The article lists and describes 30 popular Fallout 4 mods that players can download to enhance their gaming experience. The mods range from visual upgrades, gameplay enhancements, new weapons, additional quests, and improved companions. Some notable mods include ones that improve graphics, add new settlement options, introduce new gameplay mechanics, and expand the game world. Each mod is accompanied by a detailed description, instructions for installation, and a download link. Players can choose and download these mods to customize and personalize their Fallout 4 gameplay with various improvements and additions..
Looking for the best Fallout 4 Mods?
Then look no further as we’ve got you covered.
You’ll find everything from enhancing your trusty K9, to mods that will allow you to build the weapons of your dreams. So, let’s get into it and get modded up!
Here’s a list of the 30 best Fallout 4 Mods:
The 30 Best Fallout 4 Mods
The list of Fallout 4 mods and figures mentioned below have been compiled from various sources around the web, such as Games Radar, Nexus Mods & Lyncconf.
These are the 30 best Fallout 4 Mods:
30. K9 Harness
The first Fallout 4 mod on our list is K9 Harness.
This is mod allows players to add modular body armor to Dogmeat, which features a new design, mesh, and texture.
The body armor is based on modern military and K9 armor and comes with additional side pouches, a ballistic weave, and factional patches.
And, if you care about how the harness looks, you’ll be pleased to know that it comes in a variety of colors and patterns.
29. Private Military Company
The Private Military Company mod is pretty straightforward as it only adds one new outfit that’s completely customizable.
It comes in a variety of colors and camouflage styles, and, includes gloves and a helmet.
If you’re thinking of upgrading your style in the game, this could be just the mod you’re looking for.
28. Service Rifle
Coming in at number twenty-eight on our list of the best Fallout 4 mods is Service Rifle.
By downloading and installing this mod you’ll benefit from the Service Rifle from Fallout New Vegas.
It’s based on the legendary M-16 platform and features completely scratch-made assets and animations.
This is pretty cool, and one we like to use a lot.
27. Easy Hacking
Easy Hacking is a Fallout 4 mod that everyone should be making use of.
This mod allows you to easily identify a single correct password in any mini-game of any difficulty.
So, if you don’t want to faff around and waste time, download the easy hacking mod and only see one password.
26. Longer Power Lines
The next best Fallout 4 mod is Longer Power Lines.
If you’re sick and tired of making short connections then this is the mod you’ve been waiting for.
Longer Power Lines allows you to create connections from afar, making your life a whole lot easier.
Download this mod now and see for yourself.
25. Better Settlers
This is a lore-friendly mod that adds over 240 new settlers into the vanilla settler selections.
If that’s enough for you, then ok, however, if you want to customize them to spawn with more lore-friendly equipment like gender ratio, stats and mortality, then you can choose further options to customize as you wish.
DLC and no-DLC options are available along with a number of other options.
24. Darker Nights
Darker nights is a Fallout 4 mod that makes the night sky slightly darker in the Commonwealth.
You can choose from seven different levels of darkness and this mod also comes with some optional plugins to improve the ability of NPC’s to detect you in low light conditions.
It also comes with an additional night vision option, but that’s not a requirement to use.
23. Looks Menu
The next best Fallout 4 mod is the Looks Menu.
This mod allows you to add engine modifications to improve your character’s looks.
Some of the options included with this mod are things like, facial features can now be selected from the list, instead of selecting the actual face, and you can save/load presets.
Skin and makeup can be colorized and skin can be overridden to another set of textures or mesh.
22. Scrap Everything
If you’re curious to know what it would be like to scrap everything in your settlement then download this mod now and you’ll find out.
Scrap everything allows you to scrap houses, roads, sidewalks, trash, grass, debris and a whole lot more.
So, you now have the final say on what stays and what goes.
21. Lowered Weapons
This is a pretty cool one if you ask me.
If you’ve been playing Fallout 4 then you’ll know that your gun stays around eye line 100% of the time, pointing forward and generally getting in the way.
Well, this mod fixes that entirely, as it allows you to lower your gun when you’re not using it, making for a much more realistic experience.
20. Alternative Start
If you fancy a change and think it would be cool to start the game as a different character, then the Alternative Start mod is the one for you.
Once you download and install Alternative Start, you’ll have the option to choose someone other than the vault dweller for a change.
