Primitive Mobs Mod 1.12.2/1.7.10 adds a lot of different mobs that are so familiar to your Minecraft. Those mobs added seem to have vanilla look but they add completely new features and behaviour which can benefit the player or the opposite. Before you start checking them out remember: You don’t have to like them all, as mobs can be turned off. Also all mobs will spawn in ExtraBiomesXL biomes when that mod is installed.
- Rocket Creeper updated
- Festive Creeper updated
- Support Creeper updated
- Treasure Slime updated
- Haunted Tool updated
- Mimic updated
- Traveling Merchant updated
- Lost Miner updated
- Bewitched Tome updated
- Brain Slime updated
- Skeleton Warrior updated
- Spider Family updated
- Sheepman updated
- Blazing Juggernaut added
- Chameleon added
- Creepers, Skeleton Warriors, Spider families and Haunted tools spawn in all biomes at night/dark places.
- Treasure Slimes,Bewitched Tomes, Lost Miners and Mimics spawn only in deep caves. (Below y=40)
- Chameleons spawn in Jungles and on Plains for testing purposes.
- Spawn rates of all mobs are determined by taking the average rate of mobs and multiplying that by a certain amount so my mobs should always come in appropriate amounts and not too often. It has been tweaked according to their difficulty and usefullness.
- Sheepman was nerfed a little bit. You can only make it not despawn by giving it a block of gold.
- Updated tameable support creeper, baby spider and slime (although the slime cannot be put on your head yet)
- Added config file for spawn rates, no biome specific settings yet
Blazing Juggernaut Information:
Older Content (For Minecraft 1.5.2)
The Primitive Mobs:
These are basically the same as all other Testificates. The only difference is that they spawn randomly in the world the way animals do. They will not despawn like any other testificate. However because they walk around randomly in your world, they don’t have a place to hide from zombies.
They trade random stuff as they choose random trade items from all testificate classes.
Same health as any other testificate: 20.
They don’t drop anything.
Spawn Time: Any time, Biomes: river, forest, plains, forestHills, extremeHills, desert , Location: Above ground.
If another mod adds items to the Testificate trading item list, this fellow will also choose from those items.====
These don’t act like normal Testificates apart from the fact that they are scared of zombies. You can’t trade with them and they only appear underground. When you find one, it will follow you around while crying for help (crying particles). You can choose to leave it to die or bring him back to the surface (above y = 60) to make him happy. When on the surface, right-click it for your emerald reward (between 1 and 6 emeralds)! You can only help every Lost Miner once.
Same health as any other testificate: 20.
They don’t drop anything.
Spawn Time: Any time, Biomes: all biomes , Location: Underground (below y = 60)
Zombies love to attack these guys, making the chance of the player finding a testificate zombie way higher.====
The Haunted Tool is an enemy mob. They attack any player on sight.
Haunted Tools come in different appearences. They can spawn as a pickaxe, an axe, a shovel or a sword. This is randomly decided. However they also come in different tiers which correspond to the Minecraft tool materials. They can spawn as a wooden, a stone, an iron, a gold or a diamond tool. Different factor depend on their tier. Here is a list:
1 Strength = 0.5 heart damage without armor
Wooden Tools: Strength: 1, Health: 10
Stone Tools: Strength: 2, Health: 20
Gold Tools Strength: 5, Health: 5
Iron/Steel Tools: Strength: 3, Health: 30
Diamond Tools: Strength: 4, Health: 50
Higher tiers are obviously more rare.
Tier Rarity Table:
Wood – 35%
Stone – 30%
Gold – 20%
Iron – 10%
Diamond – 5%
When killed, they drop themselves of course 100%. This makes finding a diamond tool worth killing it.
Spawn Time: Nighttime above ground, any time underground, Biomes: all biomes , Location: Above ground and underground.
These are actual floating items, meaning that these are texture pack compatible!====
Whenever you find a chest in a mineshaft, you are overjoyed! Untill now… now you can never be sure anymore…
Mimics are chest-like enemies which spawn in caves. They will appear as normal chests. When the player right-clicks them, 2 things can happen. They change into a normal chest containing random loot (25% chance) or they will change into an enemy mimic and start attacking you (75% chance)!!.
