Installation instructions Download Special Mobs Mod
– Make sure you have Minecraft Forge.
– Locate the Minecraft game folder: On Windows, open the Run dialog box, enter %appdata% and click the Run button. On a Mac, open Finder, hold down the ALT key and click Go> Library. Then open the Application Support folder and search for Minecraft.
– From here, drag in the mods file downloaded (.jar or .zip) you wish to add.
– Open Minecraft game, click on Mods button and explore.
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How To Install Minecraft Forge (Modding API)?
4 steps to install forge for windows, mac, Linux
Step 1: Download and install MC Forge at the website
Step 2:Open the .jar file you just downloaded
Step 3:Select Install Client or Install Server if you want to install for your server, and click OK
Step 4:Launch Minecraft and select the Forge profile, then click Play.
Download Special Mobs Mod Description:
Special Mobs Mod for Minecraft is promised to introduce more various Minecraft monsters and allowed you to adjust all vanilla spawn rates and even make jockeys more common.
In short, this small mod introduces variants to your default Minecraft mods, such as creepers with fiery explosions, skeletons that shoot poisoned arrows, and zombies that leap at you.
Each mob added by this mod has an adjustable rate that affects how common it is, from never appearing to being the only mob that ever appears! The properties file is generated in the ‘config’ folder in your .minecraft directory.
Zombies and skeletons are given a somewhat random movement speed when spawned.
Special Creepers:
====Eight new creepers:
* Fire creeper
* Lightning creeper
* Dirt creeper
* Jumping creeper
* Doom creeper
* Armor creeper
* Death creeper
* Ender creeper
Fire Creeper
The fire creeper is immune to fire, lava, and lightning, but water prevents it from exploding while slowly killing it. It also makes a lot of fire when it explodes! Wooden people and houses beware!
Fire creepers often drop fire charges and coal, and will rarely also drop well-made flint and steel.
Lightning Creeper
The lightning creeper is much like any run-of-the-mill creeper with beautiful blue skin except it causes lightning to strike when it explodes! The actual explosion is pitiful when uncharged, but the lightning will charge other creepers if they are nearby! It does not take damage from lightning and, when charged, its explosion size is that of a normal charged creeper! Ouch!
Lightning creepers often drop redstone dust, and will rarely also drop gunpowder.
Dirt Creeper
The dirt creeper covers itself in mud. You’d think it would cover itself in dirt, considering its name and all, but the creeper’s name, “dirt”, is actually derived from the testificate word “dehrp”, which roughly means “poop”. Also, our scientists say that dirt doesn’t stick to things very well. Completely unrelated to these facts, the dirt creeper creates a glob of dirt instead of destroying the landscape.
Dirt creepers often drop dirt and bread, and will rarely also drop grass.
Jumping Creeper
The jumping creeper will jump ridiculously high and attack from on high! It has a habit of being immune to falling damage and exploding harmlessly in the air above you, but don’t count on that second one.
Jumping creepers often drop glowstone dust, and will rarely also drop gunpowder.
Doom Creeper
The doom creeper knows it’s doomed, so it has rigged itself to also explode if it dies! When killed, its explosion is weakened and does not destroy any blocks, but will explode like a normal creeper otherwise. Even with the dampened explosion, not much is left of the doom creeper after it dies, usually just shattered bones and sandness.
Doom creepers often drop bonemeal, and will rarely also drop ghast tears.
Armor Creeper
The armor creeper is your standard, yellow creeper wearing a cute armored vest and little booties! It has light armor, but is otherwise the same as a normal creeper.
Armor creepers often drop leather, and will rarely also drop gunpowder.
Death Creeper
The death creeper is overflowing with gunpowdery goodness, giving its explosion the strength of TNT! With all that gunpowder spewing from its pores, you’d think it would explode if you lit it on fire, and it does! Be careful.
Death creepers drop more gunpowder than normal, and will rarely also drop TNT.
