The Too Much TNT Mod is a popular Minecraft modification that adds new types of explosives and other items to the game. This mod was created by Minecraft mod developer MinecraftTNTstuff and is available for Minecraft versions 1.7.10, 1.8.9.

The Too Much TNT Mod can add a lot of excitement to Minecraft gameplay, especially for players who enjoy explosions and destruction. However, it’s worth noting that the mod can also make the game easier and may remove some of the challenge of survival gameplay. As such, it may be best suited for players who are looking for a more casual and fun Minecraft experience.
It’s also important to be aware of potential issues when using the Too Much TNT Mod, such as block damage to structures and potential crashes or glitches. As with any mod, it’s recommended to test the mod in a separate Minecraft installation or world before using it in a main game save.
In addition to adding new types of explosives, the Too Much TNT Mod also introduces a variety of other new features to Minecraft, such as:
- Customizable explosion effects: The mod allows players to customize the size, shape, and other properties of explosions caused by TNT blocks, allowing for more creative destruction.
- New materials: The mod adds new materials that can be used to craft various items, such as the Gunpowder Block, which can be used as a more powerful explosive, and the Obsidian Stick, which can be used to craft the Obsidian Pickaxe.
- New mobs: The mod introduces several new mobs, such as the TNT Beetle, which drops TNT blocks when killed, and the Firefly, which can be caught and used as a light source.
- Enhanced multiplayer support: The mod includes several features designed to enhance multiplayer gameplay, such as the ability to lock TNT blocks so that only the owner can detonate them.
Overall, the Too Much TNT Mod can be a fun and exciting addition to Minecraft for players who enjoy explosive gameplay and want to add new elements to the game. However, it’s important to use the mod responsibly and be aware of its potential impact on gameplay and performance
Some of the features included in the Too Much TNT Mod include:
- Over 50 new types of TNT: This mod adds a wide variety of new explosive blocks to Minecraft, each with their own unique properties and effects. Some examples include the Meteor TNT, which creates a fiery explosion that rains down meteor fragments, and the Mining Flat TNT, which explodes in a flat pattern and is ideal for mining large areas.
- Custom crafting recipes: The mod includes custom crafting recipes for each type of TNT block, as well as other items such as bombs, grenades, and even nukes.
- New tools and weapons: The mod adds new tools and weapons, such as the Obsidian Pickaxe and the C4 Remote, that can be used to aid in mining and combat.
- Customizable explosion settings: The mod includes an options menu that allows players to customize the size, power, and other settings of the various explosive blocks.
- Compatibility with other mods: The Too Much TNT Mod is compatible with other Minecraft modifications, allowing players to combine it with other mods to create unique gameplay experiences.
It’s important to note that the Too Much TNT Mod can be quite resource-intensive and may require a powerful computer to run smoothly, especially when using large explosive blocks or multiple instances of TNT at once. As with any Minecraft mod, it’s recommended to download the mod from a trusted source and to always back up your Minecraft save files before installing any new modifications.
The new ore is very rare and you can’t find it easily however there is enough of new ore for gunpowder. Apart from this, Mod TNT offer basic upgrades that include TXT x500, TNT x 100, TNT x20 and TNT x 5. Player can also get badder and bigger bombs like MiningFlat TNT, MeteorTNT and nukes. These have the ability to blasts huge holes along Z and X axis. For those Minecraft gamers who like blowing stuff up, Too Much TNT Mod is the best mod for you. In addition to this, TNT Mod 1.7.10 → 1.8 adds 54 Uranium Ore and Gunpowder and TNT’s to the game.