Health: 20
Strength: 2
Drops: 1 Chest 100%
Spawn Time: Any time underground, Biomes: all biomes , Location: Underground (below y = 40)
Their loot takes the item directly from the Mineshaft loot list. So if any other mod would add items to that, they would also appear in these chests!
Also their in-game name is Mimic Chest so it doesn’t interfere with other mods hopefully.====
This is probably the main attraction of this mod. They are cute, colorful and awesome! They act and look the same as any other slime though.
Treasure Slimes have a specific item in them. When killed they will drop this item. Large slimes almost always have something different then a slimeball in them. A medium slime has a bigger chance of getting a slimeball, while a small slime will always contain a slimeball.
There is a large variety of items that the slime can contain. The colour and emitted particles depend on that item.
Details on items coming soon….
Health: Depends on size
Strength: Depends on size
Drops: The contained item
Apart from the normal Slime spawn locations:
Spawn Time: Any time underground, Biomes: all biomes , Location: Underground (below y = 40)
Item Rarity table:
Heart (Tameable) – 15%
Slimeball – 6%
Cookie – 6%
Enderpearl – 6%
Glowstone dust – 6%
Gold ingot – 6%
Gunpowder – 6%
Iron ingot – 6%
Redstone dust – 6%
Blaze Powder – 6%
Lapis Lazuli – 6%
Snowball – 6%
Magma Cream – 3%
Cake – 3%
Diamond – 3%
Emerald – 2%
Golden Apple – 2%
Fire Charge – 2%
Eye of Ender – 2%
Music Disc – 1%
Saddle – 1%
Tameable and colourable slime!
If you spot a White slime with a heart in it that keeps following you without actually damaging you, make sure to sneak and right-click! It will pop on your head and then it is tamed!!
When tamed, it will become totally black. This is normal.
To make it mount the player, just righ-click it while sneaking!
When right-clicked normally, they will stop moving! Otherwise it will keep following the player.
To completely heal it, right-click it with a slimeball!
It will not despawn!
The player can change their color using RGB values.
To change the R color value, use a red rose on the slime.
To change the G color value, use a cactus green on the slime.
To change the B color value, use a lapis lazuli on the slime.
The amount of items that are required to get a specific color are acquired like this:
Check the R, G and B value of the color that you want (on the internet or in a editing program).
Then do this:
R / 2 / 2 = amount of red rose
G / 2 / 2 = amount of cactus green
B / 2 / 2 = amount of lapis lazuli
So: 63 Rose Red, 63 Cactus Green and 63 Lapis Lazuli = White.
The jumping particles can be changed by using different items on them (those items will not disappear however they will emit that particle to indicate that it worked). Can you find which items change to which particle? Experiment!
– The owner of the baby slime isn’t saved yet. So in Multiplayer, a tamed slime will act the same towards every player.====
Mother Spider:
Mother Spiders spawn with 0-6 baby spiders. They are quite strong and will do anything to protect their children. A Mother Spider will attack players on sight or when one of her babies is being attacked. One baby spider will always be on her back.
Health: 30
Strength: 4
Drops: String, Spider Eye or a Spider Egg (see below)
Spawn Time: Nighttime above ground, any time underground, Biomes: all biomes , Location: Above ground and underground.
Baby Spider:
Baby spiders only spawn with a Mother Spider. They will follow their mother around everywhere. They don’t attack players unless provoked. When their mother is being attacked, they will attack the attacker to protect her. When attacking they emit smoke particles out of anger.
When the Mother Spider dies, they cry (crying particles) and will wander around aimlessly. However they will still attack when provoked.
Health: 10
Strength: 1
Drops: String
Baby Spiders can be tamed!!
Mother Spiders rarely drop Spider Eggs.
Spider Eggs can be used to spawn a Baby Spider! This baby spider will then see you as its mother! It will follow you around and will not despawn. When spawned, a Spider Egg Shell remains. This can be used to catch the Baby spider again (it can also be used to steal babies from mother spiders).
Right-click a baby spider with a Spider Egg Shell to make it go back into its egg.
