Waila Mod, for What Am I Looking At, is an extension for the popular Not Enough Items Mod, also known as NEI. It will show in the tooltip what mod an item is from.
It provides a small unobtrusive tooltip on top of the screen with informations about the block the player is looking at. A powerful API is provided so other modders can add their own information relative to their blocks to it.
Since the tooltip contains the mod name, you can also easly parse items per mods. But that’s not all! This mod is also a UI improvement mod for Minecraft aimed at providing block information directly in-game, without the need of opening an UI.
And if this is not enough, the Waila Mod 1.9 comes with a few integrated modules to show internal information of some specific blocks. For now, BC tanks have been implemented (shows the content, capacity and amount of fluid) and IC2 machines (shows the In/out voltage).
Update Logs:
- Ported to 1.11.2.
- Key tagging is off if NEK is present.
- Fixed NBT syncing. Should remove all flickering observed in 1.5.9
- Fixed ExU drums
- Fixed Thermal Expansion + added data for Caches
- Added support for Thermal Dynamics
- Fixed eye height while morphed
- Fixed some crops showing the growth twice
- Fixed Thaumcraft module not showing advanced aspects
- Added support for TT & Kami to the Thaumcraft module
How to install Waila Mod?
- Download and install the correct Minecraft Forge.
- Run Minecraft once to ensure that Minecraft Forge is installed correctly. A Mods button should now be available in the main menu.
- Download a copy of the Waila Mod jar (zip) and save it to the directory %appdata%/Roaming/.minecraft/mods. The mods directory is created by Minecraft Forge in the previous step.
- Run Minecraft and enjoy!
Download Links:
For minecraft 1.7.10
For minecraft 1.8
For minecraft 1.8.9/1.8.8
For minecraft 1.9
For minecraft 1.9.4
For minecraft 1.10.2
For minecraft 1.11.2
Credit: ProfMobius | Source: Minecraft Forum
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