Thaumcraft mod is a mod that adds many magical arcane items and blocks into your games. This starts off as usually ordinary Minecraft game, in that, you will have to accumulate different resources before starting to play with magic. So, you should gather resources and tools as usual, mining ores and building farms.
This mod adds several special wrinkles, which include:
- Three magical biomes – The magical Forest is valuable, especially the silverwood trees. The Tainted land and biomes are hazardous and you need to avoid making lairs near those.
- Nodes – In case you spot one, you should not mess with it until you are able to get the Thaumometer, but you can mark them later.
- Stone that is aspect infused – Unlike the regular ores, this glow in the dark stones are visible even at great distances. They are dropping shards of Aspect crystal, which you have to collect. They also come in six flavors, for the six Primal Aspects, whereas all 6 types can be found in any biome, every aspect is much more usual in some biomes as compared to others. You will need at least one shard of every type in order to build your first Thaumeter, and you would prefer having a backup. In the Thaumcraft mod Minecraft, in order to complete your research equipment, you will eventually need 9-10 of each. You will need more on the later part, as you start infusing and crafting.
- Sand and glass – You will be using many glasses as well, to be able to collect sand.
- Ink and paper – You need to stockpile them. Wreak havoc among the squids.
- New mobs with new drops, but you have to save the drops for the later part of your game with Thaumcraft mod 1.8.
- Wisps: These are the flying orbs of light. Some of them are going to zap you with lightning. You just have to run out of range, as they are not big on following you. If killed, they will drop ethereal essence, which is quite valuable for the more advanced magic.
- Angry zombies: They are quite tougher that appears in magical biomes, and they drops brain as usual. They will get bigger when they lose health.
- Pech: This is another mob from Thaumcraft mod Minecraft. You can trade with these duck-people. They are giving value to anything that is made of gold like a golden armor from mob drops, and particular magical things like mana beans. You will have to throw them a few freebies before they will be willing to trade with you, but you can also go right-click them in order to open an interference. With that, you can offer somewhat the same items in exchange for a semi-random grab bag of items. Pech will run to pick up any loose items and this can be used to trap and capture them.
Thaumcraft mod 1.8 gives the Minecraft players an opportunity to become magicians, by means of adding different kinds of wants to the game, each of which will be able to help the player in enacting many different effects across their world. Become a magician and enjoy playing Minecraft with this mod.
The first thing you will need to craft is a wand. The first one available to you is the Wand of the Apprentice crafted as shown here (using a stick and iron nuggets):
You then place a bookshelf in the world and right click on it with the wand. This gives you the Thaumonomicon which explains almost everything else you will need to know about Thaumcraft.
How to install Thaumcraft Mod:
- Download and install the correct Minecraft Forge.
- Download the Thaumcraft Mod.
- Run Minecraft once to ensure that Minecraft Forge is installed correctly. A Mods button should now be available in the main menu.
- Download a copy of the Galacticraft Mod jar (zip) and save it to the directory %appdata%/Roaming/.minecraft/mods. The mods directory is created by Minecraft Forge in the previous step.
- Click “Load Basic Components” when you start Minecraft.
- Run Minecraft and enjoy!
Download Here:
For minecraft 1.5.2
For minecraft 1.6.2/1.6.4
For minecraft 1.7.2
For minecraft 1.7.10
For minecraft 1.8
For minecraft 1.8.9
For minecraft 1.10.2
Link Download : https://dl1.wminecraft.net/index.php?act=dl&id=1600228468
For minecraft 1.12.2
Link Download : https://dl1.wminecraft.net/index.php?act=dl&id=1600228749
For minecraft 1.14.4
Author: Azanor
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