Just Enough Buttons Mod 1.11.2/1.10.2 shows you which items are missing for a recipe.It is small client-side mod with no dependencies, which adds some utility buttons to the inventory screen. Great mod! That focuses entirely on convenience and has been built to allow users to perform most menu related tasks from one single place, and this saves them the time that they would have otherwise spent browsing through lots of menus or typing long commands.
The mod doesn’t really add any actual features but instead streamlines the use of the game’s existing features thereby allowing players to save quite a lot of time that they would have spent tediously typing up a lengthy command or browsing through multiple different menus. It’s a great mod that you probably won’t ever want to stop using once you get the hang of it.
These buttons are more or less just shortcuts to the commands, e.g. clicking on kill all entities will simply execute “/kill @e[type=!Player]“. So if the player is not allowed to execute the command, which the button is representing, the button will be turned off. The buttons can all be individually hidden in the config gui.
- Switch gamemodes (Adventure and Spectatormode can be disabled)
- Switch to rainy/sunny weather
- Delete Items
- Set time to night/day
- Remove all entities
- Enable/Disable Daylightcycle
- Magnet Items
- Four custom command buttons to execute given commands (Set in the config gui under Mod Options)
- Four Save buttons to save a snapshot of your inventory
Utility Keybinds:
- F7 for a light overlay to show you where mobs can spawn
- F4 to see chunk borders (Equivalent of pressing F3 + G)
- Note that these will not be registered if More Overlays is installed.
How to use the save buttons:
- First left click “save” on any of the four buttons to save your current inventory.
- When you now click on the button with an item you can give it an icon.
- Clicking on that button will now give you back your old inventory. (But it’ll delete your current inventory!)
- Right clicking on the button will clear the save again. Saves are stored per user and shared across maps and servers.
- Note: When playing on a server which does not have Just Enough Buttons installed, giving yourself an inventory snapshot will not work if the items have too much NBT. For that to work install this mod on the server.
How to use the command buttons:
A note about the trash button:
When in survival mode just grab a stack and click on the button to delete all items of that type. Hold shift if you want all items, including sub items, to be deleted (e.g. All types of wool or colored glass).
When In creative it won’t delete the item you’re currently dragging around, so you’ll want to hover over the item you want to delete, press C (Can be changed) and then click on the delete button.
Like this:
How to install:
- Download and install Minecraft Forge.
- Download the mod.
- Click on the Start Menu in Windows.
- Type run into the search box, and select the Run program at the top of the results.
- Type %appdata% into the Run program, and press Enter.
- Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
- Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into that.
- Enjoy the mod.
Download Links:
For Minecraft 1.10.2
For Minecraft 1.11.2/1.11
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