If you are a fan of Final Fantasy, then you do know the Chocobos and the wonderful appeal that they provide. This is why the ChocoCraft Mod has been created, all so that fans from that amazing RPG could come here and have their precious birds alongside them. It might not sound or look like much, but the reality is that the mod does indeed bring in a ton of fond memories.
The best thing about this ChocoCraft Mod is the fact that you can check out these chocobos in action. They are bipedal, large and flightless birds, but what you will like about them is that they come in multiple colors, which is indeed a major plus. Not only do they look great, but they don’t impact the game world at all, in fact they are there only for visuals. That being said, they don’t drop any food after dying, but that shouldn’t matter at all to be honest, because being able to have them enriches the game world tenfold and that’s everything you need to know in this regard.
You can mount them and ride through the game world in any way you want. And since there are 9 colors to choose from, there’s definitely no shortage of them to begin with.
Each chocobo color comes with its unique abilities and because of that it will be very interesting to find and try out all of them in order to enrich your overall experience. It’s a lot of fun to have these birds, and you will love them guaranteed!
One of the interesting features that it has to offer is the fact that the birds can procreate and they can also be bread which is a major plus. Sure, they are born in the wild, but you can use your skills in this mod and gather then tame them in any way you want. It’s something that requires a lot of work but on the other hand if you are one of the players that want to check out new mounts, then this can be a very interesting, exciting and definitely immersive experience, that’s for sure.
Adding in the ChocoCraft Mod Minecraft will allow you to have one of the best and most interesting mounts in this game which is indeed really cool. Exciting, fun and filled with excitement, this mod will bring you new opportunities to explore the world, not to mention that it manages to spruce up the overall fauna as well, offering you one of the most visually appealing and impressive games that you could ever imagine.
In conclusion, if you loved the chocobos in Final Fantasy and you are now playing Minecraft, just check out this amazing ChocoCraft Mod. It’s one of a kind and offers you immense benefits so don’t hesitate to give it a shot right now, you will not be disappointed!
Different types of Chocobos:
Okay, maybe there are more than 6:
Gysahl Greens:
Ready to Ride:
Golden big bird next to a proud owner:
Love in the air:
Proud of his offspring:
Chocobo Names:
Items and Blocks:
- 1.
Gysahl Greens – Gysahl Greens are the most important block in ChocoCraft. They are used to tame Chocobos and to create various other greens. Just like flowers, Gysahl Greens will grow randomly across the map and can be collected and even planted again.
- 2.
Raw Chocobo Leg – This piece of meat is dropped by the most unfortunate Chocobos. Just like regular chicken legs, they can be cooked on a furnace.
- 3.
Cooked Chocobo Leg – By eating this yummy chocobo leg, you’ll reduce your famine. A Chocobo Leg reduces famine even more than a cooked chicken leg, healing just as much as a cooked pork chop.
- 4.
Chocobo Feather – Chocobo Feathers are very attractive items to Chocobos. They can be used to build saddles, whistles, and even special types of gysahls. Tamed chocobos will occasionaly drop these.
- 5.
Chocobo Saddle – Tamed Chocobos can only be ridden once they are saddled with these special saddles.
- 6.
Chocobo Saddle Bags – Saddled Chocobos can be equipted with one of these to give them some transport and storage capacities. Once saddle bags are fitted onto a Chocobo, they can be accessed by shift-right-clicking the Chocobo. (can be used on Chocobo, but inventories are disabled at the moment)
- 7.
Chocobo Pack Bags – Tamed Chocobos can be equipted with one of these to give them some transport and storage capacities. Once pack bags are fitted onto a Chocobo, they can be accessed by right-clicking the Chocobo. (can be used on Chocobo, but inventories are disabled at the moment)
- 8.
Chocobo Whistle – (no function yet, will be used in future to call last ridden Chocobo to the current player position).
- 9.
Loverly Gysahl – Loverly Gysahls are a special domestic mutation of Gysahl Greens. When growing Gysahl seeds in tilted earth, there is a chance the crop will grow into a Loverly Gysahl. This form of the plant does not appear in the wild. Loverly Gysahls are used to make a Chocobo fall in love and look for a partner to procreate.
- 10.
Golden Gysahl – Just like Loverly Gysahls, Golden Gysahls are used to make Chocobos procreate. Like Loverly Gysahls this is a domestic mutation of Gysahl Greens. These romantic herbs are known to increase the chances of adquiring a new type of Chocobo.
- 11.
Gysahl Cake – Chicobos just love gysahl greens and cakes, and when you join both, they’re get really happy. Gysahl Cakes give joy to a Chicobo, making him grow up instantly into one big and beautiful Chocobo.
- 12.
Raw Gysahl Pickles – First step towards some tasty cooked Gysahl pickles.
- 13.
After cooking raw Gysahl pickles you will receive this tasty Gysahl pickles. It will not only taste marvelous, but also reduce your famine a little.
- 14.
Pink Gysahl – Weird synthetic gysahls are known to cause extreme effects to Chocobos. So beware.
- 15.
Red Gysahl – Weird synthetic gysahls are known to cause extreme effects to Chocobos. So beware.
- 16.
Gysahl Seeds – Seeds made from Gysahl Greens. Can be planted to build a Gysahl Green farm and can be fertilized with Chocobo Fertilizer.
- 17.
Chocopedia – Notebook that keeps information about the Chocobos. Allows player to name their chocobo, check on information about health and breeing status and even give orders.
- 18.
Straw – Straw cover for a Chocobo pen.
- 19.
Purple Chocobo Egg – Produced by breeding purple male and female Chocobo.
1. Chocobo Saddle = 1 Leather, 2 Strings, 1 Chocobo Feather
2. Chocobo Saddle Bags = 3 Leather, 1 Chocobo Feather
3. Chocobo Pack Bags = 4 Silk, 2 Cloth, 1 Leather, 1 Chocobo Feather
4. Chocobo Whistle = 1 Gold Ingot, 1 Chocobo Feather
5. Gysahl Cake = 2 Milk, 2 Wheat, 2 Sugar, 2 Gysahl Green, 1 Egg
6. Gysahl Seeds = 1 Gysahl Green
7. Chocopedia = 1 Book, 2 Ink Sac, 4 Chocobo Feathers, 1 Lapis Lazuli and 1 Gold Nugget
8. 4 Arrows = 1 Flint, 1 Stick and 1 Chocobo Feather
9. 4 Straw = 1 Wheat
How to install:
- Download Minecraft Forge
- Right click, Run as Administrator and press OK to install Forge. (You can skip this step if you’ve installed Minecraft Forge)
- Open Start on desktop => Open Run (Or you can use the Windows +R keyboard shortcut)
- Type %appdata% into Run and press enter
- Go to folder /.minecraft/mods
- Put the jar file of mod into mods folder and then run Minecraft. Done!
ChocoCraft Mod 1.12.2/1.11.2/1.10.2 Download Links:
Older versions:
For 1.4.5
For 1.4.7
For 1.5.1
For 1.5
For 1.5.2
For 1.6.4
For 1.7.10
For 1.8
For 1.12.2/1.12.1/1.12
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