What is Parachute Mod?
It is a very simple mod that adds to the game a new object, a parachute, which can be very useful in those moments in which we are to the edge of a cliff and the reason that is, we fall into the depths. With this mod you could save the fall or death of your character, simply by opening the parachute.
All these elements that make up the parachute have wear by use, so we will have to check the wear to avoid falling into the void. Another thing to keep in mind, though it may seem obvious, is that closer to the walls, the parachute will automatically close and we will fall sharply. Requires: 1.11.2 Forge
As you can see this is a high performance ‘square’ type of parachute. This is Eld’s ArtPack texture pack.
This one shows the parachute with a 32×32 Glimmar’s SteamPunk texture pack.
Crafting a parachute is easy, 3 wool blocks, 2 silk, and 1 leather. See the crafting recipe screenshot below. The leather pack texture is made by TQuin, thanks! There are more in the mod jar.
There is a config file in the config directory in your minecraft folder. You can set the height limit of the parachute. You really can’t do much above 256 meters anyway. So the default altitude is 225 meters. That should be high enough to get you over anything. You can change this to suit your needs including disabling it altogether by using a limit of zero. You can set your parachute color as well. The parachute color has a ‘random’ setting causing the chute to change color with every opening. There is also an option to disable the ‘thermals’. Another option ‘autoDeploy’ when ‘true’ will automatically deploy the parachute when you fall. A ‘fallDistance’ option allows you to set how far you fall before the parachute auto deploys. All this is explained in the config file.
Use shears to cut the parachute away. This only works in the ‘world space’ below 256 meters.You’ll plummet to your death if you don’t redeploy the parachute, but if that’s what you want….
How to install?
- Download and install the correct Minecraft Forge
- Run Minecraft once to ensure that Minecraft Forge is installed correctly. A Mods button should now be available in the main menu.
- Download a copy of the Parachute Mod jar (zip) and save it to the directory %appdata%/Roaming/.minecraft/mods. The mods directory is created by Minecraft Forge in the previous step.
- Run Minecraft and enjoy!
Download Here:
Parachute Mod for Minecraft 1.6.4
Parachute Mod for Minecraft 1.7.2
Parachute Mod for Minecraft 1.7.10
Parachute Mod for Minecraft 1.8
Parachute Mod for Minecraft 1.8.9
Parachute Mod for Minecraft 1.9
Parachute Mod for Minecraft 1.9.4
Parachute Mod for Minecraft 1.10.2
Parachute Mod for Minecraft 1.11.2
Credits: crackedEgg
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