Download Custom NPCs Mod 1.16.5, 1.12.2 Description:
Custom NPCs is a Minecraft mod that allows players to create their own non-player characters (NPCs) in the game. This mod is used to create interactive and custom quests, as well as to populate player-created towns and villages.
The Custom NPCs mod adds a number of new tools and features to Minecraft, including the ability to create new NPCs with custom skins and textures, customize their dialog, and even create custom quests and interactions for them. The mod also adds a number of new items and blocks to the game, such as NPC spawners and quest boards.
Custom NPCs is compatible with Minecraft versions 1.7.10 and later, and can be installed through the Minecraft Forge mod loader. The mod can be downloaded from various online mod repositories and forums, such as CurseForge and the Minecraft Forums.
Please note that the use of mods, including Custom NPCs, can potentially affect the stability of your Minecraft game, and may cause compatibility issues with other mods or resource packs. As such, it’s important to use caution when installing mods, and to only install mods from reputable sources.
Additionally, it’s always a good idea to back up your Minecraft game data before installing any mods, in case something goes wrong. Some mods may also require additional resources or software, such as Minecraft Forge, in order to run properly.
When using the Custom NPCs mod, players have a great deal of creative freedom to create unique and interesting NPCs, as well as to create custom quests and interactions for them. This can add a lot of depth and replay value to Minecraft, and can even lead to the creation of entire custom Minecraft adventures and games.
However, it’s important to keep in mind that while the Custom NPCs mod is a powerful tool, it may not be suitable for all players. Some players may find the mod difficult to use or may not be interested in the added complexity that comes with customizing NPCs.
In conclusion, the Custom NPCs mod is a great choice for Minecraft players who want to create custom NPCs, quests, and interactive experiences in the game. However, it’s important to use caution when installing mods and to carefully consider whether the mod is right for you and your Minecraft setup.
Installation instructions Download Custom NPCs Mod 1.16.5, 1.12.2
How To Download & Install Mods with Minecraft Forge
How To Download & Install Fabric Mods
Don’t miss out today’s latest Minecraft Mods
Relative Post:
How To Install Minecraft Forge (Modding API)?
4 steps to install forge for windows, mac, Linux
Step 1: Download and install MC Forge at the website
Step 2:Open the .jar file you just downloaded
Step 3:Select Install Client or Install Server if you want to install for your server, and click OK
Step 4:Launch Minecraft and select the Forge profile, then click Play.
Mod Review:
Npc Wand
- Right click the ground, with the npc wand, to spawn an npc
- Right click an npc, with the npc wand, to edit it
- Right click into the air to get nearby npcs and to freeze all npcs
Npc Cloner
- Right click an npc while holding the Npc Cloner to bring up the Cloning Save Menu
- Click a slot to store the npc
- Right click the ground to bring up the Cloning Load Menu
- Click on the slot, in which you stored your npc, to spawn a copy of it.
Mob Spawner
- Makes it easier to spawn all the mobs (Even modded ones)
- Can also make mobspawners of the mobs
Redstone Block
- It will turn on when you get into the on range
- It will turn off if you go out of the off range
- To edit the settings you rightclick it with the npc wand
- Can be setup to only turn on if you havent done a certain quest or read a certain dialog. (basically the same as unlocking/locking dialogs)
Extra Items
The other items are mostly just for dressing up your npc or for quests. Some of them actually work for players, but I didnt want to put too much time in them so most of them are pretty simple. Watch the video for most of the items.
Dagger, Spear, BattleAxe, Mace, Glaive, Scythe and Trident
For the most part are exactly like swords. They are enchantable. The bronze variant does the same amount of damage as the iron one, but is less durable. The emerald does a half heart more damage than the diamond one, but is less durable.
Guns and bullets
You hold the right mouse button to pull the trigger, when you hear click you can release it to shoot. Your gun type depends how far you can shoot. Guns can shoot their ammo and all the ammo of lesser quality wood and black bullets are the same. So an wooden gun can shoot black and wood bullits, a stone gun can shoot stone,wood and black etc.