Ender Creeper
The Ender creeper is the epitome of evil. It teleports around and steals candy from babies, then explodes in your face. Like endermen, the Ender creeper doesn’t take kindly to being looked at. If you value your life, I would suggest wearing a pumpkin on your head and avoiding these guys.
Ender creepers drop ender pearls, and will rarely also drop an ancient weapon of unworldly power, known to the endermen as the Whip of Destruction!====
Special Endermen:
====Eight new endermen:
* Lightning enderman
* Icy enderman
* Confusing enderman
* Cursed enderman
* Blinding enderman
* Mirage enderman
* Strike enderman
* Ancient enderman
All special endermen drop the block they are carrying when killed!
Lightning Enderman
The lightning enderman smites you down with lightning if you let it touch you! Naturally, it’s immune to lightning, otherwise it wouldn’t be very effective at living.
Lightning endermen often drop redstone dust, and will rarely also drop Ender pearls and eyes of Ender.
Icy Enderman
The icy enderman will freeze you solid if it touches you! Well, almost; you move 90% slower for a couple seconds. Be careful, since getting hit by one of these will make you a sitting duck. Or a frozen duck.
Icy endermen often drop snowballs, and will rarely also drop ice.
Confusing Enderman
Very confusing, the confusing enderman is. Move 10% slower, you will in the opposite direction! Potion effect, this reverse in movement is, so cure it, milk will. True jedi master, you must be, in order to defeat the confusing enderman.
Confusing endermen rarely drop Ender pearls and eyes of Ender, but usually drop raw fish.
Cursed Enderman
The cursed enderman is cursed to spread curses! If you are hit by one, your attack power and mining speed will go down for a fairly long while. What’s worse is, the more you are hit by the cursed enderman, the stronger the curse becomes! Of course, as everyone knows, drinking milk will completely purge you of any curse, no matter how strong it is.
Cursed endermen often drop fermented spider eyes, and will rarely also drop Ender pearls and eyes of Ender.
Blinding Enderman
The blinding enderman will blind you when it gets near, making it difficult to see where it’s attacking from, and impossible to sprint or score a critical hit. Watch your step!
Blinding endermen often drop ink sacs and ghast tears, and will rarely also drop eyes of Ender.
Mirage Enderman
The mirage enderman is just like any ordinary enderman, except for one thing: it creates mirror images when it teleports! Any time the mirage enderman teleports, it creates a mirror image that will either take the mirage enderman’s place or teleport instead of the mirage enderman! Mirror images only live for ten seconds, have half a heart of health, and can’t deal damage or make more mirror images, but will probably mess with your head.
Mirage endermen often drop silverfish blocks, and will very rarely also drop a sacred (to endermen) harvesting tool.
Strike Enderman
The strike enderman has light armor, but don’t let it fool you. An enderman has twice as much health as a normal mob, so its armor is twice as effective. The strike enderman also (almost) always teleports away the moment it hits you, giving you less time to launch a counterattack. Its skin is actually flint. Weird.
Strike endermen often drop flint, and will rarely also drop Ender pearls and eyes of Ender.
Ancient Enderman
The ancient enderman is a beast of a beast. It has light armor, will blind you when near, will inflict random negative effects on you when it hits you, and regenerates health. While it does regenerate more slowly than other ancients (one heart every three seconds instead of every two seconds), it teleports around, delaying the battle and giving itself more time to heal. Prepare for a lengthy battle, and be warned.
Ancient endermen often drop gold nuggets, and will rarely also drop some of their vast riches, including some of their sacred tools.====
Special Ghasts:
====Four new ghasts:
* Baby ghast
* Unholy ghast
* Queen ghast
* King ghast
Baby Ghast
The baby ghast is small. If you think it got its name from its size, you’re wrong. It’s a baby. As everyone knows, a baby ghast can’t shoot fireballs, so it will fly towards you to try and sting you. Fortunately for you, it has even less than the normally low ghast health.
