If you were interested in visiting the Minecraft Nether but had enough of it, installing the Aether 2(II) mod will offer you the exact results that you always wanted. What makes the Aether 2 Minecraft mod interesting is the fact that it provides you with a wide range of new and exciting challenges that are offered as an extra for the Minecraft game, so it’s not added on top of that, something that makes the entire experience more interesting and refined as a whole.
Why choose the Aether 2?
The main idea is simple with the Aether 2, you have an entire new realm that you can explore, not to mention that this is pretty much like heaven. Gone are the ugly and dark locations, instead you will be able to explore the skies, see a wide range of plants as well as flowers, trees and many other similar tools unlike never before. It’s a place where you can even find winged baddies, angels and an entire range of other baddies, all while being able to engage in ultimate battles with them as well.
Aether (II) 2 is a great mod that successfully manages to offer you some extraordinary, intense moments and a very good set of game ideas, all of which are combined in a very interesting and methodical way.
You will like the fact that Aether 2 mod 1.12.2 is designed with ease of use in mind, because it offers a whole bunch of interesting ideas that you will appreciate a lot. The locations you can explore here are simply stunning and the entire experience you can acquire here is more than impressive because you are free to modify it as you see fit.
Exploration in Aether 2 Minecraft is a true delight because this mod does manage to provide you with something new and different when compared to other mods out there. It’s truly interesting, funny and refined, but it also manages to offer quite an interesting set of challenges along the way.
When compared to the previous version, Aether 2 does bring in a multitude of new mobs, but it also builds up on that by providing you with new items, as well. It also includes a terrain generation system that was designed in order to bring you immediate access to things like floating islands, waterfalls and all the other cool stuff that you might expect in such a situation.
As you can see, Aether 2 successfully manages to build up on the predecessor in order to add in something new, cool and easy to peruse. You will love the fact that Aether 2 is visually stunning, and at the same time the numerous visual changes you can make here create an experience that’s well worth the investment. Try out the Aether 2 Minecraft right now and you will surely enjoy the unique appeal and new content that it offers for free!
Aether 2 Crafting Recipes:
Aether 2 Mod Installation:
For 1.12.2
- Download and install Minecraft Forge
- Open Minecraft one time to allow Forge APi to reate a ‘mods’ fodler in your Minecraft directory
- copy The Ether mod into the mods folder and close
- Run Minecraft and enjoy playing in your new magical world called the Ether.
How to install:
- Download Minecraft Forge
- Right click, Run as Administrator and press OK to install Forge. (You can skip this step if you’ve installed Minecraft Forge)
- Open Start on desktop => Open Run (Or you can use the Windows +R keyboard shortcut)
- Type %appdata% into Run and press enter
- Go to folder /.minecraft/mods
- Put the jar file of mod into mods folder and then run Minecraft. Done!
Download Links:
For Minecraft 1.11.2 (WIP – Beta)
Manual Install Link Download : https://dl1.wminecraft.net/index.php?act=dl&id=1600223072
For Minecraft 1.12.2 (WIP – Beta)
For Minecraft 1.15.2/1.14.4
Manual Install: Updating 91%…
Aether 2 For Minecraft 1.10.2 (WIP – Beta)
Aether 2 For Minecraft 1.11.2 (WIP – Beta)
Aether 2 For Minecraft 1.12.2 (WIP – Beta)
Aether 2 for Minecraft 1.7.10:
Gilded Games Util: Gilded-Games-Util-1.7.10.zip
Aether 2 Launcher: Aether-2-Launcher-Start.jar
Aether 2 for Minecraft 1.6.4:
Manual Install: Aether 2 1.6.4 from Server 2
Aether 2 Launcher (requires Java 7): Aether-2-Launcher-1.6.4.zip
The Threaded Lightning: Threadedlighting-1.6.4.zip
Aether 2 for Minecraft 1.6.2:
Aether 2 Mod: Aether-2-Mod-1.6.2.jar
Player Core API: Player-Core-API-1.6.2.jar
The Threaded Lightning: The-Threaded-Lightning-1.6.2.jar
Launcher 1.6.2
Credits: kingbdogz – home website: Aetherii.com
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