Download “Sniper Mod for Minecraft”, Most mods add content to the game to alter gameplay, change the creative feel.
Sniper Mod for Minecraft allows you to use guns, specifically snipers in your adventure, a new weapon that has never been seen in Minecraft before.
- M40
- Barrett 50 Cal
- L96
- Intervention
- Dragunov
- P99
- M9
- G18
- Grenade
- Sticky Grenade
Sniper Mod Showcase:
Gun Stats:
- M9 Pistol: 2 Damage, 12 Rounds in a clip, Semi
- Barret: 20 Damage, 5 Rounds in a clip, Semi
- M40: 12 Damage, 5 Rounds In a clip, Semi
- L96: 16 Damage, 7 Rounds in a clip, Semi
- Intervention: 18 Damage, 10 Rounds in a clip, Semi
- M4A1 CQB: 9 Damage, 31 Rounds in a clip, Auto
- MP5: 5 Damage, 26 Rounds in a clip, Auto
- Desert Eagle: 8 Damage, 8 Rounds in a clip, Semi
- Press “R” = Zoom in/Sights
- Press “F” = Reload
- Press “C” = Display Gun Stats
None of this work ATM
- Install Minecraft Forge.
- Download Sniper Mod zip file
- Put Sniper Mod zip file into your /.minecraft/mods folder. Do not unzip it.
- Done.
- New GUI stats! Press C
For 1.4.7/1.4.6
For 1.4.5
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