Baby ghasts often drop bonemeal, and will rarely also drop gunpowder.
Unholy Ghast
The unholy ghast is somehow able to animate bones right out of the ground to help it kill you! Why would it do that? I wouldn’t say it was over-compensating, but… Anyways, skeletons spawn wherever its fireballs hit.
Unholy ghasts often drop bones and ghast tears, and will rarely also drop a holy sword capable of obliterating the undead.
Queen Ghast
The queen ghast is somewhat like a flying hive, only it’s a ghast and shoots fireballs. When it sees you, it will start spawning baby ghasts to attack you. Once it has spawned five babies, it will start shooting fireballs at you instead. If you or (by cruel fate) one of the queen’s fireballs kill some of its babies, the queen will just make more. Some mother. Also, it regenerates!
Queen ghasts often drop gold nuggets and ghast tears, and will rarely also drop some of their vast riches, including unusually fire-proof armor.
King Ghast
The king ghast is big, bad, and a very fair king (which is why you never see ghasts fighting each other). It has substantial health and armor (for a ghast) and regenerates health over time. In addition, the fireballs it shoots are larger, and roughly equivalent to flying fire creepers. Thankfully, the fireballs are slower and easier to deflect.
King ghasts often drop gold nuggets and ghast tears, and will rarely also drop some of their vast riches, including a kingly crown, sword, and bow.====
Special Skeletons:
====Five new skeletons:
* Quick skeleton
* Gatling skeleton
* Thief skeleton
* Poison skeleton
* Fire skeleton
All skeletons have a 5/6 chance to be a wither skeleton when spawned in the Nether.
Quick Skeleton
The quick skeleton is, as you might imagine, quick! It moves and shoot a bit faster, but its arrows don’t deal as much damage as usual also, they wear cool headbands.
Quick skeletons drop feathers and arrows, and will rarely also drop bows that might be enchanted.
Gatling Skeleton
The Gatling skeleton is a lean, mean, shooting machine. If you think headbands are cool, you’re right, but this goggle-wearing skeleton will blow you away, literally! It fires two pathetically weak arrows every second, and move at roughly a snail’s pace! I would suggest running away.
Gatling skeletons drop gunpowder and arrows, and will rarely also drop bows that might be enchanted.
Thief Skeleton
The thief skeleton is ten pounds and eleven ounces of pure evil. Every time it hits you, it’ll take whatever you’re holding right out of your hands, if it thinks its new snatch is better at killing you than what it was holding, it will throw the old item on the ground. Of course, if it doesn’t want the item it steals from you, it throws that on the ground instead.
Thief skeletons usually drop gold nuggets, and will rarely also drop especially thievish golden swords. They will also drop whatever they’re holding.
Poison Skeleton
The poison skeleton is a master of stealth, cunning, and stealing spiders’ eyes. It might strike when you least expect it – a single hit from one of its poisonous arrows will poison you! The poison lasts for three, six, and nine seconds on easy, normal, and hard difficulties, respectively, and its strength depends on the skeleton’s Poison enchantment.
Poison skeletons drop spider eyes and arrows, and will rarely also drop bows that might be enchanted.
Fire Skeleton
The fire skeleton burns with the flames of a thousand torches! Its arrows are about just as hot (roughly 823 torches), and it wants to fling them in your face! Its arrows are basically the same as those shot by a bow with the Flame I enchantment because its bow has the Flame I enchantment. Water isn’t good for the fire skeleton, and will ultimately kill it. Looks cool with dynamic lighting!
Fire skeletons drop fire charges, coal, and arrows, and will rarely also drop bows that might be enchanted.====
Special Spiders:
====Twelve new spiders:
* Baby spider
* Small spider
* Giant spider
* Poison spider
* Desert spider
* Pale spider
* Witch spider
* Speedy spider
* Flying spider
* Angry spider
* Tough spider
* Mother spider
Baby Spider
The baby spider is just absolutely adorable. Smaller than the cave spider, the baby spider can even fit in holes only half a block tall! That being said, its one heart of health and half-heart attack power make it a very minor threat, even in fairly large numbers. It also has the bonus of being rather comedic when ridden by a skeleton.
