This content provides a list of the best cheats for the Pokémon Black game when using Action Replay codes. It offers various cheats that players can use to enhance their gameplay, such as modifying the Pokémon’s level, obtaining rare items, or encountering specific Pokémon. By inputting these codes, players can gain an advantage in the game and access exclusive features or bonuses not commonly available. These cheats can be a valuable resource for trainers looking to maximize their Pokémon Black gaming experience..
This is the complete collection of Action Replay codes for Pokémon Black cheats.
Pokémon Black was one of the first installments of the fifth generation of Pokémon games, and it gave players the chance to venture through the Unova region to catch and train their own Pokémon.
However, while Pokémon Black is an amazing game, numerous cheat codes can help make the experience even better or help you out when you are stuck.
Keep reading to learn all about the best cheats in the game that you can start using today.
The Best Pokémon Black Cheats (Action Replay Codes)
We’ve tested all of these cheats to ensure that they work at the time of writing so that you can start enjoying them as soon as you’re done reading.
Here’s our list of the best Pokémon Black cheats:
Increased Walking Speed
Increased walking speed can make moving through the game much easier, and it can be great for those not happy with the vanilla game’s speed.
Once the code is activated, you will move noticeably faster, but you should be careful when using this code on a bike because it can cause some trigger events to be missed.
Cheat Codes:
52197FC4 1C05210C
02197FC8 085F0056
D0000000 00000000
Walk Through Walls
This cheat code allows you to walk through walls and reach areas you otherwise wouldn’t be able to get to.
It pairs well with the increased walk speed cheat mentioned above and the no random battles cheat discussed further down, which can make getting through areas incredibly quick.
When you input the code, press L+A simultaneously to activate it and L+B to deactivate it when you are done.
Cheat Codes:
94000130 fdfc0002
1216398e 00000200
d2000000 00000000
94000130 fdfd0000
1216398e 00001c20
d2000000 00000000
94000130 000002dc
94000136 fffc0000
0224f90c 00000185
0224f910 030e8000
0224f914 00000000
0224f918 02ed8000
038090e0 eb9fe7c7
d2000000 00000000
Catch/Steal Other Trainers Pokémon
If you’re battling another Trainer and they have a Pokémon that you want, this cheat can allow you to steal it for yourself.
This can be especially useful if they are using a Pokémon that you’ve been trying to find in the wild but have yet been unsuccessful in finding.
Cheat Codes:
521CBAAC 2F06D134
121CBAAC 0000E001
121CBAE6 00002001
121CBACC 00002000
D2000000 00000000
Complete Pokedex
This cheat is one of the best Pokémon Black cheats because it automatically fills in your Pokédex, giving you access to all 649 Pokémon.
Once the code is entered, press Select to activate it, and you will have the complete Pokémon list available.
Cheat Codes:
94000130 FFFB0000
0223D1B0 00001803
C0000000 00000131
D6000000 0223D1B4
D2000000 00000000
Encounter Wild Pokémon
If you’re trying to encounter wild Pokémon specifically, you can use this cheat code.
To make it work, input the code and change the YYY to the corresponding number of the Pokémon you want to encounter.
Before entering a fight with a wild Pokémon, press Select to activate the cheat, and you will get the encounter you want.
Keep in mind that only Gen five Pokémon and Legendaries are available with this cheat.
