Mod Menu offers an easy way to take control of the thousands of mods available for Minecraft. Whether you’re a veteran player or just starting out, Mod Menu puts all the data you need about your installed mods in one organized format. It provides a convenient search tool to quickly find any mod and information, such as websites, descriptions, and linked issues can also be found right within your menu. With this powerful mod management system, you take charge of any modifications installed on your game to ensure everything is running smoothly and maximize your Minecraft experience.

❓ What is Mod Menu?
Mod Menu is an easy-to-use GUI (graphical user interface) that allows users to quickly browse through their installed mods. It displays all mods in a single list that is both searchable and sortable according to various criteria like name or version. Additionally, users can choose to hide any libraries they don’t want listed in the menu, making it easier for them to find what they need quickly.
📚Client-side and API Mods
The Mod Menu also makes it easier for users to differentiate between client-side and API mods by displaying a special badge next to each mod in the list indicating which type of mod it is. This helps ensure that users know exactly what they are installing when they select a mod from the list. Furthermore, when clicking on a particular mod, its homepage, issues link, description and other information are displayed in detail so that users can get a better understanding of what the mod entails before installing it.
⚙️ Configuring Mods
Finally, if available the Mod Menu also gives users the ability configure certain mods with ease directly from its details page. This feature provides players with more control over their gaming experience as they can tweak settings within compatible mods without having to manually edit any files or code themselves. However this feature can be disabled if needed via config options so that it won’t interfere with any existing modpacks or servers that are already running on the game instance.
🔔Adds a screen for viewing a list of installed mods.
How to install?
How To Download & Install Mods with Minecraft Forge
How To Download & Install Fabric Mods
Don’t miss out today’s latest Minecraft Mods
📥 Mod Menu — Download Links
Name | Mod Menu |
Update on |
Feb 18, 2023
Developer |
ProspectorDev |
Get it on PC |
Mod Menu v4.2.0-beta.1 for 1.19.2
- Fixed modpack badge being added to builtin mods
- Updated translations
- Fixed a crash on the pause screen
- Use translation keys for default Minecraft and Java descriptions
- Update Mod Menu credits list
- Give builtin “java” mod more pleasing random background colors
- Updated translations
- Allow mod names to be localized
- Added an option to disable the random colors of the builtin ‘java’ mod
- Added options to disable mod name and description localization.
- Builtin ‘java’ mod is now named “Java” with vendor details in the description
- Add “Config mode” option for modpack creators
- Add option for modpack creators to hide specific mods’ config menus
- Added Modrinth mod update checker
- Added config for modpack authors to disable specific mods’ update checkers
- Fix hash checking sometimes disregarded on Quilt
- Updated translations
Mod Menu v5.1.0-beta.1 for 1.19.3
- Added Modrinth mod update checker
- Add “Config mode” option for modpack creators
- Add option for modpack creators to hide specific mods’ config menus
- Allow mod names to be localized
- Added an option to disable the random colors of the builtin ‘java’ mod
- Added options to disable mod name and description localization.
- Builtin ‘java’ mod is now named “Java” with vendor details in the description
- Updated translations
- Give builtin “java” mod more pleasing random background colors
- Update Mod Menu credits list
- Use translation keys for default Minecraft and Java descriptions