Installation instructions Download Wireless Redstone Chicken Bones Edition Mod 1.12.2->1.14.4->1.8.9
– Make sure you have Minecraft Forge.
– Locate the Minecraft game folder: On Windows, open the Run dialog box, enter %appdata% and click the Run button. On a Mac, open Finder, hold down the ALT key and click Go> Library. Then open the Application Support folder and search for Minecraft.
– From here, drag in the mods file downloaded (.jar or .zip) you wish to add.
– Open Minecraft game, click on Mods button and explore.
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How To Install Minecraft Forge (Modding API)?
4 steps to install forge for windows, mac, Linux
Step 1: Download and install MC Forge at the website
Step 2:Open the .jar file you just downloaded
Step 3:Select Install Client or Install Server if you want to install for your server, and click OK
Step 4:Launch Minecraft and select the Forge profile, then click Play.
Download Wireless Redstone Chicken Bones Edition Mod 1.12.2->1.14.4->1.8.9 Description:
Wireless Redstone Chicken Bones Edition Mod allows Redstone to be transmitted through a wireless state, through the Redstone Ether or REther. This is done via Wireless Transmitters and Wireless Receivers.
In its simplest this is a mod that allows you to transmit your redstone state wirelessly. Even if you dont use redstone this mod could still be for you. Found an awesome landscape youd like to mark, a cool cave to explore, or keep losing your way from base to base? Ever wished that compass pointed somewhere else or there was a way to mark things on a map. Well now there is. With the wireless addons component of this mod you can use wireless signals for navigation.
The signals are synchronised in a dimension called the Redstone Ether or REther. This dimension has no physical form and purely stores signals. It can be accessed by combining the Interdimensional properties of Obsidian, Glowstone and EnderPearls from the OverWorld, Nether and Ender with redstone to enter the RedstoneEther. There are 5000 different frequencies storing independent state, name and colour. Due to the dimensional nature of the REther signals sent in the nether will translate into the OverWorld and vice versa.
Wireless Redstone Chicken Bones Edition Mod Screenshots:
Crafting Recipes:
Wireless Transmitter
- The Wireless Transmitter can send redstone signals to Wireless Receivers wirelessly. The frequency can be set by right clicking on the block. The frequency will be displayed on the block itself also. It should also be noted that the frequency of 0 is chosen by default. This frequency cannot be used for signal transmission.
Wireless Receiver
- It allows to capture wireless transmission of a Redstone signal from a Wireless Transmitter. Right-click to access its GUI to set the frequency that it will receive. This frequency will be displayed on the item. The default frequency is 0 and non functional.
Wireless Jammer
- A Wireless Jammer will emit an REP (Redstone Ether Pulse) approximately every 10 seconds. When powered by a Redstone signal the REP will stop.
- Wireless Redstone devices hit by the REP will stop working for ~30 seconds, including Wireless Redstone that are held by players.
- The bolt may be used to sabotage signals or be used as a form of defense. It harms mobs more than players and will always attempt to target a mob in range.
Wireless Map
- The Wireless Map is a special map added by Wireless Redstone ChickenBones Edition with the ability to locate devices that are emitting a Wireless Redstone frequency. The emitters appear as red dots on the map, unless a Lumar has been assigned to the Frequency. Then the dot then shows up with the color of the Lumar. Be aware that lava also appears as red dots.
Wireless Remote
- The Wireless Remote is an item you can hold in your hand to manually send a Redstone signal to the chosen frequency. Hold Shift and right-click with the Wireless Remote in your hand to open a GUI for changing frequency.
Wireless Sniffer
- The Wireless Sniffer is an item added by the Wireless Redstone mod that sniffs for activated signal frequencies. When a Wireless Redstone frequency is activated, the dimmed out red box assigned to that frequency lights up. You can view that frequency number by mousing over the box. There are 5,000 frequencies available.
- This can be useful for checking to see if a frequency is in use or not. Another method of this is the Private Sniffer, as it can reserve frequencies for the player, and tell if the frequency is in use.
Private Sniffer
- The Private Sniffer works similarly to the Wireless Sniffer in the fact that it can see currently used wireless frequencies. It is a direct upgrade to the functionality of the Wireless Sniffer, since it has all the same functions, but more.
- For example, a similarity is it can see all 5,000 frequencies- the same as the Wireless Sniffer. It also lights up the frequencys box when the frequency is used, and keeps is dimmed when the frequency is not in use.
- Also, of the 5,000 frequencies, the first 1000 are labeled Public when you mouse over them and the next 4,000 are labeled Shared. When you Right or Left click on a frequency square you toggle Private mode. When the block is green, only you can set the Wireless Remote or Wireless Transmitter to the Private frequency. You cannot set Private mode on Public or Private frequencies, but you can on Shared frequencies.
Wireless Tracker
- The Wireless Tracker is a special item that tracks mobs and players by working with the Triangulator and/or Wireless Map.