Cheat Codes:
94000130 fffb0000
c0000000 0000002f
12250010 00000YYY
dc000000 00000004
d2000000 00000000
Pokemon Codes:
Vinctini: 1EE
Snivy: 1EF
Servine: 1f0
Serperior: 1f1
Tepig: 1f2
Pignite: 1f3
Emboar: 1f4
Oshawott: 1f5
Dewott: 1f6
Samurott: 1f7
Patrat: 1f8
Watchog: 1f9
Lillipup: 1fa
Herdier: 1fb
Stoutland: 1fc
Purrloin: 1fd
Liepard: 1fe
Pansage: 1ff
Simisage: 200
Pansear: 201
Simisear: 202
Panpour: 203
Simipour: 204
Munna: 205
Musharna: 206
Pidove: 207
Tranquill: 208
Unfezant: 209
Blitzle: 20A
Zebstrika: 20b
Roggenrola: 20c
Boldore: 20d
Gigalith: 20e
Woobat: 20f
Swoobat: 210
Drilbur: 211
Excadrill: 212
Audino: 213
Timburr: 214
Gurdurr: 215
Conkeldurr: 216
Tympole: 217
Palpitoad: 218
Seismitoad: 219
Throh: 21a
Sawk: 21b
Sewaddle: 21c
Swadloon: 21d
Leavanny: 21e
Venipede: 21f
Whirlipede: 220
Scolipede: 221
Cottonee: 222
Whimsicott: 223
Petilil: 224
Lilligant: 225
Basculin: 226
Sandile: 227
Krokorok: 228
Krookodile: 229
Darumaka: 22a
Darmanitan: 22b
Maractus: 22c
Dwebble: 22d
Crustle: 22e
Scraggy: 22f
Scrafty: 230
Sigilyph: 231
Yamask: 232
Cofagrigus: 233
Tirtouga: 234
Carracosta: 235
Archen: 236
Archeops: 237
Trubbish: 238
Garbodor: 239
Zorua: 23a
Zoroark: 23b
Minccino: 23c
Cinccino: 23d
Gothita: 23e
Gothorita: 23f
Gothitelle: 240
Solosis: 241
Duosion: 242
Reuniclus: 243
Ducklett: 244
Swanna: 245
Vanillite: 246
Vanillish: 247
Vanilluxe: 248
Deerling: 249
Sawsbuck: 24a
Emolga: 24b
Karrablast: 24c
Escavalier: 24d
Foongus: 24e
Amoonguss: 24f
Frillish: 250
Jellicent: 251
Alomomola: 252
Joltik: 253
Galvantula: 254
Ferroseed: 255
Ferrothorn: 256
Klink: 257
Klang: 258
Klinklang: 259
Tynamo: 25a
Eelektrik: 25b
Eelektross: 25c
Elgyem: 25d
Beheeyem: 25e
Litwick: 25f
Lampent: 260
Chandelure: 261
Axew: 262
Fraxure: 263
Haxorus: 264
Cubchoo: 265
Beartic: 266
Cryogonal: 267
Shelmet: 268
Accelgor: 269
Stunfisk: 26a
Mienfoo: 26b
Mienshao: 26c
Druddigon: 26d
Golett: 26e
Golurk: 26f
Pawniard: 270
Bisharp: 271
Bouffalant: 272
Rufflet: 273
Braviary: 274
Vullaby: 275
Mandibuzz: 276
Heatmor: 277
Durant: 278
Deino: 279
Zweilous: 27a
Hydreigon: 27b
Larvesta: 27c
Volcarona: 27d
Cobalion: 27e
Terrakion: 27f
Virizion: 280
Tornadus: 281
Thundurus: 282
Reshiram: 283
Zekrom: 284
Landorus: 285
Kyurem: 286
Keldeo: 287
Meloetta: 288
Genesect: 289
No Random Battles
This cheat does exactly what you would expect, and it can make getting through an area a lot easier.
When you enter the code, press Select to activate it, and you won’t have to worry about any random battles popping up, though Trainer battles are still possible.
Cheat Codes:
94000130 FFFB0000
2223D6DD 000000FF
D2000000 00000000
Encounter Shiny Pokémon
For players who want to encounter Shiny Pokémon specifically, you can use this cheat to find as many as you could possibly want.
Once activated, Shiny Pokémon will be the only encounter you will have until you decide to deactivate the cheat.
Cheat Codes:
521A96D0 1C221C39
E2002200 00000028
4C08B57E 88248865
08ED4065 F1A7B40F
1C06FD8F 40410401
428D0CC9 D1F5BC0F
BD7E1C30 0224F93C
021A96D4 FD94F658
D0000000 00000000
No Trainer Battles
If you input this code and press L while walking by Trainers, you won’t have to worry about a fight kicking off.
