Rei’s Minimap Mod is the latest game that supports versions of 1.8 and 1.7.10. These are dynamic modification tools that will enhance gaming experience once you play Minecraft. It will add some brilliant and custom maps in your gaming screens.

Reis Minimap Mod 1.7.10 has the best features to offer you that would guide you trough many locations, steer clear gangs, travel across long distance, unsavory characters and dangerous animals that are designed to interrupt the smooth experience in playing. It is a kind of map that will allow you to add some customizations, unique abilities and location options for you to spot the animals and mobs. Having huge list of features, you can now easily navigate the underground because of its cave features or above ground with detailed map and compass.
This map is considered to be extremely detailed to allow you see different colors that are barely noticeable. Furthermore, you can see different types of surface types, caves, biomes and a lot more. Rei’s Minimap Mod Minecraft has other highlights. These include the following:
It’s also worth mentioning that Rei’s Minimap provides several keybinds that allow you to quickly access certain features or adjust the minimap’s display:
- Z: toggle the minimap on and off
- M: toggle the minimap’s radar mode, which displays entities in real-time
- N: toggle the minimap’s night mode, which makes the minimap display in a darker style to help preserve your night vision
- B: toggle the minimap’s biome display
- H: toggle the minimap’s entity display
Additionally, you can access the full list of keybinds and other options by clicking on the minimap and then selecting “Keybinds” from the menu.
By utilizing these keybinds, you can further customize your experience with Rei’s Minimap and make the most of its features.
You can use Rei’s Minimap in Minecraft by following these steps:
- Start Minecraft and make sure the Rei’s Minimap mod is enabled.
- Once you are in the game, you will see the minimap in the corner of the screen.
- You can use the minimap to navigate the game world and see the location of other players, objects, and terrain features.
- You can also customize the minimap by clicking on the minimap and then selecting “Options” from the menu. In the options menu, you can change the size and style of the minimap, as well as enable or disable various features, such as cave mapping or entity tracking.
- You can also use the minimap to set waypoints by right-clicking on the minimap. This can be useful for marking important locations, such as your base or the location of resources.
With Rei’s Minimap, you can make exploring the game world easier and more efficient. Enjoy!
How to install:
How To Download & Install Mods with Minecraft Forge
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Download Links:
For Minecraft 1.11.2/1.9/1.8
For Minecraft 1.7.10 (With Forge)
For Minecraft 1.7.2 (Non- Forge)
For Minecraft 1.6.4
For Minecraft 1.5.2:
Credit: ReiFNSK – Original Thread on Minecraft F0rum
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