Escape From Tarkov is an intense survival game where players have to scavenge for valuable items to survive and escape. These items can be sold for in-game currency or used to upgrade gear. The 10 most valuable items in the game include high-tier firearms like the RSASS and AS VAL, rare keys that unlock valuable loot, thermals scopes that offer a significant advantage, and high-end armor like the Gen4 Full protection, among others. These items are highly sought after by players due to their rarity and usefulness, making them extremely valuable in the game’s economy..
What are the most valuable items in Escape From Tarkov?
Escape from Tarkov is an FPS game that takes its primary goals from its name.
You’ll want to escape from the fictional Russian region called Norvinsk by taking advantage of the numerous loot and weapons.
Equipping an assault rifle early on is going to be critical for survival as most of your enemies will be carrying one themselves and, in this war, it is survival of the fittest.
In Escape From Tarkov, you’ll also want to make sure to be equipped outside of the game with the proper headset, mouse, and keyboard in order to be as lethal and tactical as possible.
The Most Valuable Items in Escape From Tarkov
Finally, Escape from Tarkov features a living economy through an online market, and browsing through this market will not only give you an advantage with rare items but can be crucial in order to ensure your survival.
Without further ado, here’s our list of the 10 most valuable items in Escape From Tarkov:
10. Key to KIBA Store Outlet
Value: 1,700,000₽
The Key to KIBA Store Outlet allows you to gain access to the KIBA Equipment Store in the Ultra Shopping Mall in the Interchange.
While this key will allow you access to the store, there is a second key that will give you access to the firearms.
This key can be located in the Interchange if the player searches through a loot box in a tent, in jackets found throughout the map, or looted from fallen Scavs. The key can also be purchased in the online marketplace for the average price of 1,700,000₽, which can fluctuate depending on the market.
If that is too rich for your blood, you can also acquire the key by trading with the Therapist once you raise your loyalty with the character.
9. Key with Tape
Value: 2,000,000₽
Our second key on the list will give you access to room 110 of the East wing in the Health Resort located in the Shoreline region.
You can find this key in jackets throughout the world, in pockets and bags of Scavs, or for the bold, by defeating the boss Sanitar.
For those who prefer to make their way through the world with piles of money, you can purchase the Key with Tape through the marketplace, for approximately 2,000,000₽.
Keep in mind that the key cannot be sold or traded.
You will want to acquire this key through whatever means necessary as you will find valuable loot in room 110 such as a PC, multiple LEDX spawns in the bathroom, medical supplies, rare loose loot, and a plastic suitcase for storage.
8. Object 11SR Keycard
Value: 1,900,000₽
This keycard, helpfully labeled on the back, will unlock a door to an extraction safe room in the Interchange.
Hopefully, you aren’t afraid to get your hands dirty as the keypad for this lock can only be located after flushing a urinal in the Burgerspot location.
Please note that power in Interchange must be working to use this keycard successfully.
Inside the safe room is a switch to open the Object 14 Container, multiple weapon mods spawns, one 4×4 weapon box, one 3×3 weapon box, and a 5×5 weapon box.
The keycard can be purchased in the online marketplace for around 1,900,000₽, traded with the Therapist, and finally, in the pockets of Killa, a boss found in the Ultra Shopping Mall.
7. T-7 Thermal Goggles with Night Vision Mounts
Value: 111,000₽
For the night owls out there, these goggles are an incredible tool for stalking through the night as they provide both night vision and thermal sensing.
This allows you to both spot and put down enemies regardless of weather conditions or light levels.
It’s best to use these with iron sights as IR Rays do not travel through glass, making any other optic incompatible.
The T-7 Thermal Goggles with Night Vision Mounts can be purchased from the marketplace for around 111,000₽ and can be traded with Jaeger who can be found in the Priozersky Reserve after completing the Mechanic’s task introduction.
6. Lab. Green Keycard
Value: 4,000,000₽
The Lab. Green Keycard unlocks the Sterile Laboratory also known as Room G22, inside the Lab.
It can be purchased in the marketplace for the steep price of 4,000,000₽ or has a chance to spawn at the Lab in various locations.
You can find it on top of the reception desk in front of the manager’s office, Room O21, in the Security office, Room R23 on a shelf between two blue folders, and in the Infirmary lvl.1, Room G11 on top of a workbench.
It can also be traded with the Therapist, found on the body of Killa in the Interchange, or looted from pockets and bags belonging to Scavs.
Regardless of how you come across this keycard, it can contain several valuable items, including a med case, medical loot, a black keycard, a 4×4 weapon box, loose weapon mods, and ammo.
There is also gear that has a chance to spawn such as a LEDX Skin Transilluminator, folders with intelligence, and an MP5.
5. Lab. Black Keycard
Value: 3,999,777₽
The Lab. Black Keycard will unlock the door leading to room G12, otherwise known as the experiments area.
This keycard is found in the laboratory G22 room through the Lab.