Tier 1 |
TNTx5: Stronger than the TNT in default Minecraft. Basic material for other TNTs. |
HouseTNT: When exploded, spawns a basic cobblestone house. |
WoodHouseTNT: Upgrade of HouseTNT, spawns a wood planked house. |
GhostTNT: TNT falls through blocks and explodes underground. |
MultiplyTNT: Doubles every block exploded. Will not multiply the following: |
GoldOre, LapisBlock, IronBlock, GoldBlock, DiamondBlock, EmeraldBlock, RedstoneBlock, QuartzBlock, CoalBlock, JukeBox, EnchantmentTable, BrewingStand, Cauldron, RedstoneLamp, EnderChest, all wire stuff, CommandBlock, Beacon, HeadBlocks, Anvil, GoldPressurePlate, IronPressurePlate, RedstoneComparator, DaylightSensor, Hopper, QuartzStairs, Dropper, StainedClay, HayBale, carpets, any block from another mod. |
DiggingTNT: 1×1 hole down about 60 blocks. 3 block deep water at bottom. |
CubicTNT: destroys 5x5x5 area around block. |
TimerTNT: Will take a long time to explode. When TNT is green it means you have time, yellow = about to explode, red = will explode in seconds. |
Tier 2 |
TNTx20: Stronger than the TNTx5. Basic material for other TNTs. |
FlatTNT: Destroys every area but below it, in other words it flattens out the land, saves you time to make structures. |
MiningFlatTNT: Same as flat bomb except is meant for under ground mining. Has a bigger explosion in the X and Z axis but twice as small in the Y axis. also places torches for you. |
BrickHouseTNT: Upgrade of WoodHouseTNT, spawns a brick house. |
VaporizeTNT: Destroys nothing but water and lava. Don’t make a video where you blow it up on land. There’s enough of them. |
EnderTNT: Won’t destroy any blocks. It will knock back player far distances. |
FreezeTNT: Replaces all blocks around it with ice. |
AnimalTNT: Doesn’t destroy any blocks. It will spawn 2 of almost every mob in the game. |
GravityTNT: Before you say this is a copy of the NovaBomb from Explosives +, keep in mind this only affects entities, not blocks, and most likely has completely different coding involved. |
GroveTNT: Spawns grass as base and trees. |
Lightning TNT: When you explode this, you will summon a lot of lightning |
Tier 3 |
CompactTNT: After original explosion, the TNT will splatter regular TNT everywhere. |
Mankind’s Mark: When exploding, it spawns a 2 story house. |
FireTNT: Explodes fire everywhere. |
SnowTNT: Explodes snow everywhere. |
DrillingTNT: Upgrade of DiggingTNT. Large hole down to bedrock (depends where you explode it). places water at bottom. |
ChemicalTNT: Explodes into more TNT, then more! Destruction! Originally, when you ignited it, it blasted off like a rocket, and then falls down. When the tnt hits the ground, it explodes and explodes until it hits the bedrock or the void. |
FloatingIslandTNT: Copies the land around the TNT and spawns a floating version of the land. Doesn’t destroy any blocks, and will not copy rare blocks such as diamonds blocks. |
SpiralTNT: Will float up similar to FloatingTNT but will shoot out TNT in a spiral pattern. |
Mountain Top Removal: Great for Mountains, flattens out rough spaces and puts coal in the bottom. |
Dust Bowl: This Dries up the land and kills trees. |
Hexahedron: Does the same as CubicTnt, but the cube is Bigger. |
Sphere TNT: It explodes in a sphere fashoned crater. |
Arrow TNT; This, when exploded, will erupt into arrows. |
Tier 4 |
TNTx100: Stronger than TNTx20. Basic material for other TNTs. |
OceanTNT: Spawns leveled water according to the location of the TNT. Also spawns squids. |
Poseidon’s Wave: Does the same as OceanTnt, but the range is bigger and makes it rain. |
EruptingTNT: After lit, shoots TNT in the air and comes crashing down. |
SandFirework: Once lit TNT will fly into the sky and shoot sand in every direction. |
ReactionTNT: An upgrade of the ChemicalTNT. All explosions happen randomly around the TNT after lit. |
TNTFirework: Acts as SandFirework but instead explodes TNT which explode on impact. |
Easter Egg: When ignited, this tnt will explode into melons and pumpkins. Then the easter egg will split, for even more melons and pumpkins. Then it will split EVEN MORE for , you know , TONS OF MELONS AND PUMPKINS!!! Then it will stop. |
MeteorShowerTNT: Once lit, will rain the TNT from the sky. |
InvertedTNT: If you like to grief, then this is for you. Instead of destroying block this TNT places block in the blast radius and spawns blocks based on what is 64 blocks underneath it. |