- To use the Tracker, use Shift+RightClick to open up the frequency GUI and set a desired frequency, between 1 and 5000, and do the same with the Triangulator. Be sure that you have the same number set to both the Tracker and the Triangulator, or it wont work. Once you have a frequency set, select the Tracker, point at the desired target, and use Right Click to throw the Tracker. The Tracker will stick to the mob and the Triangulator will act as a compass and point to it. The tracker has infinite range as long as the chunk is loaded. If youve made a Wireless Map for the area, the Tracker will appear as a red dot on the map to represent its location.
- Be aware that the map also shows other wireless devices. To bypass multiple wireless devices on the map, use the Triangulator to find the direction the Tracker is in and then use the map to find its location. The only ways to remove a Wireless Tracker is to burn it off a player with either fire or lava, to kill them. or sometimes, get it off with a sticky piston.
Wireless Transceiver
- The Wireless Transceiver is a crafting item used to make the Wireless Transmitter as well as other wireless redstone items. It has no use by itself.
- The Triangulator is essentially a wireless compass. It will point to the nearest object transmitting on the same frequency. The frequency change GUI is opened by right-clicking while sneaking. If there are no active transmitters in this dimension or you are using a remote at the same time the triangulator wont know where to point. The triangulator doesnt actually point to the nearest transmitter, rather it adds all transmitters on the frequency based on their distance to the player in the ratio of 1/d. Therefore, if you have 3 transmitters 20 blocks East and 1 transmitter 10 blocks West, it will point East. So, if you would like to confuse someone using a transmitter to mark their way home put 5 somewhere nearby.
Redstone Ether Pulse (REP)
- The REP is a wireless redstone EMP (electromagnetic pulse). It will jam wireless devices in the detonation radius. To activate the REP it needs to be thrown by a player by right-clicking while holding the REP. The REP detonates when it hits a block (such as a building wall or the ground), although it can be detonated early by right clicking again. A REP can only be thrown every 2 seconds. When throwing the REP it is possible to damage both yourself or players.
- Download and run the latest version of CodeChickenCore, Forge Multipart and CodeChickenLib. Minecraft Forge,
- Go to Start Menu > Type %appdata%/.minecraft/mods
- Download the mod
- Move the downloaded Jar (zip) file into the mods folder
- Done and Enjoy the mod.
Download Links:
For Minecraft 1.6.2
For Minecraft 1.6.4
For Minecraft 1.7.10
Link Download : http://dl2.file-minecraft.com/index.php?act=dl&id=1540574438
For Minecraft 1.10.2
Link Download : http://dl2.file-minecraft.com/index.php?act=dl&id=1540574454
For Minecraft 1.11.2
Link Download : http://dl2.file-minecraft.com/index.php?act=dl&id=1540574880
For Minecraft 1.12.2
Link Download : http://dl2.file-minecraft.com/index.php?act=dl&id=1540574894
Author: chicken_bones
How to fix minecraft mod crash?
Mods Crashes can easily occur due to mod conflicts, wrong versions of mods, or buggy mods. If the player has installed several mods, if using the older launcher, they should try renaming the “bin” directory in the Minecraft folder, then start Minecraft (Or replace the current minecraft.
How do I delete Minecraft Mods?
What you could do it you have Windows is click on the start button and then search run. Click on the secound option. Then search apps. Next go roaming then .minecraft then mods and you should see all your mods. Click the one you want to delete and press delete or backspace.
How do I update Minecraft forge for the Server?
if you run into the case of your server is not starting and you see in the console it’s saying something along these lines;
Console :: net.minecraftforge.fml.common.MultipleModsErrored:
Console :: Missing Mods:
Console :: unknown : need [,): have (Your version of Mc forge may be different
Console :: Missing Mods:
Console :: unknown : need [,): have
1. Open a browser and goto Link Here
2. Download the minecraft forge version you want to update
3. Save the file and run it
4. Select Install Server and click the box with “…”, click the desktop on the left and make a new folder called Forge.2772 and click Open and click OK
5. Go to the folder on your desktop Forge.2772, delete the minecraft_server.jar file and copy the forge-1.12.2- to ForgeMod.jar
Note – The ForgeMod.jar file is case sensitive, ForgeMod.jar is the only way it will work
6. Once that is done, go to the servercraft control panel, stop your server and go in the file manager. Delete the ForgeMod.jar forge-1.12.2- files and the libraries folder
7. You can use the file manager to upload your files or use an FTP program, either way, you need to copy all the files and folder from your Forge.2772 on your desktop to your root folder on your server. With the file manager you can drag and drop files to upload them
8. Once done, you can start your server
9. You can verify in the console that you upgraded it correctly
- Weapon
- Armor
- Furniture
- Decor
- Mobs
- Realism
- Cars
- Magic
- Lucky Blocks
List of Minecraft Mods. Below is the list of Minecraft Mods developed and modified by the Minecraft community.
The latest version is Minecraft 1.16.5 mods, Most popular versions are Minecraft 1.16.4 mods, Minecraft 1.15.2 mods, Minecraft 1.14.4 mods, Minecraft 1.12.2 mods, Minecraft 1.11.2 mods, Minecraft 1.10.2 mods, and Minecraft 1.7.10 mods.!