Installation instructions Download Power Gems Mod 1.7.10,1.7.2
– Make sure you have Minecraft Forge.
– Locate the Minecraft game folder: On Windows, open the Run dialog box, enter %appdata% and click the Run button. On a Mac, open Finder, hold down the ALT key and click Go> Library. Then open the Application Support folder and search for Minecraft.
– From here, drag in the mods file downloaded (.jar or .zip) you wish to add.
– Open Minecraft game, click on Mods button and explore.
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Relative Post:
How To Install Minecraft Forge (Modding API)?
4 steps to install forge for windows, mac, Linux
Step 1: Download and install MC Forge at the website
Step 2:Open the .jar file you just downloaded
Step 3:Select Install Client or Install Server if you want to install for your server, and click OK
Step 4:Launch Minecraft and select the Forge profile, then click Play.
Download Power Gems Mod 1.7.10,1.7.2 Description:
Mod Introduction:
Power Gems Mod for Minecraft were mysterious things that were said to grant one power if used correctly. 7 Gems could be used to make these Power Gems, each gem being connected to a power.
- Amethyst – Strength
- Topaz – Speed
- Citrine – Fire Resistance
- Peridot – Haste
- Sapphire – Resistance
- Aquamarine – Jump Boost
- Tourmaline – Regeneration
Visit the original mod thread here for all mod info.
Mod Contents:
Amethyst is connected to Strength. So when one wears a full set of amethyst armor, their strikes will become more fierce and applies a Strength II potion effect on the player. Amethyst is a tier 2 gem, meaning that its ore spawns between the layers of 1-12. Its tools have 2271 uses and its armor values are +1 more to diamond.
Amethyst Chest Plate
y y
y = Amethyst
x = Power Gem Of Strength
Sword Of Black Death
Crafting Recipe
The Sword Of Black Death was forged from the blood of those who were killed by the Black Death. It applies a Wither II effect on the enemy.
Topaz is connected to Speed. So when one wears a full set of topaz armor, their feet shall run at lightning speed and applies a Speed II potion effect on the player. Topaz is a tier 1 gem, meaning that its ore spawns between the layers of 1-15. Its tools have 1561 uses and its armor values are equal to diamond.
Topaz Chest Plate
y y
y = Topaz
x = Power Gem Of Speed
Sword Of Paralysis
Crafting Recipe
The Sword Of Paralysis destorys the will to move one’s legs and even if when were able to move, they would not make it a far distance. It applies Slowness 127 on the enemy
Citrine is connected to Fire Resistance. So when one wears a full set of citrine armor, not even the flames of the nether would affect them and applies a Fire Resistance II potion effect on the player. Citrine is a tier 2 gem, meaning that its ore spawns between the layers of 1-12. Its tools have 2271 uses and its armor values are +1 more to diamond.
Citrine Chest Plate
y y
y = Citrine
x = Power Gem Of Fire Resistance
Sword Of Flames
Crafting Recipe
Forged from the lava pools of the nether itself, the Sword Of Flames completely burns off all armor and any held item the enemy currently has equipped. It Burns the enemy
Peridot is connected to Haste. So when one wears a full set of peridot armor, they mine through stone like a hot knife through butter and applies a Haste II potion effect on the player. Peridot is a tier 1 gem, meaning that its ore spawns between the layers of 1-15. Its tools have 1561 uses and its armor values are equal to diamond.
Peridot Chest Plate
y y
y = Peridot
x = Power Gem Of Haste
Super Drill
Crafting Recipe
The Super Drill can mine 15x faster than a diamond pickaxe and can mine 2271 blocks before breaking.
Sapphire is connected to Resistance. So when one wears a full set of sapphire armor, take less damage from all ranged and non-ranged attacks and applies a Resistance I potion effect on the player. Sapphire is a tier 2 gem, meaning that its ore spawns between the layers of 1-12. Its tools have 2271 uses and its armor values are +1 more to diamond.
Sapphire Chest Plate
y y
y = Sapphire
x = Power Gem Of Resistance
Sword Of The Bull
Crafting Recipe
The Sword Of The Bull intimidates the enemy causing their attacks to become weak and measly. It applies Weakness IV on the enemy
Aquamarine is connected to Jumping. So when one wears a full set of aquamarine armor, they shall soar into the air when they jump and applies a Jump Boost II potion effect on the player. Aquamarine is a tier 1 gem, meaning that its ore spawns between the layers of 1-15. Its tools have 1561 uses and its armor values are equal to diamond.
Aquamarine Chest Plate
y y
y = Aquamarine
x = Power Gem Of Jumping
Sword Of The Angels
Crafting Recipe
The Sword Of The Angels causes the enemy to have an irresitable urge to jump causing them to fly into the air, as if they were carried by angels. It lifts the enemy into the air.