The Green Keycard is required for entry and also can be found on the body of Glukhar, a boss that spawns in the Reserve. However, you may also get lucky and find the key in the Marked Room located in Customs. But if luck and patience aren’t your thing, the key can be purchased in the marketplace for around 3,999,777₽ or traded with the Therapist.
Once inside the room, you will find one med case and several loose medical items.
4. Lab. Violet Keycard
Value: 4,000,000₽
The Lab. Violet Keycard is another keycard that grants access to loot within the lab, specifically the security post (R23).
The keycard is thankfully located in several places, such as in an SUV parked at the blue warehouse of the lumber camp, in the brick house north of the lumber camp, inside the driver-side door of a car at the checkpoint east of the lumber camp, in the pockets and bags of Scavs, and lastly in random containers.
Again, you can bypass the search by simply heading to the marketplace and dropping 4,000,000₽ or trading with the therapist. The security post contains a possible military COFDM wireless signal transmitter and UHF RFID Reader, weapon mods, two 5×5 weapon boxes, one 4×4 weapon box, money, a possible MP5SD, a possible modded M4A1, and multiple rare item spawns.
3. Lab. Blue Keycard
Value: 7,300,000₽
This keycard grants the player access to room G11, the quarantine zone, in the lab and can be found on either Shturmar’s body in the Woods or Glukhar’s body in the Reserve for those bold enough to take on Escape from Tarkov’s bosses.
For the timider, it can also be found in Shoreline inside the passenger door of an ambulance in front of the health resort, west wing office 104 and 112 in the resort, or in the pockets and bags of Scavs.
The Lab. Blue Keycard can be purchased in the marketplace for 7,300,000₽ or traded with the Therapist.
In room G11 you will find some loose medical loot, two med cases, and a possible LEDX Skin Transilluminator.
2. Small S.I.C.C. Case
Value: 22,000,000₽
The only way to obtain the Small S.I.C.C. Case is to either purchase it in the marketplace for 22,000,000₽ or by trading with Jaegar in the Woods.
The main appeal of this item is the additional 25 inventory slots while only taking up 2 itself, which as the name implies, is pretty sick. This is essential as the more gear and loot you are able to pick up, the better off your chances of survival will be.
The Small S.I.C.C. Case can also be stored in your secure container and can hold more items than both the Keytool and the Documents Case, giving it a greater value than both.
1. Lab. Red keycard
Value: 35,999,999₽
At the top of our list is the Lab. Red Keycard which will open the door to the laboratory security arsenal (R23).
You should note this door will automatically lock itself once closed but can be opened from either direction again.
This keycard can be found after defeating several bosses, including Glukhar in the Reserve, Killa in the Interchange, and both Shturman and Zhrec in the Woods.
It can also be found in wallets or document cases in Customs and the Reserve, and in multiple locations at the resort, such as the east wing room 221, the basement gym in the resort, the administration building, and rooms 203 and 218 in the west wing.
And like the other keycards, you can purchase this in the marketplace for 35,999,999₽ or trade it with the Therapist. With the Lab. Red Keycard in your hand, you will be able to grab ammunition, weapon mods, multiple MP5, and modded M4A1s, an M4A1 SOPMOD II, a possible antique teapot or vase, a possible folder with intelligence, and a Lab. key. Arsenal storage room lock location.
Now possessing the knowledge of which items to prioritize, you are almost ready to jump into Escape from Tarkov.
Since the game is known for its difficulty and realism, you may also want to study some tips and tricks or check out some streamers to get some ideas on how you should play.
That being said, Escape from Tarkov does have a steep learning curve but can be an absolute blast to play once you become invested in the game.
But if you do decide to take the plunge and want to escape your own reality by heading into Tarkov, these items will make you well-equipped to handle the dangers of Tarkov and all those who reside there.
Here’s a quick recap of the 10 most valuable items in Escape From Tarkov:
- Lab. Red Keycard
- Small S.I.C.C. Case
- Lab. Blue Keycard
- Lab. Violet Keycard
- Lab. Black Keycard
- Lab. Green Keycard
- T-7 Thermal Goggles with Night Vision Mounts
- Object 11SR Keycard
- Key With Tape
- Key to KIBA Store Outlet
Which of these valuable items do you think is the hardest to obtain in Escape From Tarkov? Leave a comment below.
Escape from Tarkov is an FPS game where players must escape a Russian region by collecting valuable loot and weapons. Equipping an assault rifle is crucial for survival as enemies carry them. Players should also have the proper gaming equipment. The game features a living economy with an online market where rare items can be bought. The 10 most valuable items in the game include the Key to KIBA Store Outlet, Key with Tape, Object 11SR Keycard, T-7 Thermal Goggles with Night Vision Mounts, Lab. Green Keycard, Lab. Black Keycard, Lab. Violet Keycard, Lab. Blue Keycard, Small S.I.C.C. Case, and Lab. Red Keycard.
Source: gaminggorilla.com
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