From the word itself, Minecraft, the word crafting is the top highlight of every Minecraft gamer. Many gamers found these games as perfect choice to be played during their leisure time. In case you are one of these online gamers who want to enjoy playing Minecraft every day, there is this new excellent mod called […]
Minecraft 1.9.4 Mods
Extra Utilities Mod (1.12.2/1.10.2/1.7.10) – Extra convenience
Extra Utilities Mod 1.12.2/1.10.2/1.7.10 are very useful and add a lot of extra convenience, but there are also a few relatively light-hearted utilities and items that are designed mainly for the sake of enjoyment and don’t really add any actual depth to the gameplay, for example, the chandelier. It adds an assortment of random items and […]
Biomes O’ Plenty Mod (1.16.3/1.15.2/1.12.2) – Over 90 biomes
Just as the name suggests, Biomes O Plenty mod offers new amazing features relating to biomes. It has been designed to give you better chance of exploring your Minecraft world and then all the more reason to do so. What it does is to add some new and unique biomes –realistic biomes, fantasy biomes and […]
Storage Drawers Mod ( 1.16.2/1.16.1/1.15.2) for Minecraft
Download Storage Drawers Mod It’s a mod that offers new options for storing objects in Minecraft, with a decorative touch. According to the author of the mod, this is a mix between BiblioCraft and Jabba Barrels. I.e., it offers the possibility to save great amount of objects in one place, but with the appearance of furniture or drawers. […]
Finder Compass Mod for Minecraft (1.11.2/1.10.2/1.7.10)
Finder Compass Mod for Minecraft The function of the standard compass in Minecraft was only to help the players to define the direction. However, this function has been improved and increased since Finder Compass Mod was born. The mod will support you in seeking the minerals by adding extra needles which allow you to know […]
Pokecube Revival Mod (1.12/1.11.2/1.10.2) – Adds pokemon
It is the revival of the venerable Pokecube Mod, last released for Minecraft 1.12. Originally made by Manchou, Updated and Heavily modified by Thutmose. Pokecube Revival mod adds pokemon to minecraft, in a way which is designed to fit the minecraft environment. The pokemobs are minecraft mob styled, and fight in a real-time combat system, with […]
Better Foliage Mod (1.12/1.11.2/1.10.2/1.7.10) – Foliage of the trees
What is Better Foliage Mod? It is a mod that aims to offer us different configuration options to play with the appearance of the foliage of the trees, plants and herbs of Minecraft. The author of this mod is inspired by a popular mod that long ago stopped updating, Better Grass and Leaves. Dynamic lighting and shadows […]
Industrial Craft 2 Mod for Minecraft – Engine & Technology (1.12.2 -> 1.7.10)
Industrial Craft 2 Mod for Minecraft Minecraft gaming is all about dealing with farming and mining simulator and winning incorporated battles which keeps it more interesting. For those who have been enthused with Minecraft because of its farming and mining environment, you now can have the precise mod to enhance the farming and mining environment […]
Tails Mod 1.11.2/1.10.2/1.7.10 – Wearable Tails
Tails Mod 1.11.2/1.10.2/1.7.10 will give you a very interesting look and can be customized in many ways. It adds in a bunch of different tails including various subtypes all of which you can colour to your liking. It allows you to create and customize almost any tail for your character.There are tons of fun options to […]
Better Sprinting Mod (1.16.5, 1.15.2) – Sprinting framework
The Better Sprinting Mod 1.16.5, 1.15.2 is an adjustment for Minecraft that enhances the Sprinting framework of the game. Sprinting is a crucial factor of any third or first-person game. However, it can be stressful on the off chance that this feature contains a bug. In Minecraft, the sprinting system isn’t completely functional; it will not […]