Tourmaline is connected to Regeneration. So when one wears a full set of tourmaline armor, their health regenerates at a substantial rate and applies a Regeneration I potion effect on the player. Tourmaline is a tier 2 gem, meaning that its ore spawns between the layers of 1-12. Its tools have 2271 uses and its armor values are +1 more to diamond.
Tourmaline Chest Plate
y y
y = Tourmaline
x = Power Gem Of Regeneration
Sword Of Recovery
Crafting Recipe
The Sword Of Recovery turns the blood of the mob you are attacking into health. It regenerates health.
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli is connected to Water Breathing. So when one wears a Lapis Chestplate, it is said that one will grow gills and applies a Water Breathing II potion effect on the player. Lapis Lazuli is better than iron but not as good as diamond, its ore spawns between where it normally would which is between the layers of 1-31. Its tools have 852 uses and its armor values are +1 more to iron.
Lapis Lazuli Gem is crafted by putting lapis lazuli in this formation:
x= lapis lazuli
Lapis Lazuli Chest Plate
y y
y = Lapis Lazuli Gem
x = Power Gem Of Water Breathing
The Farmer’s Magic Rake
Crafting Recipe
The Farmers Magic Rake can be used to grow crops,saplings and mushrooms infinitely. It has knock back 2 and can break melons and pumpkins faster.
Power Gem Of Strength
Power Gem Of Speed
Power Gem Of Fire Resistance
Power Gem Of Haste
Power Gem Of Resistance
Power Gem Of Jumping
Power Gem Of Regeneration
Power Gem Of Water Breathing
Mod Installation:
- Download and run the latest version of Minecraft Forge
- Go to Start Menu > Type %appdata%/.minecraft/mods
- Download the mod
- Move the downloaded Jar (zip) file into the �mods� folder
- Done and Enjoy the mod.
- Updated to 1.7.2
- You no longer need the full set to get effects. Only the chestplate is required(This may or may not be temporary)
- Tourmaline effect is no longer as OP as before.(Effect has been replaced with a healing bit of code)
- Sword Of Regenerating has been replaced with Scythe Of Reaping
- Achievements have been removed
- Ore and armour texture touch ups
- Ores are a tad bit more rarer
- Super Drill recipe is changed and durability is increased to 3154
Mod Download Links:
For 1.6.4
For 1.7.2
For 1.7.10
Credits: FlamingPigman
How to fix minecraft mod crash?
Mods Crashes can easily occur due to mod conflicts, wrong versions of mods, or buggy mods. If the player has installed several mods, if using the older launcher, they should try renaming the “bin” directory in the Minecraft folder, then start Minecraft (Or replace the current minecraft.
How do I delete Minecraft Mods?
What you could do it you have Windows is click on the start button and then search run. Click on the secound option. Then search apps. Next go roaming then .minecraft then mods and you should see all your mods. Click the one you want to delete and press delete or backspace.
How do I update Minecraft forge for the Server?
if you run into the case of your server is not starting and you see in the console it’s saying something along these lines;
Console :: net.minecraftforge.fml.common.MultipleModsErrored:
Console :: Missing Mods:
Console :: unknown : need [,): have (Your version of Mc forge may be different
Console :: Missing Mods:
Console :: unknown : need [,): have
1. Open a browser and goto Link Here
2. Download the minecraft forge version you want to update
3. Save the file and run it
4. Select Install Server and click the box with “…”, click the desktop on the left and make a new folder called Forge.2772 and click Open and click OK
5. Go to the folder on your desktop Forge.2772, delete the minecraft_server.jar file and copy the forge-1.12.2- to ForgeMod.jar
Note – The ForgeMod.jar file is case sensitive, ForgeMod.jar is the only way it will work
6. Once that is done, go to the servercraft control panel, stop your server and go in the file manager. Delete the ForgeMod.jar forge-1.12.2- files and the libraries folder
7. You can use the file manager to upload your files or use an FTP program, either way, you need to copy all the files and folder from your Forge.2772 on your desktop to your root folder on your server. With the file manager you can drag and drop files to upload them
8. Once done, you can start your server
9. You can verify in the console that you upgraded it correctly
- Weapon
- Armor
- Furniture
- Decor
- Mobs
- Realism
- Cars
- Magic
- Lucky Blocks
List of Minecraft Mods. Below is the list of Minecraft Mods developed and modified by the Minecraft community.
The latest version is Minecraft 1.16.5 mods, Most popular versions are Minecraft 1.16.4 mods, Minecraft 1.15.2 mods, Minecraft 1.14.4 mods, Minecraft 1.12.2 mods, Minecraft 1.11.2 mods, Minecraft 1.10.2 mods, and Minecraft 1.7.10 mods.!