Baby spiders sometimes drop a bit of string.
Small Spider
The small spider is all the size of the cave spider, and none of the poison! Pretty standard, really.
Small spiders drop a bit less string than normal, but rarely also drop extra string and spider eyes.
Giant Spider
The giant spider is the opposite of a small spider. It’s also really big. It’s actually somewhat scary and can take a little more punishment and deal a bit more damage, but it can’t fit under single blocks anymore.
Giant spiders drop the usual spider stuff, but rarely also drop extra string and spider eyes.
Poison Spider
The poison spider looks just like the cave spider, except for the fact that it’s the size of a normal spider. It’s also poisonous just like a cave spider, and can spawn without a spawner!
Poison spiders drop more spider eyes than usual, but rarely also drop extra string and spider eyes.
Desert Spider
The desert spider has had to survive in the harsh desert environment. Naturally, it had to develop an extremely potent poison. While it doesn’t hurt anything by itself, a single bite can leave a victim completely incapacitated – multiple bites can, well, just don’t get bitten.
Desert spiders drop sand, and will rarely also drop webs.
Pale Spider
The pale spider actually got its name from its poison, not from its slightly paler shell, as you might think. The poison makes its victim extremely weak and pale, leaving it unable to defend itself while the pale spider eats it alive. Gross.
Pale spiders drop the usual spider stuff, but it drops fermented spider eyes instead of regular ones.
Witch Spider
The witch spider’s attack makes you take more damage than usual. Don’t get hit while you’re under its effects! Also, our scientists have discovered it seems to have a strange defense against arrows, and discourage shooting it.
Witch spiders drop various potion ingredients, possibly even a brewing stand. Why would a spider have a brewing stand?
Speedy Spider
The speedy spider moves faster than a kangaroo on a hot december afternoon! It’s pretty hard to simply run from, so I would suggest either killing it or tricking it into running into a wall. Definitely avoid it if there’s a skeleton riding it.
Speedy spiders drop the usual spider stuff, but rarely also drop extra string and spider eyes.
Flying Spider
The flying spider is purple! Also, instead of flying, it leaps vast distances and is immune to fall damage. It will leap at you from twice as far away as a normal spider, and will try to land behind you! Oh, and one more thing: stay very far away from the flying spider jockey.
Flying spiders drop feathers and spider eyes, but rarely also drop extra string and spider eyes.
Angry Spider
The angry spider looks and behaves exactly like a normal spider at night. However, it is completely and utterly hostile, even in broad daylight! What it really needs is a hug in the face from your sword.
Angry spiders drop the usual spider stuff, but rarely also drop blaze powder, generated by their seething hatred.
Tough Spider
The tough spider is big and, well, tough. Its shell is abnormally hard and can be used as flint, which you will probably need to make a ton of arrows to deal with all the upgraded creepers, skeletons, and spider jockeys. It also hurts a little more when it bites.
Tough spiders drop flint and spider eyes, but rarely also drop iron.
Mother Spider
The mother spider is the creepiest, crawliest spider on the market. Not only is it tougher than a tough spider, but it also regenerates health and spawns five baby spiders when it dies.
Mother spiders usually drop extra spider eyes, and will rarely also drop some mostly digested armor, which probably would have to be incredibly powerful to withstand a mother spider’s stomach acid.====
Special Zombies:
====Seven new zombies:
* Fast zombie
* Fire zombie
* Plague zombie
* Hungry zombie
* Jumping zombie
* Charging zombie
* Fishing zombie
All zombies have a 1/20 chance to spawn as a zombie villager. If a villager is infected, it will be the same type of zombie that killed it.