You could be a mercenary for hire, a neighbor, a passenger aboard a sinking ship, a raider and more.
So if you do fancy a change, download Alternative Start and give it a shot.
19. Beast Master
Beast Master allows you to tame and command creatures of the wasteland.
It provides you with a streamlined way of capturing the beast and makes things super easy to do so.
Once you’ve captured some, the beasts can be used as companions to carry accessories and equipment, and can even be ordered to scavenge for new items! Pretty cool.
18. Settlement Supplies Expanded
If you like tinkering with your settlement and adding things to it, then this is the mod for you.
The settlement Supplies Expanded mod installs over 400 more objects that can be placed around the settlement.
Some of the most notable items include usable furniture items, snap-able doors, swappable chain link fences, an alternative power armor rack, and static decorative objects.
17. Armorsmith Extended
The Armorsmith Extended mod allows you to add a new Armorsmith crafting table.
This will then let you which let you make clothes and armor, hats, gas-masks and bandanas, and even allows you to upgrade any item of clothing or armor you already have!
It makes every piece of clothing and armor you have even more valuable, so download it, install it and use it!
16. Take Cover
The sixteenth best Fallout 4 mod is Take Cover.
This one’s pretty cool as it allows you to take cover behind different objects and lean out to shoot when you aim down your sight.
Also, you can switch shoulders easily, which means you can switch back and forth from first-person to third-person for cover, and then automatically come back.
15. Infinite Ammo For Your Companion
The Infinite ammo mod allows you to give your companion the ability to use unlimited ammunition.
As long as they’ve got at least one round of ammo for the weapon in their inventory, then you can apply the mod and you’re good to go.
The only weapon it won’t work for is the fat man mini-nuke launcher. Need we explain why?!
14. Craftable Ammo
If you’re looking to add more crafting to your Fallout 4 build-fest, then installing the Craftable Ammo mod is going to work wonders for you.
The mod includes a brand new crafting table called a Reloading Workbench. This crafting table allows you to take your material and fill your ammo stores with a ton of bullets and bombs.
Craftable Ammo also saves you a lot of time, as you won’t need to wander around the wilderness looking for ammo anymore as you can craft your own!
13. True Storms
Not the most exciting mod on the list, but still a pretty cool addition to your gameplay.
True Storms allows you to add radioactive rain, heavy fog, dust storms, and heavier rain to your gameplay.
Again, it’s not the most exciting but it does change the feel of the game and keeps you on your toes.
12. Legendary Modifications
Your weapons just got even better!
Once you install this mod, you’ll have the power to customize any of your existing weapons with attributes from legendary weapons or armor.
Be warned, adding some of the legendary attributes to some of the weapons will make your standard hunting rifle super strong, which might be a little overbearing.
Build them, test them out and pick your favorites.
11. Improved Map With Visible Roads
This is what you’d call a short and sweet mod, as it only does one small thing, but it makes a big difference for some.
The Improved Map With Visible Roads mod adds a much better, higher contrast map that features roads, topography & waterlines. It also provides the option of included number grids and regions.
Like I said before, it’s a small addition but worth a lot for some.
10. No Build Limit
The tenth best Fallout 4 mod is No Build Limit.
With this mod, you’re able to take away the build limit restrictions that are currently within the game.
It removes the build limit for all settlements and allows you to stack as many objects on top of each other as you wish.
However, caution is advised when using this mod, as overstepping the limits could result in the game slowing down or completely crashing.
9. Place Anywhere/Everywhere
For anyone with OCD, this mod is a godsend!
We all know that the bog-standard vanilla settlements editor in Fallout 4 isn’t the best by a long shot, with walls that don’t line up properly and furniture that’s not capable of being placed in the exact spot you want it.
Well, look no further than the Place Anywhere/Everywhere mod, and can kiss goodbye to all of the above-mentioned problems.
8. OCDecorator
The eighth best Fallout 4 mod is OCDecorator.
This mod allows you to lock moveable items in place using the in-game settlement builder.
So, all those items you’ve been collecting throughout the game can now be installed as static items, which means no more knocking things over, picking things up, and putting things back in their place.
7. Intimidation Overhaul
If you enjoy the feeling of intimidating others, then you’ll be happy with this mod.
