More Player Models 2 Mod 1.11.2/1.10.2 for Minecraft – The Features
More Player Models 2 Mod 1.11.2/1.10.2 is a complete revision of the version 1 model. What makes it more interesting compared to its older sibling is the fact that there are features added to it.
For instance, you can now take advantage of the character creation screen, which may be accessed by pressing F12 in order to change the model of the game. Also, this time, you now have the capability to change into any type of mob.
With the introduction of the More Player Models 2 Mod, there are more animations available, making it more interesting and fun at the same time. There are also chat bubbles that you now can use for your virtual conversations. At the same time, for easy access and convenience, you can now see the very first item from your bar right on your back. If you need any assistance with the type of tool that you are currently holding, you may also notice a tooltip that can give you the needed information.
The Features – Explained
The Back Tool now incorporated with the More Player Models 2 Mod provides the capability of showing the first item located on the action bar on your characters back, especially if you do not have it equipped yet. You also have the option to disable this feature by pressing F6 menu, and setting the option of this tool to “false”.
The tooltip option was also a feature that was requested as an enhancement from the earlier version of this model. This feature may be set to any of the screen corners, thus giving you information regarding the type of tool that you are currently equipped with. Aside from basic details, it will also show the durability of such tool.
The chat bubbles will also show what the other players are saying. Even though it may not be expected to capture 100% of the mentioned line, it has the capability to capture most of the text. If you feel that it is also somewhat bothersome during the game, you can easily disable this option through the F6 menu.
In instances wherein you have scaled your character model, or if you are playing as a different entity, the Point of View (POV) feature will easily change. Just like the other extra features, you can also easily disable this feature through the F6 menu.
All of these features incorporated in the More Player Models 2 Mod 1.10.2 has been designed in order to improve your entire game experience. With these new features, you now have more capability, and more opportunity to explore your options.
Mod Spotlight:
- Download version of Minecraft Forge installer
- Navigate to the More Player Models 2 Mod and download it
- Navigate to the app data
- Locate the mods/.Minecraft folder
- You might have to create the mod folder if it is not in existence
- Locate and drop the jar file you downloaded into the mod folder
Enjoy the Mod!
Download Here!
- for Minecraft 1.7.2
- for Minecraft 1.7.10
- for Minecraft 1.8
- for Minecraft 1.8.8
- for Minecraft 1.8.9
- for Minecraft 1.9
- for Minecraft 1.9.4
- for Minecraft 1.10.2
- for Minecraft 1.11.2
Credit: Noppes – Original Thread on Minecraft Forum – Website: KoDevelopment.nl
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