Fast Zombie
The fast zombie is fast. Maybe it’s not fast compared to a spider, or anything else, but it’s surely faster than other zombies.
Fast zombies drop the usual zombie stuff, with a small chance to drop glowstone dust.
Fire Zombie
The fire zombie is one hot tamale, and will set you on fire if it hits you. Of course, being fiery, its one true kryptonite is water.
Fire zombies usually drop fire charges and coal, and rarely also drop blaze rods and especially fiery golden swords.
Plague Zombie
The plague zombie is the nastiest, grossiest zombie you’ll ever see in Minecraft, theoretically speaking. When it hits you, you’ll suffer random negative effects, which will stack with each hit. Got milk?
Plague zombies drop the usual zombie stuff, with a small chance to drop netherwart.
Hungry Zombie
The hungry zombie has a bottomless stomach literally. When is hits you, it will eat a food item from your inventory, healing itself. Since it has bad manners, after eating a bowl of your mushroom stew, it will just throw the bowl on the ground. Rude.
Hungry zombies drop the usual zombie stuff, and will rarely also drop apples that might be golden.
Jumping Zombie
The jumping zombie will leap at you when it is close enough, and is immune to fall damage. It leaps much farther and higher than a spider and looks just like a normal zombie. It’s scary!
Jumping zombies drop the usual zombie stuff, with a small chance to drop featherfall boots.
Charging Zombie
The charging zombie wears a helmet, and uses it to headbutt your face. It is slightly tougher and more damaging than a regular zombie, and knocks you back rather far. If lava is anywhere nearby, you can count on the charging zombie to knock you directly into it by pure coincidence.
Charging zombies drop the usual zombie stuff, with a small chance to drop a good shovel for whacking.
Fishing Zombie
The fishing zombie enjoys sitting with its friends and fishing the morning away. Also, it uses its fishing rod to reel you in! We believe the boots they wear are to help prevent gangreene; we aren’t sure how they work, but you can’t argue with results.
Fishing zombies drop the usual zombie stuff, with a small chance to drop a very well-made fishing rod.====
Special Zombie Pigmen:
====Six new zombie pigmen:
* Angry zombie pigman
* Jumping zombie pigman
* Plague zombie pigman
* Hungry zombie pigman
* Charging zombie pigman
* Fishing zombie pigman
Angry Zombie Pigman
The angry zombie pigman is mad at you. Why? Why aren’t all zombie pigmen mad at you? This, truly, is a question of the ages. Other zombie pigmen will step in if you retaliate against the angry zombie pigman.
Angry zombie pigmen drop the usual zombie pigman stuff, with a small chance to drop blaze powder.
Jumping Zombie Pigman
The jumping zombie pigman not only leaps incredibly high, but also lands incredibly well, even from ridiculous nethercliffs! Its secret to landing well is years of intense judo training.
Jumping zombie pigmen drop the usual zombie pigman stuff, with a small chance to drop featherfall boots.
Plague Zombie Pigman
The plague zombie pigman is the kind that inflicts random conditions on you. We don’t really know exactly how it inflicts these things on you, but our scientists assure you that you are better off not knowing.
Plague zombie pigmen drop the usual zombie pigman stuff, with a small chance to drop netherwart.
Hungry Zombie Pigman
The hungry zombie pigman eats your hard-earned food. Of course in the nether, the chances are that your food came from other zombie pigmen, but the hungry zombie pigman just doesn’t care, even though it is often chastized by the other zombie pigmen for being cannibalistic.
Hungry zombie pigmen drop the usual zombie pigman stuff, and will rarely also drop apples that might be golden.====
This mod adds a separate spawn chance (and a spawn egg in creative mode) for jockey-type mobs. When a jockey mob is spawned, it chooses a mount and rider at random, based on the settings and spawn rates in your config file. There are a couple of mobs that will only spawn naturally as a part of a jockey (mount-only and rider-only mobs).