This can be used alongside the no random battles cheat or with the walk-through walls cheat to make getting past potential battles easier, especially if you’re in a hurry.
Cheat Codes:
521AE258 FB1AF000
94000130 FDFF0000
121AE25E 0000E009
D0000000 00000000
521AE258 FB1AF000
94000130 FDFF0200
121AE25E 0000D109
D2000000 00000000
Unlock All TM/HM
If you want to have access to all the TMs and HMs to give to your Pokémon, you can use this cheat to gain them all.
This can be extremely useful if you want to unlock a specific move for your Pokémon but haven’t been able to find it in-game.
Cheat Codes:
Batch 1 TM/HM
94000130 FFFB0000
022345A0 0001026A
022345A4 0001026B
022345A8 0001026C
D5000000 00010148
C0000000 0000005B
D6000000 02234430
D4000000 00000001
D1000000 00000000
C0000000 00000005
D6000000 0223443C
D4000000 00000001
D2000000 00000000
Batch 2 TM/HM
94000130 FFFB0000
022345A0 0001026A
022345A4 0001026B
022345A8 0001026C
D5000000 00010148
C0000000 0000005A
D6000000 02234430
D4000000 00000001
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFFB0000
D5000000 000101A4
C0000000 00000004
D6000000 022345AC
D4000000 00000001
D2000000 00000000
Unlimited PP
This cheat gives you unlimited Power Points that your Pokémon can use to perform moves.
When activated, your Pokémon’s power points will never drop after performing a move, giving them unlimited potential during battle.
Cheat Codes:
921D5618 0000D301
121D5618 0000E003
D2000000 00000000
Nature Modifier
If you want to change the nature of one of your Pokémon, you can use this cheat list.
To make it work, input the code and go to the summer of the Pokémon you want to change.
Access the menu so you can see their nature and press L or R, and the nature should change if you input the code correctly!
Cheat Codes:
521D5390 F6304841
E2002080 00000060
29006DA9 2103D103
42080209 4770D100
65A92101 448E2106
0A06B5FF 21011C28
F818F1D4 F1D31C28
1C04FFDD 22002170
FEEAF015 D1042E01
28193001 2000D108
2E02E006 2800D104
2018D101 3801E000
1C201C02 F0152170
1C28FEC5 F1D32100
020020E0 BDFFFFF9
121D539E 0000F62C
121D53A0 0000FE6F
D2000000 00000000
x900 Master Balls
Master balls are great to have because they allow you to catch any Pokémon without a chance of failing.
However, coming across them in-game can be difficult, which is why this cheat is so useful.
When you use this code, press L+R, and the next time you access your bag, you will see 900 master balls waiting to be used!
Cheat Codes:
94000130 FCFF0000
02233FAC 03840001
D2000000 00000000
Share Experience
This cheat is really useful for leveling all your Pokémon equally, as it allows all Pokémon to receive experience from a battle, even if they weren’t used.
By sharing experience points, you don’t have to worry about spending loads of time leveling Pokémon separately and can quickly make them more powerful.
Cheat Codes:
521CB43C 42819903
121CB440 000046C0
D2000000 00000000
Max Healing Items
When you use this cheat, you will receive 900 healing items that you can use to keep your Pokémon in good health.
After inputting the code, press Select to activate it and check your inventory to make sure you have all the items you need.
Cheat Codes:
94000130 FFFB0000
D5000000 03840011
C0000000 00000025
D6000000 02234784
D4000000 00000001
D2000000 00000000
Unlock All Badges
To unlock all badges in the region, you can use this cheat to quickly gain them all at once.
This can save you a lot of time, and it can help if you are experiencing a glitch that is preventing you from acquiring them all.
