WorldEdit CUI Mod Provides a Faster Way of Building Massive Constructs
The World Edit is considered by many players as one of the powerful tools in building huge constructions. With the existence of WorldEdit CUI Mod, players are given with a special interface in using their WorldEdit plugin. This allows them to choose the region they want either in real time or in-game. Players are also able to work on fast as they can copy, build and craft with the use of WorldEdit. According to the author of the mod, it will be more useful if there are Polygon selections, Convex Hull and Cylinder when editing.
If you are one of those players who do not have enough experience in using WorldEdit, this addition may not help you in figuring things out. It is highly recommended for you to try using WorldEdit in familiarizing its functions. You can test the WorldEdit mod on any junk world as it helps you in fully understanding the different functions on the mod. You will also know the best shapes in certain areas.
It is likely that you will encounter difficulties in understanding the uses of WorldEdit CUI Mod Minecraft. This is especially true when you are not familiar with its main functions. For most players who are already familiar with the functions of the previous mod, the WorldEdit CUI mod is such a level up in editing your minecraft world. Since it is adding more commands and features, learning the basic WorldEdit skills is quite a difficult thing to do. This is true when you want to add for all new commands and features to those already on the first mod.
It is now considered as one of the most advanced mods in minecraft that are available today. This is little less overpowering than other mods as it does not have any additional stuff. As you use this latest offer from WorldEdit, it is recommended for you to use the updated version of the LiteLoader regardless of the Minecraft you use. For it to work, you should get the LiteLoaer. It is not designed to function when you have Forge mod. Thus, it is best for you to have the LiteLoader.
LiteLoader may not work with other mods that are already installed in your minecraft version. And yet, you can always return to using Forge and any other mods. This is also after you have designed and created the specific world that you want.
The WorldEdit CUI Mod 1.10.2 is really simple and convenient to use. All you have to do is to make a choice over the server with the use of WorldEdit. What you chosen will be displayed in an instant on your screen. To clear all of the selections that you have made, you just have to issue the specific command “//sel”. This mod was written originally by Lahwran. It is a unique mod that will help you feel good about the changes you do with the minecraft version you use.
How to install LiteLoader for Minecraft:
- Download and install LiteLoader for your version of Minecraft
- Download the latest version of the WorldEditCUI litemod and copy it to your mods folder.
- Note: Some browsers will change the file extension to .zip when downloading, if this happens be sure to change it back to .litemod or LiteLoader will not find the mod!
- Run the game and bask in the warm glow of your new CUI mod.
How to install LiteLoader with Forge or Optifine
You have 3 options for installing LiteLoader alongside another tweaker:
Use the liteloader installer to “chain” the tweaks:
- You must run the game with the target version at least once before you start.
- Download the other tweaks you wish to chain to and install them, they will create their own profiles in the launcher (eg. Forge, Optifine)
- Download the latest version of the LiteLoader installer for your platform by clicking the link below
- Run the liteloader installer, the installer will detect supported tweaks and allow you “chain” the liteloader profile to them, check the boxes for the tweaks you wish to include in the profile.
- Run the launcher and choose the LiteLoader profile, this profile will also now load your chained tweakers
Use liteloader to load the other tweaks:
- You must run the game with the target version at least once before you start.
- Download the latest version of the LiteLoader installer for your platform by clicking the link below
- Run the liteloader installer and install liteloader with no chained tweakers
- Download the other tweaks you wish to chain to and extract them, copy the extracted jars to./minecraft/mods/ (eg. .minecraft/mods/1.7.10), create the folder if it does not exist
- Run the launcher and choose the LiteLoader profile, you can check that the other tweakers were loaded by checking in the liteloader mods list
Use FML to load liteloader:
- You must run the game with the target version at least once before you start.
- Download Minecraft Forge or FML and install it, FML will create its own profiles in the launcher
- Download the latest version of the LiteLoader installer for your platform by clicking the link below
- Run the liteloader installer and choose extract, extract the liteloader jar to ./minecraft/mods/ (eg. .minecraft/mods/1.7.10), create the folder if it does not exist
- Run the launcher and choose the FML profile, FML will load liteloader
Download Links:
For MC 1.12 (WorldEdit CUI Forge Edition Mod)
For MC 1.11 (WorldEdit CUI Forge Edition Mod)
For MC 1.10.2
For MC 1.9.4
For MC 1.9
For MC 1.8.9
For MC 1.8
For MC 1.7.10
For MC 1.7.2
For MC 1.6.4
For MC 1.6.2
For MC 1.5.2
Credit: Mumfrey
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