Installation instructions Download Throwable Bricks Mod
– Make sure you have Minecraft Forge.
– Locate the Minecraft game folder: On Windows, open the Run dialog box, enter %appdata% and click the Run button. On a Mac, open Finder, hold down the ALT key and click Go> Library. Then open the Application Support folder and search for Minecraft.
– From here, drag in the mods file downloaded (.jar or .zip) you wish to add.
– Open Minecraft game, click on Mods button and explore.
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Relative Post:
How To Install Minecraft Forge (Modding API)?
4 steps to install forge for windows, mac, Linux
Step 1: Download and install MC Forge at the website
Step 2:Open the .jar file you just downloaded
Step 3:Select Install Client or Install Server if you want to install for your server, and click OK
Step 4:Launch Minecraft and select the Forge profile, then click Play.
Download Throwable Bricks Mod Description:
About Throwable Bricks Mod:
Throwable Bricks Mod allows the player to throw bricks which do damage and can break certain blocks like glass.
- Bricks, Nether Bricks and all kinds of ingots can be thrown with right click
- When bricks break, they drop Brick Chunks.
- Brick Chunks can then be recrafted into the corresponding brick
- Bricks will break if it is traveling fast enough and depending on the strength of the brick (or ingot)
- Ingots will tend to be stronger and be harder to break when you throw them. This depends on the ingot however, and ingots will drop corresponding nuggets when they break.
- Bricks will deal on average 3 5 hearts of damage, depending on how fast the brick is traveling when it hits you!
- Ingots tend to be stronger than bricks so will tend to do more damage. BUT it depends on the ingot!
- Nether Bricks are a lot hotter than normal bricks and will smoke and set fire to mobs and blocks
- Brick chunks (or nuggets) will not drop in creative mode. One to prevent lag but two, to prevent mess.
- Skeletons tend to take more of a beating (damage) when you throw bricks at them compared to normal mobs (I wonder why)
- Bricks have user friendly lores to help guide players with the mod
- Bricks will break blocks like glass, crops, plants and redstone circuitry
- Bricks can also blow up TNT on impact
- Bricks can be fired from dispensers. Often they can fire it further than players.
- Two new unique items added into the game: Explosive Bricks and Brick Cannons
- Explosive bricks explode on contact with anything solid
- Brick Cannons fire any brick or ingot at super high speeds. They require 1 3 gunpowder per shot, which isnt required in creative. They give of smoke and a boom when they fire and will also making ticking noises when there is either no gunpowder or no item to fire. They will tell you in the lore what they are currently firing and if something is wrong. They can also be repaired in an anvil with brick blocks.
- Bricks have their own death messages
- was bricked to death
- was bricked to death by
- was bricked to death by using
- Full mod support: ingots from other mods are throwable (and nuggets drop) as well as blocks other types of mod blocks breakable. E.g. Custom glass, new redstone, etc.
- Different ingots from different mods will have their own unique properties. Some ingots might sparkle (*hint hint Fairy ingots*) while some might give of redstone or purple particles. Some might be harder to break than others, while some might unbreakable at all. See what you can find!
- Full NBT support. Brick damage, explosion size, as well as custom throwable items are all possible through NBT. More info bellow.
- /summon can also summon bricks.
- Highly configurable config file to enable/disable almost any feature in this mod.
Brick Chunks to Brick
Explosive Brick
Brick Cannon
Block to Bricks (Can be disabled in config file)
Custom Bricks/NBT Usage:
Through NBT, you can customize your bricks to do anything you like! Currently, it possible to:
- Customize damage
- Customize the explosion radius
- Customize if it shows lores or not
- Customize if it drops or not (creative or not)
- Make any item throwable
The following command will give you 5 diamonds (normally not throwable) with a custom damage of 20 (10 hearts), like shown:
/give YOURNAME diamond 5 0 {Throwable:1,Damage:20}
For other things, here is a list of all current tags and what they do:
- Throwable (0 or 1) If 1, the item becomes throwable no matter what it is
- Damage How much damage it does (in half hearts)
- ExplosionRadius How big the explosion of the item should be. No matter the ite, if this is present, it will explode on impact
- ShouldDrop (0 or 1) If the item will drop or not. This doesnt count towards it smashing/breaking. This overrides creative modes feature to not drop bricks, too
- ShowLore (0 or 1) If 0 (false), no lore will be shown on the item at all.
Mod Installation:
- Download Minecraft Forge
- Right click, Run as Administrator and press OK to install Forge. (You can skip this step if youve installed Minecraft Forge)
- Open Start on desktop => Open Run (Or you can use the Windows +R keyboard shortcut)
- Type %appdata% into Run and press enter
- Go to folder /.minecraft/mods
- Put the jar file of Throwable Bricks Mod into mods folder and then run Minecraft. Done!
Throwable Bricks Mod Download Links:
For 1.5.2
For 1.6.2
For 1.6.4
For 1.7.10
How to fix minecraft mod crash?
Mods Crashes can easily occur due to mod conflicts, wrong versions of mods, or buggy mods. If the player has installed several mods, if using the older launcher, they should try renaming the “bin” directory in the Minecraft folder, then start Minecraft (Or replace the current minecraft.
How do I delete Minecraft Mods?
What you could do it you have Windows is click on the start button and then search run. Click on the secound option. Then search apps. Next go roaming then .minecraft then mods and you should see all your mods. Click the one you want to delete and press delete or backspace.
How do I update Minecraft forge for the Server?
if you run into the case of your server is not starting and you see in the console it’s saying something along these lines;
Console :: net.minecraftforge.fml.common.MultipleModsErrored:
Console :: Missing Mods:
Console :: unknown : need [,): have (Your version of Mc forge may be different
Console :: Missing Mods:
Console :: unknown : need [,): have
1. Open a browser and goto Link Here
2. Download the minecraft forge version you want to update
3. Save the file and run it
4. Select Install Server and click the box with “…”, click the desktop on the left and make a new folder called Forge.2772 and click Open and click OK
5. Go to the folder on your desktop Forge.2772, delete the minecraft_server.jar file and copy the forge-1.12.2- to ForgeMod.jar
Note – The ForgeMod.jar file is case sensitive, ForgeMod.jar is the only way it will work
6. Once that is done, go to the servercraft control panel, stop your server and go in the file manager. Delete the ForgeMod.jar forge-1.12.2- files and the libraries folder
7. You can use the file manager to upload your files or use an FTP program, either way, you need to copy all the files and folder from your Forge.2772 on your desktop to your root folder on your server. With the file manager you can drag and drop files to upload them
8. Once done, you can start your server
9. You can verify in the console that you upgraded it correctly
- Weapon
- Armor
- Furniture
- Decor
- Mobs
- Realism
- Cars
- Magic
- Lucky Blocks
List of Minecraft Mods. Below is the list of Minecraft Mods developed and modified by the Minecraft community.
The latest version is Minecraft 1.16.5 mods, Most popular versions are Minecraft 1.16.4 mods, Minecraft 1.15.2 mods, Minecraft 1.14.4 mods, Minecraft 1.12.2 mods, Minecraft 1.11.2 mods, Minecraft 1.10.2 mods, and Minecraft 1.7.10 mods.!