Cheat Codes:
94000130 FFFB0000
1223D8AC 0000270F
D2000000 00000000
Unlock All Berries
Berries are some of the most useful items in the Pokémon Black Version, and this cheat will give you all the berries you will ever need.
Once you enter the code and press Select to activate it, you can check your bag, where 900 of each berry type should be waiting for you.
Cheat Codes:
94000130 FFFB0000
C0000000 0000003F
12234846 00000384
DC000000 00000004
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFFB0000
D5000000 00000095
C0000000 0000003F
D7000000 02234844
D4000000 00000001
DC000000 00000002
D2000000 00000000
Unlock All Items
While the code is long, it is definitely one of the most useful if you want to have access to all the items in the game.
Like many other cheats, all you need to do is input the code and press Select, after which all items should appear in your bag with 900 of each item.
Keep in mind that this cheat doesn’t cover TMs, HMs, or berries, so you will need to add those using the other cheats mentioned above.
Cheat Codes:
94000130 FFFB0000
022340A8 03840074
022340AC 03840075
022340B0 03840076
022340B4 03840077
02234344 0384023C
02234348 0384023D
0223434C 0384023E
02234350 0384023F
02234354 03840240
02234358 03840241
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFFB0000
D5000000 03840001
C0000000 0000000F
D6000000 02233FAC
D4000000 00000001
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFFB0000
D5000000 03840041
C0000000 0000002E
D6000000 02233FEC
D4000000 00000001
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFFB0000
D5000000 03840087
C0000000 0000000C
D6000000 022340B8
D4000000 00000001
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFFB0000
D5000000 038400D5
C0000000 00000071
D6000000 022340EC
D4000000 00000001
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFFB0000
D5000000 038401EC
C0000000 00000008
D6000000 022342B4
D4000000 00000001
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFFB0000
D5000000 03840219
C0000000 0000001A
D6000000 022342D8
D4000000 00000001
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFFB0000
D5000000 03840244
C0000000 0000000A
D6000000 0223435C
D4000000 00000001
D2000000 00000000
Infinite Cash
If you want to be the richest Trainer in the Unova region, this cheat is one you won’t want to miss.
When you enter the code, press Select and then check your Trainer status, where you should see that you now have 9999999 Pokémon dollars that you can spend on whatever you want!
Cheat Codes:
94000130 FFFB0000
0223CDAC 0098967F
D2000000 00000000
If you don’t want your Pokémon to take any damage, you can use this invulnerability cheat to keep them at 100% throughout any battle.
Basically, it is the god mode of Pokémon Black, and it will definitely make you feel like a badass when your Pokémon can just tank any damage thrown at it.
Cheat Codes:
521C605C D10E2800
021C605C FBD0F1E8
023AE800 D0002800
023AE804 4903BD70
023AE808 428E6809
023AE80C 2400D200
023AE810 46C04770
023AE814 0226993C
D2000000 00000000
We hope you enjoyed our list of the best Pokémon Black cheats and that they’ll help you during your next playthrough.
While cheats aren’t for everyone, they can definitely make the game a bit more exciting and can be necessary if you run into a glitch or challenging situation.
Check out our other Pokémon cheat lists:
- The Best Pokemon Yellow Cheats
- The Best Pokemon Blue Cheats
- The Best Pokemon Crystal Cheats
- The Best Pokemon Fire Red Cheats
- The Best Pokemon Emerald Cheats
Would you add any more Pokémon Black cheats to this list? Leave a comment below.
This content is a collection of Action Replay codes for Pokémon Black cheats. The cheats include increased walking speed, walking through walls, catching other trainers’ Pokémon, completing the Pokédex, encountering specific wild Pokémon, encountering shiny Pokémon, no random battles, no trainer battles, unlocking all TM/HM moves, unlimited PP, changing a Pokémon’s nature, obtaining 900 master balls, sharing experience points, receiving max healing items, unlocking all badges, and obtaining all berries and items. These cheats can enhance gameplay and provide assistance in various aspects of the game.
Source: gaminggorilla.com
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