Possible riders:
* Skeletons
* Creepers – vanilla, armor, death, and fire creepers
* Zombies – all but charging, hungry, and jumping zombies
Possible mounts:
* Spiders – all but baby spiders
* Pigs
* Mini ghasts
Three mount-only mobs:
* Pig
* Mini ghast
* Armor spider
One rider-only mob:
* Spitfire skeleton
The pig is really just a pig with a saddle. This pig will attack you if it is being ridden by a monster! If you kill its rider, however, you can hop on it yourself! (Bring a carrot-on-a-stick!) The pig will still despawn like a hostile mob as long as you never right-click it.
Mini Ghast
The miniature ghast is a blast from the past, and by past, I mean Nether. These little jellyfish will wander around the sky, just waiting for you to get close. They will generally float just close enough to you for whatever is on its back to shoot at you, but if there’s a creeper (or nothing) riding it, it will try to sting you. Needless to say, don’t let it get close to you if it has a creeper on its head.
Armor Spider
The armor spider, also known as the big, angry spider on steroids wearing armor, is the toughest spider around. This bad boy has more health and armor than the mother spider and will attack in broad daylight. Not only does this spider regenerate, but it regenerates any monster riding it, too!
Armor spiders drop leather, and will rarely also drop the most powerful equipment you can get.
Spitfire Skeleton
The spitfire skeleton is too cool to walk. Er, too hot. Whatever it is, the spitfire skeleton is the only skeleton with the legendary Spitfire enchantment! Good luck getting a Spitfire bow of your own!
Spitfire skeletons drop fire charges and coal, and will rarely also drop blaze rods.====
====Certain mobs have a chance to spawn as an ‘ancient’ mob. Ancient mobs have five extra hearts of health, maximum armor (regardless of the armor they are wearing), health regeneration, and their equipment has the best enchantments possible (sometimes, even better).
Possible ancient mobs:
* Skeletons
* Zombies
* Zombie pigmen
Ancient skeletons will always spawn with bows and ancient zombies will always spawn with swords (with a few exceptions). Ancient zombie pigmen are the only ancient mobs that will use the bow chance value in the config file.
Ancient mobs usually wear a full set of golden armor and wield a bow or golden sword, all enchanted with the best possible enchantments! The armor and enchantments may vary depending on the type of mob, of course. This epic equipment is the best you can find for obvious reasons, and is only obtainable through killing these brutal monsters!
Ancient mobs all drop gold nuggets and emeralds and, rarely, a gold ingot or diamond in addition to their standard drops and equipment. In addition, they provide quite a bit more experience.====
====Skeletons, zombies, and zombie pigmen can all spawn with equipment. The equipment chance and strength can be modified in the config file. The config file defaults to vanilla Minecraft’s hard mode defaults, only with armor and weapons appearing four times as often.
Quick overview of the loot section in the config file:
Skeletons, wither skeletons, zombies, and zombie pigmen all have a configurable chance to spawn with a bow rather than anything else.
Chance – chance that a mob will spawn with armor on.
Drop – chance for each armor piece to be dropped on a mob’s death.
Dye – chance for each piece of leather armor to be dyed.
Enchantment – chance for each armor piece to be enchanted.
Factor – rate determining the number of armor pieces a mob spawns with.
Level – rate determining the strength of the material a mob’s armor is made of.
The chance for an enchanted item to have a special name.
Chance – chance that a mob with a weapon or an upgraded weapon (not a bow).
Drop – chance that a mob will drop its weapon.
Enchantment – chance for weapons to be enchanted.
Level – rate determining the strength of the material a mob’s weapon is made of.
When items are enchanted, they have a chance to be given a randomly generated name! There is no real point to this, other than the coolness factor. Collect them all! (Don’t actually waste your time trying to collect them all. There are a lot.)
