The Cute Mob Models Mod replaces the usual generic Minecraft models you’re used to seeing with the designs used in the mobtalker mod. Mainly, it is a visual change for fun and aesthetic. However, some options available on the Mod change the mob’s hitbox to match the change of model, as well as a few other options like removing the blaze’s smoke. This mod is mainly a client side mod, which is a good thing to keep in mind when using and installing. It depends on the person whether they prefer using client sides mods or not, so that’s up to you.
It was first created by _jx but was abandoned for a while until a few players decided to revive it and update the mod. It is not the original anymore but is continuously being updated and made even better than it originally was, so you can expect new and better things from the Cute Mob Models Minecraft add on.
Features of the mod Add On:
- You can separate the mobs into the regular Minecraft mobs and the cute mobs, so you can keep everything organized. The cute mobs will behave just like the originals, so there is not much of a chance other than a visual difference.
- If you’d like you can use the more blocky version, or Steve-like, for the models. You can use this option instead of the more detailed ones of the models, in case you’d like them to fit better in with the world of Minecaft instead of sticking out so much. Anything for aesthetic!
- The new update has fixed an original crash if the Mod was put on a server.
This is quite a unique and unusual Mod for those who want to have a new layer of visual appeal to Minecraft. Again, it is mainly a visual change so if you are thinking the cute mobs are going to act a lot different than the original mobs, they won’t. The cute mobs act just like they did before they became cute, but at least they’re pretty! Check out the Cute Mob Models Mod 1.7.10 add on to have a brand new way to explore your world of Minecraft with a lot cuter mobs. The name says it all, if you want cute mobs, this mod is for you.
Mod Showcase:
How to install:
- Download and run the latest version of Minecraft Forge 1.11.2
- Go to Start Menu > Type %appdata%/.minecraft/mods
- Download the mod
- Move the downloaded Jar (zip) file into the “mods” folder
- Done and Enjoy the mod.
Download Links:
Older versions:
For 1.7.2
For 1.7.10
For 1.8
For 1.8.9
For 1.9
For 1.9.4
For 1.10.2
For 1.11
For 1.11.2
For Minecraft 1.12.2, 1.12.1, 1.12
Credits: yarrmateys
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