The Spice Of Life Mod for Minecraft
This mod encourages you to follow dietary through diminishing returns. Spice Of Life Mod deals with the overall hunger system in Minecraft. Essentially there is a hunger bar behind the health bar in the game which indicates the hunger in the game. Whenever the hunger bar starts lowering, you will require food immediately to stay alive. This is when this modification comes to action. Everything in this mod is entirely configurable (server-side), including the formula used to calculate the diminishing returns.
You’ll see what will happen when you hover over any food in your inventory. It will give you the amount of times you need to eat it before diminishing returns will have an effect. Most foods will need to be eaten 4 times in a row to start losing value.
This will go down until the food is essentially of no use to you. But if you add variety to your diet, the foods should maintain a healthy status.
This mod has the ability to restrict your usage of a single type of food for six times. Moreover, there is food journal which assist a player for usability of this tool. This will create a golden layer when you will eat a certain type of food on the energy bar which almost doubles the energy capacity. Please note that The Spice Of Life Mod requires Apple Core in order to work properly. It is an API for modifying the food and hunger mechanics of Minecraft. It also adds some useful information about food/hunger to the HUD.
Spreadsheet showing the effects of the default settings:
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JR_ayn8a20y36vjmuMflqKQ2RXR5BW6fwNZr1-SYp1s/edit?usp=sharing
Spice Of Life Mod for Minecraft Installation Guide
- Download and install AppleCore.
- The first thing you need to do is get the latest version of the Forge which is currently 1.10.2. Afterwards, you need to go to the start menu and type %appdata%/.minecraft/mods.
- Download the mod and place the zip file within the mods folder afterwards.
- You are pretty much done now, and all that is left is to enjoy the game with the additional enhancements.
Download Links:
For Minecraft 1.10.2:
[button color=”red” size=”medium” link=”http://dl.24hminecraft.com/download/0bf37c8″ target=”blank” ]Download from server[/button]
For Minecraft 1.9.4
[button color=”red” size=”medium” link=”http://dl.24hminecraft.com/download/5d81a37″ target=”blank” ]Download from server[/button]
For Minecraft 1.8.9
[button color=”red” size=”medium” link=”http://dl.24hminecraft.com/download/ddbf711″ target=”blank” ]Download from server[/button]
For Minecraft 1.7.10-1.7.2
[button color=”red” size=”medium” link=”http://dl.24hminecraft.com/download/4fe9d2f” target=”blank” ]Download from server[/button]
Author: squeek502
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