Right-click a baby spider with noting in your hands to set it to aggressive mode. In this mode it will attack all mobs (no creepers or tamed allies). It will emit smoke particles to indicate its mode. Right-click again to turn it off.
They will teleport to you when you go too far away.
When you right-click it with some rotten flesh it will fully heal.
When you right-click it with a fermented spider eye it will grow one stage. It has 5 growth stages, so 5 fermented spider eyes are needed. Warning: Putting it back in its shell will make it go back to stage 1 unless fully grown.
In stage 5 it will change into an adult spider and will walk around randomly. It will not despawn and you can keep it contained using fences or enclosed areas. It will not go back into its shell. It has increased Strength and health! Right-click the spider with nothing in your hands to mount it and ride it! Awesomness achieved!
– The owner of the baby spider isn’t saved yet. So in Multiplayer, a tamed (baby) spider will act the same towards every player.====
These little buggers form a new threat to every Minecrafter. Not only do they explode like normal creepers, they do it in a more devious way. They approach the player and JUMP UP into the sky. When they land they explode! The jump makes it possible to evade however in a cave… there might not be enough space to jump so instant explosion! Miners beware…
Health: 15
Increased Speed!
Drops: TNT (not 100%)
Don’t worry they are rarer than normal creepers.
Spawn Time: Nighttime above ground, any time underground, Biomes: all biomes , Location: Above ground and underground.
Like other creepers, these take the no-griefing setting of a server into consideration.
They drop a different record then normal creepers when killed by a skeleton!====
You thought rocket creepers were dangerous? Think again. These guys are sure to ruin your day. While they look so innocent, they are sure to give you an unpleasent welcome present in the form of Primed TNT! When attacking, they throw TNT when the player is further away. However when the player approaches, they run away instead of throwing. So it is best to just barge in and attack up close! Watch out though, they leave a trail of fire to protect themselves when running.
When below 5 health they go berserk and start throwing TNT even when you are close! On top of this all, they are immune to fire and explosions O_o Good luck!
Health: 25
Drops: Flint & Steel (not 100%)
Don’t worry they are way rarer than normal creepers.
Spawn Time: Nighttime above ground, any time underground, Biomes: all biomes , Location: Above ground and underground.
Like other creepers, these take the no-griefing setting of a server into consideration.
They drop a different record then normal creepers when killed by a skeleton!
Festive Creepers will not throw additional TNT when you get inside a house.====
These little suckers jump around beaches. They are like little parasites as they will grab onto the player’s head when approached! Then they start sucking your brainzz like zombies!! Punch them to remove them from your head! Larger slimes are more dangerous.
Health: Depends on size
Strength: Depends on size
Drops: Slimeballs
Spawn Time: Any time of the day, Biomes: beach, ocean, river, Location: Above ground on Sand or Gravel blocks
They have an awesome brain-sucking animation when on a player’s head.
– They can be very persistent in following the player.
– Sometimes they break up into larger slimes instead of smaller ones.====
When approached they actually act like normal creepers. That is… when they are alone.
These guys act like supporters for other mobs. When there is another hostile mob close, they will follow it and add the following potion buffs to that mob: Strength 1, Fire Resistence 1 and Speed 1. When that mob is destroyed they will choose another mob when one is close, so make sure to get rid of them.
When supporting a creeper while a player approaches, it will add another buff to the creeper…. IT WILL SUMMON A LIGHTING BOLT TO CHARGE IT!
On top of that, it slows down nearby player by giving them a slowness potion effect.
Without a mob to support, it will act like a normal creeper.
So be on your guard.
Health: 30
Drops: Fire Charge (not 100%)
Don’t worry they are rarer than normal creepers.
Spawn Time: Nighttime above ground, any time underground, Biomes: all biomes , Location: Above ground and underground.
Like other creepers, these take the no-griefing setting of a server into consideration.
They drop a different record then normal creepers when killed by a skeleton!====
Details: They look slightly different from normal skeletons and are always prepared for sunlight. You will always find these guys wearing a leather helmet. If you look closely they have a sword on their back, with a reason. When further away they shoot arrows using their bow like any other skeleton. However when the player gets close to strike, they quickly switch to their sword!
