For players, it is necessary for you to collect bonus items at the end of the game. Just like Minecraft gamers, they usually collect different things or objects that determine how far you’d go in the game. Most of the time Minecraft games have blocks that you need to dig up in order to get the ores. However, along the way, that can be a big mess for because in the game, you need to have an inventory of all the objects you acquired.
There is no need for you to worry about the inventory process because Minecraft has a new offer that will make your job easy. Sorting out objects can really be difficult especially when you have lots of it to sort out. That would be time consuming on your part and many even hinder you of enjoying the whole game. Most commonly players would just drop the things anywhere in the box, leaving them disarrayed in the corner. The time that you will have to consume in arranging all your stuff can be used in winning the game. When you want to store all the stuff you’ve got out of the game, what you need is Inventory Tweaks Mod 1.11.2/1.10.2/1.7.10/1.7.2.
Inventory Tweaks Mod is the best fitting tool for players who do not want to give time in sorting out the resources they received out of performing well in the game. As soon as they get a stuff, they can immediately place it to their inventory without taking minutes of their valuable time. Instead of the player doing the task, the Inventory Tweaks will do the job of arranging the stuffs. In just a single click, you can get all your goods at the right place without interrupting you while the game is ongoing.
In the game, the Inventory Tweaks Mod 1.10.2 permits a player to create his own conditions and parameters of the game. The rule is to keep the mod does its job in sorting the player’s inventory until the end of the game. Automatically, it allows other items to fit in once there is an available space in the Inventory. With that, you don’t have to worry about filling the inventory because it has high capacity. Say for example, you have received a cobblestone but your inventory space for cobblestone is already filled out. What the Inventory Tweaks Mod will do is that it will transfer the cobblestone to another stock and secure a space there.
This new feature in Minecraft games is a big help to all players since they don’t need to set aside time for compiling their valuable items one at a time. The Inventory will save lots of time without the need to run the course of the game with so many distractions along the way. By the inventory management, you can do shortcuts of moving the items around while having a manageable sandbox. It works on both multiplayer and single player game. Try it now and see the difference.
[Mod Spotlight]
How to install?
- Download and install Minecraft Forge
- Download the mod
- Go to %appdata%
- Go to .minecraft/mods folder
- Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it
- If one does not exist you can create one
- Enjoy the mod
Download Here:
[tabs type=”vertical”][tabs_head][tab_title]For Minecraft 1.11.2[/tab_title][tab_title]For Minecraft 1.11[/tab_title][tab_title]For Minecraft 1.10.2[/tab_title][tab_title]For Minecraft 1.9.4[/tab_title][tab_title]For Minecraft 1.9[/tab_title][tab_title]For Minecraft 1.8.9[/tab_title][tab_title]For minecraft 1.8[/tab_title][tab_title]For minecraft 1.7.10[/tab_title][/tabs_head][tab]
For Minecraft 1.15.2/1.16.2
Mod will still only be continued for 1.15.2, 1.16.2 updating….78%
For Minecraft 1.12.2
Link Download : https://dl1.wminecraft.net/index.php?act=dl&id=1598957098
For Minecraft 1.12.1
Link Download : https://dl1.wminecraft.net/index.php?act=dl&id=1598957036
For Minecraft 1.12
Link Download : https://dl1.wminecraft.net/index.php?act=dl&id=1598957039
Credit: Kobata – Original Thread on MinecraftForum
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