Download and review :Dooglamoo Worlds Mod 1.15.2/1.14.4 expands the scale and realism of world generation (hopefully not too much) and makes it so that you can explore without seeing the exact same biomes over and over. This mod does not add any new blocks or items. Vanilla clients can connect to servers running this mod.
There are 8 geofactors that contribute to the terrain generation and features. Each has a value from very low to very high. The biomes, features, and conditions around you can give you clues to the values of the geofactors.
- Very low: deep ocean
- Low: ocean, shore
- High: shore, lowlands
- Very high: inland, highlands
- Very low: sandstone below topsoil
- Low: stone below topsoil
- High: granite below topsoil
- Very high: diorite below topsoil
- Very low: allium flowers, smooth lakes and rivers, depressions
- Low: dandelion flowers, flat plains
- High: poppy flowers, hills
- Very high: exposed rock, mountains
- Low: pumpkins
- High: melons, lava flows, lava pools
- Very high: obsidian, lava close underground, lava flows, more lava pools, stone beach, hell
- Very low: young, no flowers, thin topsoil
- Low: houstonia flowers
- High: brown mushrooms
- Very high: old, red mushrooms, thick topsoil, big trees
- Very low: flat, smooth, no underground caves
- Very high: steep canyons, irregular lakes and rivers, underground caves
- Very low: cold, white tulips, snow, frozen river, cold taiga, cold beach, ice plains
- Low: pink tulips, ferns, mega taiga, taiga, birch forest, beach
- High: orange tulips, flowers, swamp, forest, plains, mesa
- Very high: hot, red tulips, jungle, roofed forest, savanna, desert
- Very low: dry, dead bushes, desert, mesa, beach, ice plains
- Low: savanna, plains, birch forest, cold beach
- High: oxeye daisy flowers, water flows, water pools, roofed forest, forest, taiga, cold taiga
- Very high: wet, orchid flowers, water flows, more water pools, jungle, swamp, mega taiga, frozen river
Changing “biomes”
Highland lakes and swamps
How to use:
How to find ores:
Each ore has required conditions and bonus conditions. You should be able to find some ore if just the required conditions are met, but you could find significantly more ore if the bonus conditions are met.
- Required conditions: Stone base rock and thick topsoil layer.
- Bonus conditions: Wet climate and bowl-like depressions in the ground.
- Required conditions: Stone base rock and hilly or mountainous.
- Bonus conditions: Smooth land with no visible erosion and with lava lakes or obsidian on the surface.
- Required conditions: Granite base rock and deep eroded canyons.
- Bonus conditions: Cold climate and hilly or mountainous.
- Notes: Look for the stone strata layer in the granite base rock.
- Required conditions: Granite base rock and hilly or mountainous.
- Bonus conditions: Dry climate and very thin topsoil layer.
- Required conditions: Granite base rock.
- Notes: Look for the andesite strata layer in the granite base rock.
- Required conditions: Granite or diorite base rock.
- Notes: Look for the andesite strata layer. Emeralds are sparse.
- Required conditions: Diorite base rock and smooth land that is far from any visible erosion.
- Bonus conditions: Very thin topsoil layer and no lava lakes or surface obsidian.
- Notes: Look for the granite strata layer of the diorite base rock.
- Required conditions: Diorite base rock and lava lakes (possibly surface obsidian).
- Notes: Diamonds are deeper underground and uniformly spread out.
- Required conditions: Deep eroded canyons, no lava lakes, and thick topsoil layer.
- Required conditions: Sandstone base rock and wet climate.
- Bonus conditions: Bowl-like depressions in the ground (may be filled with water) and very thin topsoil layer.
- Notes: Look for white terracotta strata layer in sandstone base rock.
- Required conditions: Sandstone base rock, very dry climate, and very thick topsoil layer.
- Bonus conditions: Deep ocean.
If Tech Reborn or Immersive Engineering are installed and you have turned off their ore gen and enabled Dooglamoo Worlds modded ore gen:
- Required conditions: Granite base rock and hilly or mountainous.
- Bonus conditions: Dry climate and no lava lakes or surface obsidian.
- Required conditions: Granite base rock and wet climate.
- Bonus conditions: Deep eroded canyons and lava lakes or surface obsidian.
- Required conditions: Sandstone base rock and very hot climate.
- Bonus conditions: Smooth land with no visible erosion and thick topsoil layer.
- Required conditions: Diorite base rock and lava lakes.
- Bonus conditions: Deep eroded canyons and thin topsoil layer.
- Required conditions: Stone base rock and cold climate.
- Bonus conditions: Deep eroded canyons and hilly or mountainous.
- Notes: Look for the andesite strata layer in the stone base rock.
- Required conditions: Sandstone base rock and flat plains or bowl-like depressions in the ground.
- Bonus conditions: Wet climate and no lava lakes or surface obsidian.
- Required conditions: Stone base rock and very thin topsoil layer.
- Notes: Uranium is very sparse.
How to find caves:
- As erosion increases, the frequency and size of caves increases. Surface entrances are almost non-existent, sometimes they can be found underwater in eroded areas. Caves do not usually extend up into the topsoil layer so you have to dig down into the rock below the soil. Abandoned mineshafts are fairly common.
How to find coastline & ocean:
- Look for fairly straight fault lines running across the terrain and sometimes across water. These fault lines will be one block higher on one side. Go in the direction that the blocks step down to eventually find ocean. Keep looking for more fault lines on your way to ensure you are continuing in the right direction. Go in the opposite direction to go to higher elevations.
World Types:
Dooglamoo: Default Dooglamoo terrain generation. Fairly even distribution of geofactor values.
server.properties: level-type=DOOGLAMOO
Dooglamoo Sm: (Small) Geofactors change more quickly, meaning you don’t have to travel as far to get more condition changes.
server.properties: level-type=DOOGLAMOO_S
Dooglamoo Wt: (Weighted) Random weights (+/-) are added to the geofactors for the world. This means you could get a world that is slightly to extremely more mountainous, wet, volcanic, etc.
server.properties: level-type=DOOGLAMOO_W
Dooglamoo SmWt: (Small Weighted) A combination of small and weighted.
server.properties: level-type=DOOGLAMOO_SW
How to install:
- Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.
- Locate the minecraft application folder.
- On windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run.
- On mac open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft.
- Place the mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods folder.
- When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now see the mod is installed.
Download Links:
For Minecraft 1.12.2, 1.12.1, 1.12
For Minecraft 1.14.4
For Minecraft 1.15.2
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