Also notice that they will back up when you get closer. When the player gets further away again, they grab their bow again! Smart little fellows.
Health: 20
Drops: Bones, arrows and equipment (not 100%)
Spawn Time: Nighttime above ground, any time underground, Biomes: all biomes , Location: Above ground and underground.
Extra: They can get enchanted equipment.====
Details: These mysterious floating books are long forgotten pieces of work. They now roam the worlds without any purpose.
When encountered they don’t attack the player instantly. Only when provoked they attack. They are pretty easy to defeat and on defeat they drop a randomly enchanted book! All enchanted books are within the limits of the original miecraft enchantments.
Health: 20
Drops: Enchanted Book
High level enchantments are more rare however all enchantment types have equal chances of getting dropped.
Level rarity table:
- Level 1 – 40%
- Level 2 – 30%
- Level 3 – 15%
- Level 4 – 10%
- Level 5 – 5%
Spawn Time: Any time underground, Biomes: all biomes , Location: Underground below y = 30
Extra: They can get enchanted equipment. NBT edit should enable you to specify the drop.
Bugs: Killing it within a small amount of time after it has been spawned will result into a enchanted book without enchantment.
I tried using item/book.png as a texture but it results into z-fighing. So it uses a new texture.
Details: These fellows spawn all around the world, however very rarely. Like any other villager, they walk around and like to settle in houses.
You can give him (right-click) gold ingots or emeralds in exchange for spawn eggs! The eggs are randomly decided and emeralds give rarer mob spawn eggs than gold ingots. (Look below for details)
This guy uses black magic to summon these eggs. The Summoner that you encounter is not his true form. He is actually a cursed villager. To see his true form you can give him an eye of ender which will reveal the truth! WARNING: This triggers a mini boss. He will instantly attack by spawning minions. Try to defeat him or look below for details.
Spawn Egg Trade-off table:
Gold Ingots can result into a spawn egg of:
- Cave Spider
- Creeper
- Silverfish
- Skeleton
- Slime
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie pigman
- Bat
- Chicken
- Cow
- Pig
- Sheep
- Squid
- Villager
- Travelling Merchant
- Festive Creeper
- Support Creeper
- Rocket Creeper
- Skeleton Warrior
- Brain Slime
Emeralds can result into a spawn egg of:
- Blaze
- Enderman
- Ghast
- Magma Cube
- Witch
- Mooshroom
- Ocelot
- Wolf
- Lost Miner
- Sheepman
- Sheepman Smith
- Haunted Tool
- Mimic
- Bewitched Tome
- Mother Spider
- Treasure Slime
Health: 100
Drops: Nothing
Spawn Time: Any time, Biomes: All Biomes , Location: Above ground, Extra: Rare
Mini-boss battle details (Warning: this will spoil the surprise):
When the player uses an eye of ender on a Summoner it becomes a Cursed Summoner.
This true form of the Summoner will become hostile although it will not attack you himself.
He summons different mobs(minions) through different phases. They also create a shield around them.
The player can destroy the shield in 2 hits and the player can always attempt to attack the summoner instead of killing the minions.
It will first go into Phase 1 then Phase 2 and finally Phase 3.
Phase 1: Easiest Phase
He will spawn 4 Skeleton Warriors with increases strength. Decently easy fight if you have good armor.
When the summoner is elow 60 health he will go to Phase 2.
Phase 2: Tank Phase
He will spawn 4 Haunted Diamond Swords and 1 Support Creeper. The creeper will slow you down while the diamond tools do loads of damage. Be ready to take some damage.
When the summoner is elow 60 health he will go to Phase 3.
Phase 3: Dangerous Phase
He will spawn 2 Festive Creepers with regeneration and will limit your view. The creepers will start spamming tnt while you can hardly see. Very dangerous part of the fight.
The summoner will renew its shield randomly when you destroy it. However you can actually kill him this time.
When killed he will drop some nice loot:
- 1 Mystery Egg!
- 1 Eye of Ender
- Between 0 and 10 emeralds
- Between 0 and 10 diamonds
Extra: They will settle in villages.