Intimidation Overhaul brings new intimidation features like shaking people down, putting them in handcuffs and forcing them to run away.
It’s a cool addition to intimidation and actually makes it a lot more realistic and lifelike, as those are definitely some of the things you’d do if you had to intimidate someone, right?
6. MGS Aiming
The sixth best Fallout 4 mod is MGS Aiming.
With this mod, you can play Fallout 4 in third-person whilst aiming in first-person. Switch to first-person when you aim and switch back to third-person when you stop.
If you’re a player that likes to switch up your perspective from time to time, then this is a good one for you.
5. Any Mod Any Weapon (AMAW)
Ok, this one’s pretty cool.
This mod allows all weapons to use all mods from other weapons.
What does that mean exactly? Well, there’s no limit if you install this mod. You can create whatever weapon you want, and keep creating different modded weapons until you’re blue in the face!
So, download and install this Fallout 4 mod now and have some fun!
4. Stronger Dogmeat
Fallout 4’s vanilla Dogmeat can only do around 1-2dbs on a good day, which is pretty pathetic in the grand scheme of things.
However, install the Stronger Dogmeat mod and he’ll be doing 58dps before you know it!
One simple mod could keep you alive longer and send your enemies off in a hurry.
3. SimpleSeasons
If you get tired of looking at the same old boring wasteland all the time, then download the SimpleSeasons mod, and brace yourself for a complete change of scenery.
This mod gives you the option of covering the wasteland in a blanket of snow, creating a mass of greenery, or plant a number of interesting-looking trees.
So, whatever you’re feeling, give it a try and see if you like it. You can always switch back if not.
2. Everyone’s Best Friend
The second best Fallout 4 mod is Everyone’s Best Friend.
There’s no denying that Dogmeat is a loving companion and does have his benefits, however, he can be a little underwhelming at times, particularly in the face of battle.
Everyone’s Best Friend allows you to add an additional companion and still keep Dogmeat around.
You can switch between the two simultaneously and decide who you prefer to spend more time with. Mans best friend or Everyone’s best friend!
1. Full Dialogue Interface
The best Fallout 4 mod is Full Dialogue Interface.
Sometimes your character will say something that you did not expect, which is annoying.
So, to overcome that, the Full Dialogue Interface mod displays the full lines of what your character is going to say on your screen, allowing you to choose what they say and be in complete control at all times.
This mod pays homage to the Fallout 3 way of doing things and is an absolute, must-have mod!
We hope you enjoyed our list of the 30 best Fallout 4 Mods.
There’s a lot of mods to choose from, so we recommend trying out some of the top ten first, and gradually working your way through the rest of the list.
Numbers 1, 4, and 6 should be enough to get you started.
Here’s a quick recap of the 30 best Fallout 4 Mods:
- Full Dialogue Interface
- Everyone’s Best Friend
- Simple Seasons
- Stronger Dogmeat
- Any Mod Any Weapon (AMAW)
- MGS Aiming
- Intimidation Overhaul
- OC Decorator
- Place Anywhere/Everywhere
- No Build Limit
- Improved Map & Visuals
- Legendary Modifications
- True Storms
- Craftable Ammo
- Infinite Ammo For You Companion
- Take Cover
- Armorsmith Extended
- Settlement Supplies Expanded
- Beast Master
- Alternative Start
- Lowered Weapons
- Scrap Everything
- Customize Looks Menu
- Darker Nights
- Better Settlers
- Longer Power Lines
- Easy Hacking
- Service Rifle
- Private Military Company
- K9 Harness
What’s your favorite Fallout 4 mod? Leave a comment below.
Looking for the best Fallout 4 mods? This list includes 30 mods that enhance various aspects of the game, such as adding armor for the player’s dog, customizable outfits, new weapons, easier hacking, longer power lines, more settlers, darker nights, improved character customization, the ability to scrap everything in settlements, lowered weapons when not in use, alternative starting options, the ability to tame and command creatures, expanded settlement supplies, improved armor crafting, the ability to take cover and switch shoulders, infinite ammo for companions, craftable ammo, realistic weather effects, the ability to customize weapons with attributes from legendary items, an improved map with visible roads, and no build limit for settlements.
Source: gaminggorilla.com
Hashtags: #Fallout #Mods #Download
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