The Everlasting Abilities Mod 1.11.2/1.10.2/1.7.10 features multitudes of different abilities that players can equip. You can use the Flight ability to fly, the Jump Boost ability to increase your jump bight, the Hunger ability to make all entities in your immediate vicinity hungry, the Poison ability to poison all entities in your area and, similar to these, there are multitudes of other abilities that you can equip onto your character.
Everlasting Abilities Mod is an answer for you from Minecraft and I hope this answer will satisfy you.
This mod allows you to have persistent abilities which stay on you after you die, and you don’t have to carry around specific items.
If you first spawn in a world, you will receive an Ability Bottle with a random ability.
Moving abilities to your player requires a certain amount of experience, moving them back to the bottle will give you back that experience.
Abilities have a maximum level, so don’t try to get yourself 20 levels of the speed ability…
The following abilities are available:
- Flight: Allows you to fly
- Step Assist: Automatically step up a certain number of blocks depending on the level
- Fertility: Animals in the area become fertile
- Bonemealer: Bonemeal the area
- Power Stare: Push away entities you’re looking at
- Magnetize: Attract nearby items
- Speed: Walk faster
- Haste: Mine faster
- Strength: Inflict more damage when attacking
- Jump Boost: Jump Higher
- Regeneration: Regenerate health faster
- Resistance: Take less damage from attacks
- Fire Resistance: Take less damage from fire
- Water Breathing: Breathe underwater
- Invisibility: Become invisible
- Night Vision: See in the dark
- Absorption: Adds absorption hearts
- Saturation: Reduce hunger
- Luck: Have a higher chance on better loot
- Slowness: Entities in the area move slower
- Mining Fatigue: Entities in the area mine slower
- Nausea: Entities in the area get nauseous
- Blindness: Entities in the area become blind
- Hunger: Entities in the area become hungry
- Weakness: Entities in the area become weaker
- Poison: Entities in the area become poisoned
- Wither: Entities in the area become withered
- Glowing: Entities in the area start glowing
- Levitation: Entities in the area start levitating
- Unluck: Entities in the area have a lower chance on good loot
Abilities that target entities in an area won’t be applied to players that are in the same team as you.
Every ability can be disabled in the config file.
If you die, at the hand of a player, you will lose one random ability. This ability will drop in anAbility Totem, which the other player can pickup and use for themself. (This behaviour can be changed in the config file).
Ability totems with random abilities can be found in loot chests.
Certain mobs will also drop abilities. These mobs can be identified by looking at their particle effects, the color of the effects shows the rarity of their ability.
This mod collects anonymized startup data, this can be disabled in the config file and adheres to Minecraft’s snooper settings.
Mod Requires:
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For Minecraft 1.11.2 and 1.9.4
Author: kroeser
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