Bugs: They can be quite common in custom biomes.====
Details: Well, these guys are quite aren’t they? This is what happens when a villager spends his life ripping off players…. they turn into sheepman and go to hell. Lovely. So these guys are doomed to roam the Nether but they still love shiny things! The only shiny thing to be found in the Nether is…. gold nuggets (from zombie pigman). They combine them into gold ingots and trade with those. How they got the other stuff? Magic. Anyway this makes trading with them way more profitable than with villagers.
These guys will follow you around when you hold a gold nugget. They run away from zombie pigmen though.
They actually despawn like mobs so….give them a free gold nugget to make them not-despawn! Then lure them through a portal or make them a house and they will not despawn so you can always trade!
Also they obviously make sheep noises and are immune to fire :3
Same health as any other testificate: 20.
They don’t drop anything.
Spawn Time: Any time, Biomes: Nether , Location: Everywhere
Extra: It’s a great Gold Sink!
Bugs: They can still change into testificate zombies when killed by a zombie.====
Details: That looks heavy doesn’t it? These guys are like Sheepman however they do not trade like normal. They love smithing and keep doing it even in the Nether. Because they travel around a lot they take their anvil with them. How did they get it? Again… magic!
You can repair your tools for specific payment of gold nuggets. If you don’t have enough gold nuggets he will emit “disapproval” particles and not repair. The specific costs are below. Just right-click him with the damaged tool, then he will repair it and automatically take the payment.
Like the sheepman you can make them follow using a gold nugget and giving them one for free will make them not-despawn. However they are rarer than normal Sheepman.
Gold Nugget costs table:
- Wooden Tools: 1 gold nugget
- Stone Tools and Leather Armor: 2 gold nuggets
- Iron Tools and Iron Armor: 20 gold nuggets
- Gold Tools and Gold Armor: 10 gold nuggets
- Diamond Tools and Diamond Armor: 100 gold nuggets
- Bow: 15 gold nuggets
- Fishing Rod, Carrot on a Stick, Shears and Flint & Steel: 10 gold nuggets
- Tools/Armor/Items from other mods: 50 gold nuggets
Same health as any other testificate: 20.
They don’t drop anything.
Spawn Time: Any time, Biomes: Nether , Location: Everywhere, Extra: Rare
Extra: It’s a great Gold Sink!
- Don’t rapid click him when repairing!! It can result into double cost for some reason!
- They can still change into testificate zombies when killed by a zombie.
- The trading system might not be bug free yet.
Mystery Egg:
What does it do?
How do you get it (at least the legit way)?
Spoil the surprise here or if you want information after checking it:
- The Mystery Egg can only be obtained in survival mode through killing a Cursed Summoner.
- When right-clicked it will spawn your own baby Support Creeper!
- Like any animal in the game, it will grow up after some time.
- The Support Creeper will give you the same buffs as they give to mobs but only when they are following you.
- To make “stay” just sneak+right-click them.
- They are immune to fire.
Mod Showcase:
This mod does work for LAN and SMP
There is a config file in the config folder once you run the game with the mod installed once. Use it to disable mobs, change mob spawn frequencies and change the item ID of the Spider Egg (700), Spider Egg Shell (701),Mystery Egg (702) and NameTag (703).
ExtraBiomesXL, Highlands and BiomesOPlenty support will be automatically applied when installed.
How to install:
- Download Minecraft Forge
- Right click, Run as Administrator and press OK to install Forge. (You can skip this step if you’ve installed Minecraft Forge)
- Open Start on desktop => Open Run (Or you can use the Windows +R keyboard shortcut)
- Type %appdata% into Run and press enter
- Go to folder /.minecraft/mods
- Put the jar file of Primitive Mobs Mod into mods folder and then run Minecraft. Done!
Primitive Mobs Mod 1.12.2/1.7.10 Download Links:
Previous versions:
For Minecraft 1.5.1
For Minecraft 1.5
For Minecraft 1.4.7
For Minecraft 1.5.2
For Minecraft 1.7.10
For Minecraft 1.10.2
For Minecraft 1.12.2/1.12.1/1.12
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