The base damage for guns are 2,5 hearts. The damage added to that is (gun material + bullet material) / 2. So a wood gun with wood bullets does 2,5 damage, a stone gun with wood bullits does 2,5 damage an stone gun with stone bullets does 3 damage. Wood = 0, Stone = 0.5, Gold = 0.5, Bronze&Iron = 1, Diamond = 1.5, Emerald = 2
Machine Gun
Holding right click will shoot 8 black bullets in rapid succesion. After shooting 8 bullits you need to hold right click again to reload, before you can shoot again. Every bullit hit does 2 hearts of damage.
(Elemental) Staffs and mana
The different types of staffs have different ‘casting’ time the elemental and iron staffs are basically the same. Holding the right mouse button will start charging. If you have mana in your inventory it will create a ‘magical‘ projectile. The moment you release the right mouse button it will launch it.
The base damage for the projectiles is 3 + random 0-2 + Material type damage.
Normal shields and round shields are the same. Heater, Tower, Cryscent and Scutum are the same as iron. Holding right mouse button while holding a shield will make the shield absorb all the damage.
How to install:
- Download Minecraft Forge 1.15.2
- Right click, Run as Administrator and press OK to install Forge. (You can skip this step if you�ve installed Minecraft Forge)
- Open Start on desktop => Open Run (Or you can use the Windows +R keyboard shortcut)
- Type %appdata% into Run and press enter
- Go to folder /.minecraft/mods
- Put the jar file of mod into mods folder and then run Minecraft. Done!
Custom NPCs Mod 1.16.5, 1.12.2 Download Links:
Older versions:
For 1.5.1
For 1.5
For 1.4.6
For 1.4.5
For 1.5.2
For 1.6.2/1.6.4
For 1.7.2
For Minecraft 1.7.10
For Minecraft 1.8
For Minecraft 1.8.9
For Minecraft 1.9
(Beta) Download from Link 1
For Minecraft 1.10.2
For Minecraft 1.11
For Minecraft 1.11.2
For Minecraft 1.12
For Minecraft 1.12.2
For Minecraft 1.15.2
For Minecraft 1.16.5
Forge version: Download from Server 1
Credits: Noppes – (Original Thread on Minecraft Forum)
How to fix minecraft mod crash?
Mods Crashes can easily occur due to mod conflicts, wrong versions of mods, or buggy mods. If the player has installed several mods, if using the older launcher, they should try renaming the “bin” directory in the Minecraft folder, then start Minecraft (Or replace the current minecraft.
How do I delete Minecraft Mods?
What you could do it you have Windows is click on the start button and then search run. Click on the secound option. Then search apps. Next go roaming then .minecraft then mods and you should see all your mods. Click the one you want to delete and press delete or backspace.
How do I update Minecraft forge for the Server?
if you run into the case of your server is not starting and you see in the console it’s saying something along these lines;
Console :: net.minecraftforge.fml.common.MultipleModsErrored:
Console :: Missing Mods:
Console :: unknown : need [,): have (Your version of Mc forge may be different
Console :: Missing Mods:
Console :: unknown : need [,): have
1. Open a browser and goto Link Here
2. Download the minecraft forge version you want to update
3. Save the file and run it
4. Select Install Server and click the box with “…”, click the desktop on the left and make a new folder called Forge.2772 and click Open and click OK
5. Go to the folder on your desktop Forge.2772, delete the minecraft_server.jar file and copy the forge-1.12.2- to ForgeMod.jar
Note – The ForgeMod.jar file is case sensitive, ForgeMod.jar is the only way it will work
6. Once that is done, go to the servercraft control panel, stop your server and go in the file manager. Delete the ForgeMod.jar forge-1.12.2- files and the libraries folder
7. You can use the file manager to upload your files or use an FTP program, either way, you need to copy all the files and folder from your Forge.2772 on your desktop to your root folder on your server. With the file manager you can drag and drop files to upload them
8. Once done, you can start your server
9. You can verify in the console that you upgraded it correctly
- Weapon
- Armor
- Furniture
- Decor
- Mobs
- Realism
- Cars
- Magic
- Lucky Blocks
List of Minecraft Mods. Below is the list of Minecraft Mods developed and modified by the Minecraft community.
The latest version is Minecraft 1.16.5 mods, Most popular versions are Minecraft 1.16.4 mods, Minecraft 1.15.2 mods, Minecraft 1.14.4 mods, Minecraft 1.12.2 mods, Minecraft 1.11.2 mods, Minecraft 1.10.2 mods, and Minecraft 1.7.10 mods.!