While other mods focus on graphics or general gameplay mechanics, Dynamic Sword Skills Mod manages to bring in front something new to the table. Instead, it helps you deliver a very good combat experience by adding in stuff that otherwise should be integrated into the game.
With this Dynamic Sword Skills Mod Minecraft you get to add in dodging, strategic attacks and parrying into your combat. With its help the game becomes a lot more dynamics and honestly you get a lot more fun that you usually do which I do enjoy quite a lot as an idea. If you truly are a fan of Minecraft but you want to spruce up the combat, this mod really manages to do an amazing job and you will love it for that. It just helps deliver that ultimate, cool experience that you do not want to miss and the value you get from here is nothing short of astonishing to say the least.
They allow you to make the most out of the older weapons by adding in new ways of using them instead of making you focus more on them. It’s a much better option and one that does deliver great results. Plus, you will start with a Basic Sword Skill and the more you play the more orbs you can find all via killing enemies as well as many other players.
Dynamic Sword Skills Mod 1.8 integrates only the combat skills so you won’t have any weapons or anything similar. Instead, you do get quite an immense set of skills at your disposal that can be used as you want and whenever you want. That’s what makes the experience special and exciting to be honest and nothing is better than a good combat to enjoy as you play, you can rest assured of that.
The new skill GUI added by this mod is very easy to access and it does convey quite a lot of value. It’s an immense tool to use if you want a quality experience and that’s nothing short of impressive to be honest. There are detailed explanations about anything you encounter there so you will obtain a good documentation upon downloading it, you can rest assured of that.
Dynamic Sword Skills Mod 1.8 is also filled with great opportunities, because once you start to play you will certainly have a lot of fun and there’s plenty of stuff to check out here. It’s an amazingly new and refined opportunity that you will not miss and the more you play the better it will be.
Should you need better combat in Minecraft, this mod is certainly a great addition to the game. It really is a lot of fun, exciting and one of the most interesting mods you can play. Plus, you don’t need to pay anything for it since it’s free of charge.
Sword Skills:
Basic Sword Technique
- Activation: Default key is X; must be looking at a target
- Effect: Locks view on to target, can no longer use mouse to free look
- Exhaustion: None
- Notes: While locked on to a target,
- Tab changes to the next target
- Rctrl may be used to block in addition to RMB
- Up arrow may be used in addition to LMB to perform a standard attack
- Deactivate by pressing X once more, or by killing everything in sight
- Each attack contributes to your current Combo; as the Combo gets bigger, so does your damage!
Dash Attack
- Activation: Attack while blocking with a sword
- Effect: Charges towards target, inflicting minor damage and knocking the target back
- Exhaustion: Moderate (1.0F minus 0.1F per level)
- Damage: 4.0F + 0.5F per level plus knockback
- Notes:
- Standing too close to the target will not build up enough momentum to cause any damage
- Activation: Double-tap left or right to dodge in that direction
- Effect: Quickly dodge out of the way of incoming attacks
- Exhaustion: Very Low (0.05F)
- Chance to Dodge: 0.1F per level plus a time bonus of up to 0.2F
- Notes:
- The amount of time during which the player is considered ‘dodging’ increases with skill level
- Can be configured to activate with a single tap only when using the arrow keys
- Activation: Double-tap back / down
- Effect: Parries an incoming blow when being attacked; cannot parry unarmed attacks.
- Exhaustion: Low (0.3F minus 0.02F per level)
- Chance to Disarm: 0.1F per level plus a timing bonus of up to 0.2F
- Notes:
- For players of equal parry skill, chance to disarm is determined solely by timing
- Can be configured to activate with a single tap only when using the arrow keys
Armor Break
- Activation: Charge up by holding the attack key; the skill will trigger when the charge is sufficient
- Effect: This powerful blow ignores target’s armor value when inflicting damage
- Exhaustion: Moderate (1.2F minus 0.06F per level)
- Damage: Same as a normal attack, including enchantment bonuses, but ignoring the target’s armor
- Charge Time: 20 ticks minus one tick per level
Leaping Blow
- Activation: Jump while blocking
- Effect: Upon landing, unleashes a devastating AoE attack that damages all in its path in addition to temporarily causing weakness
- Exhaustion: High (2.0F minus 0.1F per level)
- Damage: Base sword damage, plus 1.0F per level, plus weakness for (50 + (10 * level)) ticks
- Notes:
- Range and area of effect increase with level.
- Damage caused by Leaping Blow contributes only to Combo damage, not size.
Mortal Draw
- Activation: While empty-handed and locked on, hold the block key and attack
- Effect: The art of drawing the sword, or Battoujutsu, is a risky but deadly move, capable of inflicting deadly wounds on unsuspecting opponents with a lightning-fast blade strike
- Exhaustion: Very High (3.0F minus 0.2F per level)
- Damage: Inflicts double damage when successful
- Duration: Window of attack opportunity is (level + 2) ticks
- Notes:
- The first sword found in the action bar will be used for the strike; plan accordingly
- There is a 1.5s cooldown between uses, representing re-sheathing of the sword
Spin Attack
- Activation: Press left then right or right then left and hold both until spin attack commences
- Effect: A devastating spinning attack hits every enemy in a 360 degree arc
- Range: Hits enemies within 3 blocks, plus 0.5 blocks per level
- Exhaustion: Very High (3.0F minus 0.2F per level)
- Notes: If using the arrow keys, only one key (left or right arrow key) needs to be held to activate, and the spin will be in that direction
Super Spin Attack
- Activation: Automatic while performing a regular Spin Attack and at full health; quickly tap attack to continue spinning
- Effect: Same as the regular spin attack, but you can spin up to one extra time per level
- Range: Adds an additional 0.5 blocks per level above and beyond regular Spin Attack range
- Exhaustion: Same as the spin attack, applied each spin
By default, each player will begin with a single Basic Sword skill orb; more orbs can be acquired by looting chests or by defeating mobs and even other players. Weapons with Looting give a much higher chance of an orb drop, and various settings can be configured in the configuration file.
Mod Showcase:
Mod Installation:
- Download and run the latest version of Minecraft Forge
- Go to Start Menu > Type %appdata%/.minecraft/mods
- Download the mod
- Move the downloaded Jar (zip) file into the “mods” folder
- Done and Enjoy the mod.
- Cleaned mods of leftover ghost files that caused duplicate entries
- Added option to disable skill orb drops from players
- Added option to adjust the chance of skill orbs dropping from players
Download Links:
For 1.6.4
For 1.7.2
For 1.7.10
For 1.8
For 1.12.2
Credits: coolAlias
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