Heaven’s Gate: Does the same as FloatingIsland TNT, but the island is bigger. |
Hell’s Gate: This is the negative Version of Heaven’s gate, as it will be netherized. |
Tier 5 |
TNTx500: Stronger than TNTx100. Basic material for other TNT’s. |
MeteorTNT: This TNT will spawn a “meteor” in the sky so don’t think the TNT doesn’t work. MeteorTNT will explode on impact and make a crater. |
HellFireTNT: Counterpart of OceanTNT. Leaves nether rack, fire, and lava. Also releases Ghasts. |
NuclearTNT: Places nuclear waste everywhere. Will wipe out leaves, kill plants, and melt ice and snow. |
FloatingTNT: Once lit it will float up instead of fall, the explosion will somewhat shred up the land. |
The Revolution: It’ll float up similar to SpiralTnt and Floating Tnt, but will shoot out TNT in a spiral pattern. The spiraled TNT will then split twice. |
Chicxulub: Will Spawn a huge metor like meteor tnt, but it splits into little pecies, but then explodes and leaves a HUGE crater. |
Pompei: When it explodes, it will pop, and erupt into a LOT of TNTs, which is similar of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, Then spawn lava where it explodes. |
Godly TNTs: Upgrades to some regular TNT |
CustomTNT: You can now create your own TNT by editing the options in TooMuchTNT.cfg (config). |
Tier 6 (The Ultimate) |
Global Disaster: Biggest in this mod. When it explodes, you get a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGE CRATER! Oh, and an important note: You better run. |
Other |
Nuclear Waste: Placed by NuclearTNT. This has the shape of snow, is neon green, glows, and hurts player. |
Advantages of Using Too Much TNT Mod 1.7.10 → 1.8
- TNT Mod has the ability to rename MiningFlat TNT, FlatTNT, EnderTNT, MiningFlatBomb, FlatBomb and EnderBomb.
- It’s can add tabs for your mod on excellent and creative mode
- The mod has the potential to create free roaming lag that is intended for notorious MeteorTNT
- This type of mod can snow and fire smaller Dynamite
Too Much TNT Mod adds 5 new kinds of TNT and dynamite. These explosives are massive and have the ability to destroy big areas. Other explosives are unique and have the potential to dig mines and build houses.
can be easily downloaded and use and this is one of the reasons why many Minecraft gamers are all satisfied and happy with the amazing features and advantages of this type of mod. With the help and existence of Mod, you can be sure that you will get hold an amazing and fascinating Minecraft game experience.
Mod showcase:
For more details and information about the installation process of TMTNT Mod, all you need read here!
To install the Too Much TNT Mod for Minecraft, follow these steps:
- Download and install Minecraft Forge: The Too Much TNT Mod requires Minecraft Forge to be installed first. You can download Minecraft Forge from the official website: https://24hminecraft.com/minecraft-forge/.
- Download the Too Much TNT Mod: You can download the mod from a reputable modding website such as CurseForge, MinecraftMods, or PlanetMinecraft. Make sure to download the correct version of the mod for your Minecraft version.
- Install the mod: Once you have downloaded the mod file, locate your Minecraft mods folder. This is usually located in the .minecraft directory, which can be found by navigating to the “Roaming” folder in Windows and then opening the “.minecraft” folder. Drag and drop the mod file into the mods folder.
- Launch Minecraft: Start up Minecraft and select the Forge profile from the Minecraft launcher. The mod should now be installed and ready to use.
It’s important to note that the installation process may vary slightly depending on your operating system and Minecraft version. Always be sure to download mods from trusted sources and to back up your Minecraft save files before installing any new modifications.
Too Much TNT Mod — Download Links
Name | Too Much TNT Mod |
Update on | May 24, 2017 |
Developer |
MinecraftTNTstuff |
Get it on PC |
For 1.4.7/1.4.6 For 1.4.5 For 1.5.2 For 1.6.2 For minecraft 1.6.4 For minecraft 1.7.2 For minecraft 1.7.10 For minecraft 1.8 For minecraft 1.12.2 |
Credits: MinecraftTNTstuff – Original Thread on Minecraft Forum
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