It is a new Resource Pack created by Nibblets. Parfait is a French word that means Perfect, and this name is pretty well chosen.That means blocks look less like the cartoony things they are in vanilla Minecraft and more like something you might expect to see if you went outside.
The grass (not grassy dirt) is especially good, with a nice 3D model that responds well to many shader packs and creates some cool shadow effects. Water has ripples and waves in it, which while they may be a simple pattern set on a time, succeed in making oceans, lakes, ponds and rivers look like they’re filled with actual water instead of blue blocks you can swim through. The same thing goes for lava too. This pack has an amazing realistic style and it truly is… perfect
The pack is currently 35% so a lot of things will be added and some textures may change in the future. Parfait 64×64 Resource Pack is compatible with Minecraft 1.9 and 1.8.9. This pack is made to go with shaders here: SEUS MOD
How to install Parfait 64×64 Resource Pack for Minecraft:
- Download and install/use OptiFine HD or MCPatcher HD
- Go to Start Menu > type %appdata%/.minecraft and hit enter
- Go to Resource packs folder
- Download Parfait 64×64 Resource Pack and move the zip file to resourcepacks folder
- Launch Minecraft, go to Options > Resource Packs > Select Parfait 64×64 Resource Pack and open your world.
Download Link:
Credits: Nibblets
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