Metamorph Mod is a Minecraft mod which allows you to morph into vanilla and modded mobs. Before, Morph (metamorphosis) was known as the feature of iChun’s Morph Mod and zacuke’s Shape Shifter Z Mod. It is one of the gameplay breakthroughs allowing the player to modify to any original mods with the condition that he or she already decimated them. Because these mods are not updated anymore, so a new mod called Metamorph is brought into the world inspiring from the previous mods.
To morph into other creatures, you must acquire a morph first, which you can receive by killing a mob. When a ghost of a mob appears, you pick it up and you have a morph to transform. Every morph you equip or apply will grant you different look, size, and health capacity. Except for those properties, every morph also has special abilities, attack, and action.
- Abilities give special properties to morphs. For instance, Chicken morphs will slowly fall and get no fall damage, Spider and Cavespider morphs will be able to climb on the wall, or Bat morphs will be able to fly and has a night vision.
- Attack is an effect which is applied onto attacked entity. For example, if you hit some entity while being in CaveSpider morph, your target will gain poison potion effect. If you hit an entity while being in VillagerGolem morph, you will throw your target high in the air.
- Action is a special ability that is triggered by “action key” (which is V by default). Examples: you will jump high in Rabbit morph, explode like a creeper in Creeper morph, and so on.
How to play:
- To morph into other creature, you must to acquire a morph first. To acquire a morph, you have to kill a mob, then a ghost of this mob will appear (that’s a morph), and when you’ll pick it up, you’ll acquire a morph. Only vanilla* mobs have their own morphs.
- Once you have at least one morph, you’re able to transform into that morph. Use “[” and “]” keys for advancing through the list of morphs. Use “enter” key for transforming into selected morph.
- You retain your morphs even after death. In creative, you can select any available morph via “Creative Morph Menu” which can be opened by pressing “B” key in the game.
- The outer look of morphs are quite limited, so you cannot kill a child pink sheep and turn into a child pink sheep. Instead, you’ll turn into a white adult sheep.
- Animals
- Bat (fly, night vision)
- Cave Spider (poison attack, climbing up the walls)
- Chicken (glide)
- Cow
- Horse (higher jump)
- Mooshroom
- Ocelot
- Pig
- Polar bear
- Rabbit
- Sheep
- Spider (climbing up the walls)
- Squid (breath underwater, faster swim)
- Wolf
- Neutral mobs
- Enderman (free teleportation, water allergy)
- Iron Golem (super knockback)
- Snow Golem
- Villager
- Zombie Pigman (fire immunity)
- Hostile mobs
- Blaze (fly, shoot fire, fire immunity)
- Creeper (explode and kill yourself)
- Ghast (fly, shoot fire, fire immunity)
- Guardian (breath underwater, faster swim)
- Magma cube (jumping)
- Silverfish
- Skeleton (sun allergy)
- Slime (jumping)
- Witch (throw random negative splash potion)
- Wither Skeleton (wither attack, fire immunity)
- Zombie (sun allergy)
The abilities which has been checked, are in the game’s code, but doesn’t likely are functional yet. They’re implemented basically.
Ticking abilities
- Fly (just like in creative)
- Glide (slow down fall)
- Breath underwater (infinite time in the water)
- Swim (faster water swim)
- Allergies (get damage from)
- Snow walk (places thing layer of snow under the player)
- Climb up the wall (when you’re near the wall you can climb it)
- Fire immunity
- Fall damage prevention (for jumping mobs)
- Jumping (like slimes, you can’t just walk)
- Night vision (bat)
- Wither (wither skeleton)
- Super knockback (iron golem)
- Poison (cave spider)
- Throw negative potion (press
to be like a witch) - Shoot snow ball (press
to shoot snow ball) - Teleport (press
to teleport) - Shoot fire (press
to shoot fire) - Creeper suicide action
to explode and kill yourself) - Jump (higher jump)
How to install:
- Download Minecraft Forge
- Right click, Run as Administrator and press OK to install Forge. (You can skip this step if you’ve installed Minecraft Forge)
- Open Start on desktop => Open Run (Or you can use the Windows +R keyboard shortcut)
- Type %appdata% into Run and press enter
- Go to folder /.minecraft/mods
- Put the jar file of mod into mods folder and then run Minecraft. Done!
MetaMorph Mod 1.12.2/1.11.2 Download Links:
For Minecraft 1.9.4
For Minecraft 1.10.2
For Minecraft 1.11
For Minecraft 1.11.2
For Minecraft 1.12
For Minecraft 1.12.1
For Minecraft 1.12.2
Link Download : http://dl2.24hminecraft.com/index.php?act=dl&id=1587126595