): Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2
Credit: Millénaire
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