Forge Modloader-The Latest version of ModLoader Perfect for the Latest and Previous Minecraft Versions
The FML or Forge ModLoader is the latest version of modloader designed for Minecraft. It has started to function as a loading system mod that can be used on the server side. After this, it has been upgraded for bukkit use.
Now, it is made available for the side of the client. Unlike the previous versions wherein the mod is not just for the server side, this latest version is not just intended for both sides. The good thing is that it can also run even without Minecraft Forge. It can also provide for a complete modloading feature that any Minecraft player will love.
Forge Modloader Minecraft is compatible with ModLoader based-mods. This will also work on any available version of servers. Moreover, Forge Modloader will also provide for the support needed on any basic texture packs. These all come in HD.
However, the beauty of these packs will only work with those having 128x to 256x resolutions. And yet, the coverage of the current version is limited to 128x. To take advantage of the complete HD features, players are required to install OptiFine. And once the OptiFine is installed, you will not worry of its entire operations. Good thing, Forge Modloader Minecraft is known to best enhance its operation.
For players who are not familiar with mods, Forge Modloader should not as well be associated with Minecraft Forge. It is another independent mod designed for Minecraft. This is also designed to help other mods at work. The main purpose of this mod is to help in the process of installing more than a hundred of different mods. Its main function is to ensure that all mods you use are compatible with each other. This is also when you make use of it.
What makes it beneficial is that it can save your time in checking through those errors and crash reports. This is also when you are trying to figure out the solutions for the problems on your own. This is true for players who have already installed a lot of mods. It is one of those tools that do a lot more than being a simple tool.
Just like any other modloaders, Forge Modloader has a lot of specific mods designed to work with it. There are also those that might not work with it. This is also despite of whatever things you do for it to work.
Due to this, anyone may have a hard time to figure out if a certain modloader is the best from the rest. However, it is believed that most mods made for Minecraft are all developed to function with Forge. This is surely one of the common modloaders used by a lot of people. If you want to do modding within Minecraft, you may consider Forge Modloader 1.8 as a great tool. Take advantage of it at anytime soon. There is no need to hesitate using this tool!
How to install ModLoader for Minecraft:
1.6.x and up
- 1. Run the latest laucher and download 1.6.2.
- 2. Go to %appdata%/.minecraft/verisions.
- 3. Copy the directory named 1.6.2 and paste as 1.6.2ML (you may however you please, but every thing must match) so there are now two copies.
- 4. Enter new directory and rename the jar and json files to match the directory.
- 5. Open the json file in your prefered Notepad program and change:
“id”: “1.6.2”,
“id”: “1.6.2ML”,
- 6. Now with the jar you should to the steps below starting at number 3.
1.5.x and below
- Open up %appdata%, if you don’t know how to do this, start>run, then type in %appdata%.
- Browse to .minecraft/bin.
- Open up minecraft.jar with WinRAR or 7zip.
- Drag and drop the necessary files into the jar.
- Delete the META-INF folder in the jar.
- Run Minecraft, enjoy.
- Go to Applications>Utilities and open terminal.
- Type in the following, line by line:
mkdir mctmp
cd mctmp
jar xf ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar
- Outside of terminal, copy all the files and folders into the mctmp directory.
- Back inside terminal, type in the following:
jar uf ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar ./
cd ..
rm -rf mctmp
- Run Minecraft!
Another install:
- Download the mod you want to install ( MOD X)
- Download Modloader
- Type %appdata%
- Open .minecraft / bin
- Open Minecraft.jar
- Delete the META INF folder
- Drag in the Modloader files
- Run Minecraft to test
- Drag the mod files into Minecraft.jar
- Close all windows open Minecraft and enjoy
Download Links:
For minecraft 1.8
For minecraft 1.7.10
For minecraft 1.7.2
Installer: Link Download 1 – Link Download 2
Installer Win: Link Download 1 – Link Download 2
Universal: Link Download 1 – Link Download 2
For minecraft 1.6.4
Installer: Link Download 1 – Link Download 2
Universal: Link Download 1 – Link Download 2
For minecraft 1.6.2
For minecraft 1.5.2
Credits: cpw
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