What does Antique Atlas mod do?
Adds item Antique Atlas, Antique Atlas Mod adds a very new way to view your map with a really neat, old school gaming, aesthetic. It is essentially a book that acts like a map featuring infinite scrolling, zoom and custom labeled markers. The Antique Atlas mod generates the map by scanning around the player in every 16×16 block chunk to see what things look like on average. It very much resembles the Zelda style mapping and comes in an infinitely scrollable book
Marker with a label
The atlas gives you a more traditional and unique approach to maps in Minecraft. The maps are simpler but very well designed and they update on the fly and while the book it opened.
Like with Minecraft maps, right-click on empty Atlas to create a usable instance:
x N =
x N
Crafting an Atlas with empty Atlases creates clones of the original Atlas. Map content is shared between the clones, so you can always leave a copy at home and go on adventures without ever worrying of losing your Atlas.
1 +
2 =
2 different Atlases can be crafted together and have the contents of both merged into one.
Right-click the Atlas to open it:
How to install Antique Atlas Mod:
- Download and install the correct Minecraft Forge.
- Run Minecraft once to ensure that Minecraft Forge is installed correctly. A Mods button should now be available in the main menu.
- Download a copy of the Antique Atlas Mod jar (zip) and save it to the directory %appdata%/Roaming/.minecraft/mods. The mods directory is created by Minecraft Forge in the previous step.
- Run Minecraft and enjoy!
Download Links Below:
For MC 1.8
For MC 1.7.10
For MC 1.7.2
For MC 1.6.4
For MC 1.5.2
Credits: Hunternif
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