Download “Ultimate Car Mod 1.16.4/1.15.2/1.14.4“, Most mods add content to the game to alter gameplay, change the creative feel.
Ultimate Car Mod 1.15.2/1.14.4 brings cars, road construction and biodiesel production into your Minecraft World. There are many vehicles with different features to choose from. But before you can start driving, you need to get started with your gas production. Based on the real biodiesel production, we created a system, which is a vital factor of the mod. After having your car, road construction is the next step: You have various options to design your own streets and be creative.
- Single seater car (6 colors)
- Two seater car (6 colors)
- Truck (two seats,16 colors)
- Truck with container (two seats,16 colors)
- Single seater sports car (16 colors)
- Cars have sounds
- Cars can be damaged and have a damage indication
- Cars need fuel to run
- Cars need to be turned on before driving
- Cars have speedometer and fuel gauge
- Cars can be locked
- Cars have luggage space
- Car horn
- Different cars have different speeds and fuel consumption
- Cars are faster on roads
- Car workshop
- Tools for repairing
- Car crafting
- Many car parts for crafting
- Different asphalt blocks for road construction
- 27 white road markings (lines and arrows)
- 27 yellow road marking (lines and arrows)
- Painter for markings
- Crash barrier
- Cars are faster on asphalt roads
Fuel (production)
- Biodiesel
- Gas station
- Tanks
- Biodiesel fabrication
- Canola cultivation
- Oil mill (rape cake as a byproduct)
- Rape cake (to be used as fodder)
- Backmix reactor
- Split Tank (for decantation)
- Methanol extraction through pyrolysis (charcoal as a byproduct)
- Fuel production needs energy created by a generator
- Generator
- Generator needs fuel to run
- Old school generator that needs no fuel to run
- Cables
- Fluid pipes
- Fluid extractors
- Canister
Crafting Recipes:
Fuel production
Oil mill: 8 Iron ingots, 1 Piston
Dynamo: 7 Iron ingots, 1 Control unit
Control unit: 4 Iron ingots, 4 Red stone, 1 Sand
Crank: 3 Sticks
Cable: 3 Red stone, 6 Cable insulator
Cable insulator: 3 Wool (any color)
Blast furnace: 8 Iron ingots, 1 Furnace
Backmix reactor: 7 Iron ingots, 1 Control unit, 1 Tank
Tank: 4 Iron ingots, 4 Glass
Fluid pipes: 6 Iron ingots
Fluid extractors: 3 Iron ingots, 2 Fluid pipes
Split tank: 3 Iron ingots, 2 Glass, 2 Tanks
Fuel station: 4 Iron ingots, 1 Iron block, 1 Control unit, 1 Tank, 2 Stone slabs
Canister: 7 Iron ingots, 1 Tank
Generator: 6 Iron ingots, 1 Control unit, 1 Tank, 1 3-cylinder engine
3-Cylinder engine: 3 Flints, 3 Engine pistons, 3 Iron blocks
Engine piston: 1 Iron ingot, 2 Iron sticks
Iron sticks: 2 Iron ingots
6-Cylinder engine: 7 Iron ingots, 2 3-cylinder engines
Car workshop: 6 Iron ingots, 1 Piston
Car workshop part: 7 Iron ingots
Wooden car (single seater): 1 Windshield, 1 Seat, 1 Control unit, 1 Chest, 1 3-cylinder engine, 4 Car body parts, 1 Car tank, 2 Axles. To be crafted in the car workshop. You can use any wood color for the car body parts to define the vehicle color. For one car, it has to be the same color of body parts.
Wooden car (two seats): 1 Windshield, 2 Seats, 1 Control unit, 1 Chest, 1 3-cylinder engine, 6 Car body parts, 1 Car tank, 2 Axles. To be crafted in the car workshop. You can use any wood color for the car body parts to define the vehicle color. For one car, it has to be the same color of body parts.
Two different color examples:
Transporter: 1 Windshield, 1 Seat, 1 Control unit, 2 Chests (or 1 chest and 1 container for a larger inventory – see lower picture), 1 3-cylinder engine, 6 Hardened clay blocks, 3 Axles, 1 Car tank. To be crafted in the car workshop. You can use any of the 16 clay colors to define the vehicle color. You can not mix the color for one vehicle.
Sports car: 1 Windshield, 1 Seat, 1 Control unit, 1 Chest, 1 6-cylinder engine, 4 Hardened clay blocks, 2 Axles, 1 Ttank. To be crafted in the car workshop. You can use any of the 16 clay colors to define the vehicle color. You can not mix the color for one vehicle.
Two different color examples:
Windshield: 6 Glass panes
Car seat: 3 Wool blocks(any color), 5 Wooden planks (any color)
Car body part: 4 Logs(any color) , 2 Planks (any color). Logs and planks have to be the same color/sort/type of wood.
Car tank: 8 Iron ingots, 1 Tank
Axle: 2 Wheels, 1 Iron stick
Wheel: 1 Iron ingot, 4 BLACK wool blocks
Repair kit: 6 Iron ingots, 1 Screwdriver, 1 Wrench, 1 Hammer
Screwdriver: 1 Iron ingot, 2 Iron sticks
Wrench: 2 Iron ingot, 2 Iron sticks
Hammer: 3 Iron ingot, 2 Iron sticks
Painter: 2 White dye, 2 Sticks
Yellow painter: 2 Yellow dye, 2 Sticks
Crash barriers: 8 Iron ingots
Asphalt: 8 Cobblestones, 1 Black wool or 1 coal
Asphalt slope: 6 Asphalt
Upper asphalt slope (flat): 4 Asphalt
Lower asphalt slope (flat): 4 Asphalt
Asphalt slab: 3 Asphalt
Redstone Flux API
Dynamic Lights Mod (Optional)
How to install:
- Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge and Redstone Flux API.
- Locate the minecraft application folder.
- On windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run.
- On mac open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft.
- Place the mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods folder.
- When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now see the mod is installed.
Download Links:
For Minecraft 1.12.2
For Minecraft 1.14.4
For Minecraft 1.15.2
Minecraft Game version 1.16.1
Link Download : https://dl2.wminecraft.net/index.php?act=dl&id=50
Minecraft Game version 1.16.2
Link Download : https://dl2.wminecraft.net/index.php?act=dl&id=48
Minecraft Game version 1.16.3
Link Download : https://dl2.wminecraft.net/index.php?act=dl&id=49
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