Adventure Backpack Mod stays faithful to the original style of the game and everything can be crafted with vanilla items, it doesn’t depend on any other mod. In the case of the Adventure Backpack mod, you would be wrong. Adventure Backpack Mod adds 60 new amazing backpacks to Minecraft! It also gives the ability to store fluids in special tanks and to trigger special characteristics during gameplay.
The packs allow you to craft on the go, sleep anywhere with a stored sleeping bag, fluid tanks, and of course, extra inventory space. You can wear the backpack by shift + left clicking the pack while it’s on the ground. Or you can just keep it on the ground like you would a chest.
The Adventure Backpack Mod adds Crafting Benches too! You can deploy a sleeping bag from your backpack to sleep anywhere! Tools in the special tool slots render on the backpack. Fluids will render inside the tanks. The rendering depends on the quantity, and the Hose lets you drink the contents of your backpacks tanks, for various effects. There are several backpacks created by mixing items from plants or mobs.
Three will fill with useful fluids depending on what you desire. Cactus Backpacks will fill the tanks with water either when it’s raining or if you’re in water with it. There is also Melon backpacks with melon juice. And the cow backpack fills with milk if you keep a steady supply of wheat in it’s inventory. These are all great to keep an ample supply of liquids on you at all times.
This mod also adds the following:
- Piston-powered boots, to jump higher and run faster.
- A classy Fedora. Looks cool.
- A matching hat that will make you look almost like that famous adventurer, Harrison Jones! *
- A Machete, to traverse dense jungles faster.
- Delicious Melon Juicetm.
They will keep their inventory when you die, are impervious to lava and fire, and have some neat abilities:
✔️ You can rotate the tool in your hand with the tools stored in the green slots of your backpack if you sneak and roll the mouse wheel.
✔️ You can craft a Hose that will allow you to suck and spill fluids in the world.
✔️ Some backpacks have special abilities, and because this is still in development, more will be added over time.
✔️ They are Crafting Benches too!
✔️ You can deploy a sleeping bag from your backpack to sleep anywhere!
✔️ Tools in the special tool slots render on the backpack.
✔️ Fluids will render inside the tanks. The rendering depends on the quantity.
✔️ The Hose lets you drink the contents of your backpacks tanks, for various effects.
Backpack Utilities
Backpack GUI: The backpack’s interface can be accessed in three ways:
- If you have the backpack in your hand, right click it.
- If you are wearing it, press the “Open Backpack Key”. By default is the ‘B’ Key.
- If it’s placed on the ground, right click it. Here you can put items inside the backpack, craft, select the rotation tools and fill or empty the tanks using buckets or other valid container for the respective fluid.
Sleeping Bag: All backpacks include a sleeping bag that allows you to sleep anywhere. To deploy, place your backpack on the ground and ensure there are two free blocks in front of it. Press the Sleeping Bag button in the GUI to deploy your sleeping bag and right click it to sleep, like a regular bed. If you remove the backpack the sleeping bag gets removed too. Don’t worry, it will roll itself again into the backpack and be ready to use again.
Crafting Matrix: All backpacks allow you to craft in their special crafting grid that is part of the regular GUI. The crafting grid is composed by the brown slots. Nothing special about it.
Tanks: All backpacks have two tanks that store fluids. The fluid name and amount will show in the GUI, as well as a graphical representation of the tanks, with the color of the fluid in each tank. You can fill or drain the tanks using the special “bucket” slots. They accept any kind of fluid container registered as such, like IndustrialCraft cells or Forestry wax thingies. The fluid in the tanks will also render on the outside the backpack.
When placed on the ground, backpacks will emit light if the fluid in any tank emits light, for example lava.
Tool Slots and Switching: All backpacks have two special green Tool Slots. Only tools can be put in such slots, not weapons. Tools in these slots will also render on the outside of the backpack when it is being worn. When you have tools in these slots, you can switch the tool in your hand with the tools inside your backpack, by sneaking and scrolling the mouse wheel. For example, if you have a shovel and an axe in the backpack and a pickaxe in your hand, sneaking and scrolling the mouse wheel will put the shovel in your hand and the pickaxe in the backpack. You need three tools to use the switching effectively.
Backpack Abilities
Certain backpacks have special abilities that can be either passive or triggered. Some backpacks execute their abilities only when placed as a block, while others do so while being worn. For an in-depth explanation of each backpack’s ability,
The machete is a special tool (Can also serve as a weapon, but is not very great at it). It cuts through gras and leaves like it ain’t no thing, thus helping you traverse jungles. It will drop the grass and leaves as well, instead of just breaking them. It cuts wood decently too, so you can use it as an axe if you need it. It can be rotated with other tools in the backpack.
Adventurer’s Outfit
The adventurer’s outfit, composed of the Adventurer’s Suit and Adventurer’s Fedora are a bit more than just decorative in nature. They provide some protection while leaving the chest armor slot free for a backpack.
Piston Boots
These boots are made for jumping, and that’s just what they’ll do. Using the power of Pistons, they let you jump up to 3 blocks in height. They also help you run faster, and if you’re sprinting, you will step up to one block in height without needing to jump.
The Hose
The Hose is a special tool that let’s you connect the backpack tanks to the world and the player. It has three modes of operation, that can be switched by sneaking and scrolling the mouse wheel.
- Suck Mode: Will suck fluids from the world and place 1000mb (milibuckets), or a bucket, of it inside the selected backpack tank. If you right click a valid tank (Buildcraft Tanks, for example), it will drain that tank.
- Spill Mode: If the fluid can be placed on the world, it will drain 1000mb(milibuckes), or a bucket, from the selected tank and place it on the world. If you rightclick a valid tank, it will fill that tank.
- Drink Mode: If the selected tank contains a drinkable fluid, it will drain 1000mb(milibuckets) worth of it and let the player drink it, to various interesting effects.
To change the tank the hose is bound to, just press the “Select Hose Tank Key”, by default it is the ‘N’ Key.
How to install Adventure Backpack Mod
The “Adventure Backpack” mod is a mod for the popular sandbox video game Minecraft that adds various types of backpacks to the game, each with unique properties and abilities. Installing this mod is a multi-step process that requires you to have the appropriate software and resources. Here are the steps to install the Adventure Backpack mod:
- Install Minecraft Forge: Minecraft Forge is a popular modding platform that is required for many mods, including Adventure Backpack. You can download and install Minecraft Forge from the official Forge website.
- Download the Adventure Backpack mod: You can download the Adventure Backpack mod from a variety of online mod repositories, such as CurseForge.
- Locate the Minecraft mods folder: The Minecraft mods folder can be found by going to the Minecraft installation directory, then to the “mods” folder.
- Copy the Adventure Backpack mod file into the Minecraft mods folder: Simply drag and drop the downloaded mod file into the Minecraft mods folder.
- Start Minecraft and select the Forge profile: Start Minecraft and select the Forge profile that you created when you installed Minecraft Forge. The Adventure Backpack mod should now be active and ready to use in-game.
Please note that mods can be complex and may require some technical knowledge to install and use, so if you’re new to mods it’s recommended to seek out tutorials and guides for help.
Download Here:
Name | Adventure Backpack Mod |
Update on | Nov 22, 2015 |
Developer | Darkona | Source: Minecraft Forum |
Get it on PC |
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