How Does minecraft mod smart moving Works
The latest Smart Moving Mod is actually an excellent upgrade which significantly adds new functions as well as various animations in order to provide two important controls that players need in key binding such as the grab and sprinting key. In fact, this mod offers a highly intuitive platform along with controls to allow more additional functions for navigating the terrain in a much faster manner.

Minecraft is in fact executing minor development characteristics measure into the entire game. Up to date, there’s almost everything that players can do whenever they are in the game. With shrewd and easy moving, the mod actually supports great variety of surprising game development strategies while providing ultimate function in your daily minecraft gaming experience.
Why Play with Smart Moving Mod?
With the use of mod, players can take advantage of smoother and faster navigation in the most effective way possible.
To be able to help you understand how this mod really works, here are some of the features that it offers minecraft gamers worldwide:
- free climbing
- ladder climbing
- ceiling climbing
- Vine climbing
- configurable sneaking
- alternative diving and swimming
- alternative flying
- charged jumps
- wall jumping
- head jumps
- back and side jumps
- climb jumps
- sliding
- faster sprinting
- crawling
- configuration

In fact serves as an excellent feature in any minecraft game since it allows players in accomplishing what seems to be impossible prior to the mod’s establishment. The maker has indeed integrated the chance while executing greater part in terms of attentiveness and insights. Also, the upgrade suits every aspect into the mod’s characteristics in order to efficiently protect the needs of the gamers.
Hence, it delights the minecraft experience so that each player gets what they exactly need during the game. Apparently, minecraft game is created with a clear-cut diversion to effortlessly understand how the game completely works. With amusement and entertainment that it provides to players, this game also improves gameplay into the next level without any hassle.
If it’s moving over obstacles, sliding down sharp surface or thin holes, utilizing openings, jumping within landscapes, moving stealthily through tighter spaces, or even climbing heights, It is the perfect solution. In fact, when you use this upgrade, you will be able to enjoy added features like diving, swimming, walking or even sprinting with fantastic animations. However, if you want to download links, you will need to have Player API as well as a Minecraft Forge in order to successfully obtain the upgrade.

- Client:
- Minecraft Forge
- Player API client
- Server:
- Minecraft Forge server and Player API server for the Minecraft Forge server package
- Bukkit:
- Player API bukkit
- MCPC+:
- Player API MCPC+
If you intend to use Minecraft 1.8, you will have to ensure MC 1.8 Smart Moving 16.1 so that it will be much easier to operate the mod. Get more offers with multiple resources for mods, minecraft, and many more in order to help you achieve the best gaming experience in no time! Check out the site for more details and updates regarding the latest upgrades for your Minecraft gaming needs!
Minecraft mod smart moving Showcase:
How to install?
- Installation varies depending on your minecraft installation.
- So choose your package and install it – do NOT install more than one package.
In any case, NEVER forget: ALWAYS back up your stuff!
Standalone for Client:
Your minecraft installation does not use any mod management system.
You don’t care about other mods, you just want to smart move while playing Minecraft.
- Copy all files inside one of the included “Standalone” zip packages to their corresponding locations in your “Minecraft.jar” in your “/.minecraft/bin/”.
- Do not forget to delete the “META-INF” directory while you are at it.
- Choosing the package depends on the other mods you want to be installed in your “Minecraft.jar”.
- The client standalone package “Smart Moving Client Standalone Minecraft-asv-atc-gu-gz.zip” overwrites the files “net/minecraft/client/Minecraft.class”, “asv”, “atc.class” “gu”.class and gz.class.
- The client standalone package “Smart Moving Client Standalone anz-asv-auq-gu-gz.zip” overwrites the files “anz.class”, “asv”, “auq.class”, gu.class and gz.class.
- Each package should not be combined with other mods that overwrite any of its corresponding files.
Download Links:
Name | Minecraft Smart Moving Mod – Sprinting key (1.12.2 -> 1.7.10) |
Update on | February 22, 2023 |
Developer | sdlgelfurro |
Get it on PC |
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