This mod also adds several new enchantments to the game! These special enchantments can only be found as loot from the special mobs that carry them. Never fear: the enchantments added by this mod will not be affected by installing/uninstalling/updating this mod or Minecraft! Of course, they won’t have any effects without this mod installed.
Four new enchantments:
* Poison
* Plague
* Gatling
* Spitfire
Poison can be found on weapons dropped by poison skeletons. Attacks from these weapons will stack poison on whatever they hit (up to Poison II)! Sure, this sounds good, but keep in mind that undead and spiders are completely immune to poison. The poison lasts longest in hard mode and won’t work at all in peaceful.
Poison II is the strongest available for bows, but other weapons can only get Poison I.
Plague can be found on weapons dropped by plague zombies and plague zombie pigmen. Hits from these weapons stack random potion effects on the victim, one effect per level of the enchantment. Possible effects are Slowness, Confusion, Blindness, Food Poisoning, Weakness, and Poison – all last different lengths, depending on their power. Keep in mind that many of these effects don’t really affect mobs. Slowness seems to only affect mobs that do not use the new AI (spiders, endermen, and zombie pigmen). The effects last longest in hard mode and won’t work at all in peaceful.
Plague III is the highest level you can find.
Gatling can be found on bows dropped by Gatling skeletons. This is where the enchantments really get cool. Bows with the Gatling enchantment can be fired as fast as you can tap the fire button! Attempts to charge up a Gatling bow are pointless, as the arrows will be shot with the same strength every time. While this can be very useful and extremely cool, it has the tendency to drain your arrow supply and use up the bow very fast.
Gatling I is the only level available.
Spitfire can be found on bows dropped by spitfire skeletons. This is the ultimate bow enchantment. Not only does it manage to be the coolest, but also the hottest enchantment! Spitfire gives your bow the effects of infinity, but instead of shooting arrows, it shoots fireballs! This burns up your bow, causing triple durability loss with each shot. However, if the bow is also enchanted with infinity, the durability loss is prevented! The Power enchantment increases the size and damage of the fireball, Punch increases the speed of the fireball, and Flame causes the fireball to set mobs on fire a lot longer!
Spitfire I is the only level available.====
Mod Showcase:
Special Mobs Mod Installation:
- Download and run the latest version of Minecraft Forge
- Go to Start Menu > Type %appdata%/.minecraft/mods
- Download the mod
- Move the downloaded Jar (zip) file into the mods folder
- Done and Enjoy the mod.
Special Mobs Mod Download Links:
Older versions:
For 1.5.1
For 1.4.7/1.4.6
2. Download the minecraft forge version you want to update
3. Save the file and run it
4. Select Install Server and click the box with “…”, click the desktop on the left and make a new folder called Forge.2772 and click Open and click OK
5. Go to the folder on your desktop Forge.2772, delete the minecraft_server.jar file and copy the forge-1.12.2- to ForgeMod.jar
Note – The ForgeMod.jar file is case sensitive, ForgeMod.jar is the only way it will work
6. Once that is done, go to the servercraft control panel, stop your server and go in the file manager. Delete the ForgeMod.jar forge-1.12.2- files and the libraries folder
7. You can use the file manager to upload your files or use an FTP program, either way, you need to copy all the files and folder from your Forge.2772 on your desktop to your root folder on your server. With the file manager you can drag and drop files to upload them
8. Once done, you can start your server
9. You can verify in the console that you upgraded it correctly
- Weapon
- Armor
- Furniture
- Decor
- Mobs
- Realism
- Cars
- Magic
- Lucky Blocks
List of Minecraft Mods. Below is the list of Minecraft Mods developed and modified by the Minecraft community.
The latest version is Minecraft 1.16.5 mods, Most popular versions are Minecraft 1.16.4 mods, Minecraft 1.15.2 mods, Minecraft 1.14.4 mods, Minecraft 1.12.2 mods, Minecraft 1.11.2 mods, Minecraft 1.10.2 mods, and Minecraft 1.7.10 mods.!